What is an IA?
Individual Augmentee. In contrast to a Sailor that deploys with a ship, squadron or unit, a Sailor who leaves their assigned unit or command to deploy individually or with a small group is known as an Individual augmentee (IA). Half of the deployed IAs are active duty and half are reservists. Most IAs are concentrated in the 26-nation Central Command region, which includes Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain and the Horn of Africa. The rest are serving elsewhere in the world.
What are the mandatory prerequisites?
Your current command or NOSC is responsible for ensuring all of your mandatory requirements are completed before you leave your current command. Incomplete or falsified requirements could delay your processing, negatively impact the IA mission, cause a requirement for a replacement for you to be generated and result in possible disciplinary action. You may also lose your PCS orders if you are disqualified from filling your GSA billet after you leave your current command/ NOSC.
Sailors and commands/ NOSCs are responsible for ensuring the proper completion all of the mandatory prerequisites contained in their orders and in the official version of the ECRC IA checklist. The official version of the ECRC IA Checklist as stated in your orders is located on the IA page of NKO and on the ECRC website only and must be completed and submitted electronically to ECRC. Arrival at NMPS with incomplete or incorrect checklist items will result in delays and possible disqualification. GSA IA Sailors may lose their orders and have to renegotiate for orders from TPU if they are disqualified after they leave their current command.
What is an NE number?
NE stands for Noble Eagle and the number looks like NE-1234-0123. Your NE number can be found in your orders following the itinerary. A NE number, simply stated, is a tracking number applied to a specific billet in support of a specific mission. The Navy tracks you and your IA billet using this number. The number is composed of two parts after the NE. The first four digits are made up of the mission CRI (Claimant Request ID) or RTN (Requirement Tracking Number). The next four digits indicate the specific billet assigned to that mission. As per our example, 1234 would be the CRI / RTN for the mission. 0123 indicates the 123rd billet assigned to this mission. Your NE number is the key to getting information about you and your mission. Have this number available when contacting ECRC as we will use it to locate your information in our system. Please remember to leave this number with your family before you deploy in case your family should need assistance from ECRC while you are gone.
My NE number is (insert your number here) where and what will I be doing?
In most cases, your orders tell you in a two or three word billet description. As far as specific duties, we do not have access to that information. Some of the well established missions, that have more personnel attached, have a more specific description available. Other missions have just one or a few Sailors assigned and specific information is not going to be available until you are face to face with the unit you will be serving with. We can give out country locations and occasionally specific in-country locations. Other times we can’t give out specific in-country locations because they are either classified or fluid. Remember basic Operational Security (OPSEC).
What is NMPS?
NMPS stands for Navy Mobilization and Processing Site and is the first stop on most IA tours. You are to report to NMPS in the appropriate uniform of the day. Uniform of the day information and additional current NMPS information is posted in the NMPS links located on the NKO and ECRC websites. NMPS will verify that all required items listed in your orders and on the ECRC IA Checklist were completed, e-learning courses were completed, all medical screening is satisfactory including shots, and your security clearance is up to date. NMPS coordinates various briefs and combat uniform fittings.
If you don’t have everything done before you get to NMPS, it will at the very least impact your liberty time and may at the worst cause you to lose your orders. NMPS location is determined by training criteria and unit requirements and Sailors will be processed through the NMPS location that is written in their orders.
Information and points of contact for NMPS sites are located in the orders and on the IA page of NKO and on the ECRC website. You will be at NMPS for approximately one week to ensure all prerequisite items and the ECRC IA Checklist were completed and that you are qualified to move forward.All transportation is provided at the NMPS. No privately owned or rental cars are authorized unless stated on orders. You are required to stay in the berthing provided. Family or guests are not authorized to stay with you. Families are not authorized to accompany you to NMPS and they will not be allowed to accompany you from this point forward.
What should I bring to NMPS?
- Bring medical and dental records.
- Bring medications (90 day supply) and copy of prescription.
- Review list of documentation required on the orders. Make sure to bring all listed items.
- You are required to report to NMPS in a clean working uniform. Do not report in coveralls, flight suits, civilian clothes or PT gear. All mission specific required uniforms items and PT gear will be issued at NMPS. Do not take all of your standard issue uniforms to NMPS. You will only need enough clean working uniforms to wear for a few days until new uniforms are issued.
- Bring proof of city/state residence.
- Read mission-specific Letter of Instruction.
- Bring a copy of completed ECRC IA Checklist that you submitted electronically to ECRC before leaving your command.
- Bring a copy of the completion certificates for each mandatory prerequisite course completed on NKO e-learning.
- Orders will state if you are required to take your personnel record to NMPS.
- Sailors that are not ordered to bring their personnel record should bring a copy of their:
Updated page 2
Current contract/ extensions
PG 4s (quals, awards and ASVAB)
Last Eval/Fitrep
FSA form (if applicable)
Exam worksheet (if applicable)
It is recommended that you copy your records and leave a copy at home.
- You will be at NMPS for approximately one week to ensure all prerequisite items listed in your orders and those listed in the ECRC IA Checklist were completed and that you are qualified to move forward.
- Bring running shoes. PT gear will be issued.
- Your free time at NMPS will be limited by the need to correct any incomplete items on your checklist and incomplete NKO courses. If you are disqualified at NMPS because your prerequisites were not completed before you left your current command/ NOSC, you could lose your orders.
Where will I go after I leave my current command?
