Your Will
Itisestimatedthatmorethan50percent of Americans do not have a Will. A Will allows you to control how your loved ones areprovidedforafteryourdeath;itcanalso
Theeasiestwaytomakeaplannedgiftisto include a simple bequest in your Will. If you alreadyhaveaWill,pleasetaketimetoreview it to ensure it meets your present needs, and fulfillsyourwishes.Atanytimeacodicilallows foranaddedprovisionorchangestotheterms of theWill.
–in faith,inspeech,inknowledge, in complete earnestness and in yourloveforus–seethatyoualso excelinthisgraceofgiving.
2 Cor 8:7-9
the joy of
St. Ann Church
Fulfill your dreamsof stewardship through anactoffaith
Opportunities in Planned Giving
The Stewardship Connection
In their pastoral letter, Stewardship: ADisciple’s Response,theU.S.Bishopsremindusthatgood disciplesandstewardsdothefollowing:
“As Christian stewards, we receive God’sgiftsgratefully,cultivatethem responsibly, share them lovingly in justicewithothers,andreturnthem withincreasetotheLord.”
Each generation of Catholics is given an important mission: how do we pass on the faith to the next generation? Foremost is evangelization — knowing our faith well and sharing it with others. As important, is the carefulandprayerfulsharingofourGod-given
—includesthethingswehaveaccumulated over ourlifetime.
As Catholic Christians, we believe that our assets and our ability to accumulate them are gifts from a loving, generous God. We havearesponsibilitytousethesegiftswisely andprudently—aswellastosharethemwith others — our family certainly, but also with thoseinstitutionsdevotedtospreadingGod’s reignonearth.
Bequests in a Will, charitable gift annuities, trusts,insuranceandgiftsofappreciatedstock are all planned gifts, or gifts that come after muchthoughtandconsultationwithprofessional advisors. These important gifts will ensure that our lives will touch the lives that come after us tobuildthefaithforgenerationstocome.
Charitable Gift Annuity
Charitable Remainder Trust
Assets that are not used in payingannuitytothedonors orothersbenefittheparish.
Upon the death of thedonor or last surviving income beneficiary, the remaining assets benefit theparish.
Significant gift upon the death of the donor benefits the parish.
•Guaranteed fixed income forlife.
•Deferred taxdeductions.
•Possible income-taxand estate-taxdeductions.
•Estate-taxandincome-taxsavings for substantial portion ofgift.