Heavy Industries Taxila
Tel : (051) 9315077
12 April 2018
To: / M/s ______
(All Concerned)
Subject: / Tender Inquiry for Pre Qualification -FOR

1.Advance System Rebuild Factory (ASRF)invited to please forward your sealed offer for installation of mini/small exchange consist of following store/accessories, for which suppliers, manufacturers and engineering houses are invited to participate with following prequalification requirements:-

(i)Should have experience/ track record for supplying similar parts/items.

(ii)Should have a recognized/ documentary proof of principal/ of relevant parts/ items.

(iii)Should have good track record without blacklisting/ debarring.

S/No / Part / Nomenclature / A/u / Qty
a. / NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / Small /Mini Exchange of 24 Lines / Nos / 01
Consist of
NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / Stabilizer as per requirement
NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / Bty backup as per requirement
NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / Extension Line as per requirement
NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / Trunk Ports as per requirement
NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / CLI card as per requirement
NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / DISA OGM Card & Master Set Included as per requirement
b. / NIV ‘’or equivalent’’ / Tel Sets with CLI / Set / 17

2.Certified firms will submit commercial quote within 15 days of issuance of qualification letter. Tech committee from the concerned factory of HIT will visit all pre-qualified firms to verify the firm’s capabilities to undertake the said order if required.

3.The tender quotation will be enclosed in sealed envelope which will be invariably marked with quotation against tender inquiry no 5942/IT/57/LP/ASRF/HIT/Proc dated11 April 2018 to be opened on 3-5-18 and complete postal address of tenders. The tender, if brought by hand, will be dropped in quotation box available at ASRF Gate. The quotation will not be brought by hand by any firm while visiting the offices of Deputy Assistant Director (Procurement).

4.If desired endorsement is not made on the envelope, quotation is liable to be disqualified. The quotation will be opened on3-5-18 at 11:30 hours in the presence of the available representative of the firm by president of the Board. No quotation will be entertained/ considered after 11:00 hours, on the aforementioned date.

5.The store will be supplied/installed within 01 x monthafter signing of contract.

6.Postal order for Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred Only) in favor of MD ( ASRF)invariably be enclosed with the quotation, failing which the quotation will be ignored.

7.Part payment against part delivery is not allowed.

8.Please indicate full detail (specifications, manufactures etc) of the store offered in your quotation. If required details are found missing, the quotation will be automatically stand disqualified and rejected.

9.The store will be packed in standard grade worthy of transportation by the means adopted.

10.This inquiry may not be taken an indication of subsequent supply order and does not in any way commit HIT to purchase the item’s offered.

11.In case of failure within stipulated period liquidate damages at the rate of 2% but not less than 1% of amount involved per month or a part their-off will be levied.

12.In case of your firm fail to execute the order within the stipulated time and does not materialize the supply of ordered stores the supply order contract will be cancelled at firm’s risk and expense. Expense expenditure incurred on the repurchase of offered stores will be recovered from your firm under existing procedures.

13.Payment will be made by the CMA (HIT) Taxila Cantt through cheque against pre-receipted bill (dully affixed with revenue stamp) along with professional tax certificate (photocopy attested) of the supplier after delivery and acceptance of stores.

14.Indenter purchaser reserves the right to increase/ decrease the quantity of items, placed on the tender without any reference to the firm.

15.Offers must remain valid for 120 days from the date of opening of tender.

16.All clauses/ terms mentioned in this inquiry will be considered accepted by the firm in case no reference to term is given in the offer.

17.Firms are instructed NOT to send Telex and Fax quotations. Such quotations/ offers will not be accepted.

18.In case you do not wish to quote the rates please return the tender documents duly signed/ stamped at your earliest.

19.Country of OriginAll countries except India, Israel and Taiwan.

20.Inspection of the store will be carried out at HIT Taxila Cantt.

21.Earnest MoneyFirms which are not registered with HIT can participate in the tender by depositing 5% Earnest Money of total value. The earnest money will be submitted in the shape of CDR/ Bank Guarantee addressing to Director CMA, Heavy Industries Taxila Cantt, otherwise quotation will be disqualified.

22.5% security deposit (of contract value) will be provided by the firm within one month of signing of contract in the shape of Bank Draft from scheduled bank CDR by the name of CMA HIT. The same will be released after one year from date of acceptance of stores/ issuance of last CRC. .

23.Evaluation CriteriaBid evaluation criteria is already embedded in IT.


DAD (Proc)

(Shafiq ullah Khan)