WIOA Partnership Career Services Collaboration Checklist:

Updated 03/20/17

What “career services” can each required partner*provide (“allowable, reasonable, necessary and allocable”)?

Career Services Responsibility / Adult & Dis / Youth / Job Corps / Youth Build / Native Am / Migrant / Wagner / Adult Ed / VR / Senior / CTE / TAA / Veterans / CBG / HUD / UC / 2nd chance / TANF
a)Determination of eligibility to receive services / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x / x
b)Outreach, intake, orientation of services available through the one-stop system / x / x / x
c)Initial assessment of skills including literacy, numeracy, and English language proficiency as well as aptitudes, abilities and support service needs / x
d)Labor exchange services including
  1. Job search and placement assistance and career counseling including
/ x / x
  1. Appropriate recruitment and other business services on behalf of employers,
/ x
e)Referrals to and coordination of activities with other programs / x / x / x
f)Provision of workforce and labor market information / x / x / x
  1. Job vacancy listings
/ x
  1. Information on job skills necessary for vacant jobs
/ x / x
  1. Local demand occupations, earnings, skill requirements and advancement
/ x / x
g)Programs costs / x / x / x
h)Local performance accountability measures and information / x / x / x
i)Availability of supportive services or meaningful assistance and referrals to those services
  1. Child care
/ x
  1. Child support
/ x
  1. Medical and child health assistance (Medicaid and CHIP)
/ x
  1. SNAP
/ x
  1. TANF
/ x
j)Filing a claim for unemployment compensation / x
  1. Providing “meaningful assistance” means

  1. Well-trained staff or

  1. By phone or via technology provided by trained available staff

  1. The cost may be paid by State’s unemployment insurance program or WiOA adult or dislocated worker programs or a combination thereof.

k)Assistance in eligibility for financial aid for training and education / x / x
l)Individualized career services must be made available if appropriate to obtain or retain employment including
  1. Comprehensive and specialized assessment of skill levels and service needs
/ x / x
  1. Diagnostic testing and other assessments

  1. In-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify barriers and goals
/ x / x
  1. Development of an individual employment plan, goals, objectives, combination of services
/ x / x
  1. Group counseling

  1. Individual counseling

  1. Career planning

  1. Short-term pre-vocational services

  1. Development of learning skills

  1. Communication skills

  1. Interviewing skills

  1. Punctuality

  1. Personal maintenance skills

  1. Professional conduct

  1. Internships and work experiences

  1. Workforce preparation activities

  1. Financial literacy services

  1. Out-of-are job search and relocation

  1. English language acquisition and intergrade education and training

m)Follow-up services including counseling for adult and dislocated worker activities
n)TANF agencies must identify employment services and support
  1. Determination of eligibility to receive services

  1. Outreach, intake, orientation of services available through the one-stop system

  1. Initial assessment of skills including literacy, numeracy, and English language proficiency as well as aptitudes, abilities and support service needs

  1. Labor exchange services including

  1. Job search and placement assistance and career counseling including

  1. Appropriate recruitment and other business services on behalf of employers,

  1. Referrals to and coordination of activities with other programs

  1. Provision of workforce and labor market information

  1. Job vacancy listings

  1. Information on job skills necessary for vacant jobs

  1. Local demand occupations, earnings, skill requirements and advancement

*Who are the required WIOA Partners?

1. Programs authorized under WIOA Title I

  1. Adults;
  2. Dislocated workers;
  3. Youth;
  4. Job Corps;
  5. YouthBuild;
  6. Native American programs; and
  7. Migrant and seasonal farmworker Programs

2. Wagner-Peyser Employment Service program

3. The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act

4. The Vocational Rehabilitation program

5. The Senior Community Service Employment Programs (Title V of the Older Americans Act)

6. Career and technical education programs at the postsecondary level

7. Trade Adjustment Assistance activities (chapter 2 of Title II of the Trade Act)

8. Jobs for Veterans State Grants programs (chapter 42 of Title 38)

9. Employment and training activities (under the Community Services Block Grant)

10. Employment and training activities (Department of Housing and Urban Development)

11. Programs under State unemployment compensation laws

12. Programs under sec 212 of the Second Chance Act of 2007 (reintegration of ex-offenders), and

13. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) (part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act)

McLendon & Associates, November 2016Participant Reproduction PermittedPage 1