Typical Timeline for the IA/GSA IA Sailor:
The IA Sailor is notified that they have been selected to fill an IA billet. Sailors may have been selected by their command or volunteered to fill a request for forces billet or they may have negotiated for IA GSA (PCS) orders. Upon notification, Sailors and Command IA Coordinators should review the ECRC IA Checklist and other official requirements posted on the Navy Knowledge Online (NKO) website. Sailors should start to complete these requirements as soon as they have been notified that they have been selected for an IA assignment. CommandIA Coordinators should be tracking progress and assisting the Sailor with any problems they may have in completing the mandatory requirements. CommandIA Coordinators should also coordinate with Command Ombudsman to ensure the Sailor’s family has point of contact information if they should need assistance.
The Sailor receives an official set of orders. The Sailor and the Command IA Coordinator must read every portion of the orders and comply with all pre-requisites and mandatory requirements before the Sailor leaves their current command. The ECRC IA Checklist must be submitted electronically to ECRC.
Sailors will report to the Navy Mobilization and Processing Site (NMPS) that is selected by training site and unit requirements and is designated in their orders. The Sailor will be there for approximately one week to ensure all prerequisite items and mandatory requirements were completed and that the Sailor is qualified to move forward. Sailors will receive their required uniforms here. Families cannot accompany the Sailors at NMPS and will not be allowed to accompany the IA Sailor from this point forward.
Sailors will then travel to the Army training site that is designated in their orders for basic combat skills training. This training lasts approximately three weeks. Any uniform item or gear that was not issued at NMPS will be issued at the training sites.
Some Sailors may require additional mission specific training. The location of the training and the length of time they will be there for it will be stated in their orders.
After completing training in the United States, most Sailors will receive additional training when they process through Kuwait. All Sailors will travel to the IA mission location stated in their orders after all required training is completed.
-After completing an IA mission, most Sailors will go through the Warrior Transition Program (WTP) in theater. Sailors will spend approximately one week at the WTP to begin reintegration into life in a non-combat environment, attend briefs and turn in their issued gear. Sailors that do not transition through the WTP in theater return to the United States by the route directed in their orders and begin reintegration at that location.
All returning Sailors will pass through the NMPS as stated in their orders.
A Sailor will then demobilize, return to their parent command or check out of their parent command for follow on orders. CommandIA Coordinators should engage to ensure the Sailor is welcomed back and checks in properly. The Command IA Coordinator, in coordination with the Sailor and PSD, should ensure that all of the Sailor's pay, leave requirements, personnel records, evaluations, awards and advancement exam information are updated and correct to reflect their Sailor’s honorable service in an IA assignment.
Where can I find the required NKO e-learning courses?
You may have previously completed some of these courses. If the FY course posted on NKO is more recent than the one previously completed you must redo the course and complete the most recent FY posted on e-learning. FY courses are released in quarters and may not match the current FY. Do the most recent FY course posted on e-learning. You may have previously completed some of these courses. If the FY course posted on NKO is more recent than the one previously completed you must redo the course and complete the most recent FY posted on e-learning. Do all of the courses inside the Individual Augmentee Prerequisite Training link. In addition to the courses inside of this link, you will be required to complete the SERE 100 level b – Code Of Conduct course located directly below the Individual Augmentee Prerequisite Training link. Print out the completion certificate at the end of each course and bring a copy of each course completion certificate with you to NMPS.
NOTE: IAW USCENTCOM Joint Sourced Training Requirements, all IA Sailors, including those with GSA orders, are required to enroll in and complete all of the prerequisite courses before you leave your current command. The M16 Weapons Safety and M9 Service Pistol Training courses listed in the link are required. These are developed by the NAVY. Courses taught during NIACT are developed by the US Army and do not negate the requirement to complete the mandated NAVY courses in the link.
I’m having trouble with a required NKO course- can ECRC help?
ECRC does not have access to correct e-learning or NKO course problems on NKO. You must contact the NKO Helpdesk atCOMM: (850) 452-1001 Option 1, DSN: 922-1001 Option 1,
Toll Free: (877) 253-7122 Option 2 or .
Do I need a passport?
If a no-fee government passport is required for your assignment then it will be stated in your orders. If it is not mentioned in your orders then it is not required. Note that some IA orders may require a specific country Visa as well as a passport. If this is the case for you, get started on it right away. Some Visas can take over a month to process. If your orders state that you need a passport/ visa, take a copy of your orders to your personnel department or local PSD in order for them to start the process and expedite your paperwork if necessary. If required, current commands must take all steps to expedite the official passport application. All personnel receiving orders to or traveling anywhere in Africa will need a passport. Due to travel assignments associated with an Africa deployment, official passports are essential. Personnel assigned anywhere in Africa might be ordered to travel to various countries in CENTCOM AOR including but not limited to; Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Yemen. Use one of these country codes when applying for an official passport.
Who can I contact if I have problems after I’m in theater?
Your parent command retains responsibility for you while you are deployed. Be sure to keep in contact with them and to give them your point of contact information once you get to your in theater command.
ECRC has in country detachments located in Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan. These forward operating NAVY IA SUPPORT UNITS receive, train, transport, track and redeploy IA Sailors. The Navy IA Support Units provide a clear window of visibility in every phase of the IA Sailors’ mission, allowing ECRC to be a proactive advocate during every stage of an IA deployment. Exercising a robust reach back capability, the ECRC forward detachments have at their disposal the entire ECRC headquarters element and additional Navy resources to address any Sailor or family issue that arises.
What is Basic Combat Skills training?
You will receive basic combat skills training. Basic combat skills training is conducted by Army Drill Instructors at an Army training site location that will be designated in your orders. Additional Army training site information is also posted on the NKO and ECRC websites. Basic Combat Skills Training lasts for approximately three weeks and some topics may include:
-Army Values
-Basic Rifle Marksmanship
-Crew Serve Weapons
-9MM Qualification
-M-16 Qualification
-Urban Ops & Entry Control Point
-Convoy Ops
-Hot/Cold Weather Casualty
-EST/FATS (simulator) Situational Training Exercise
-Forward Operating Base
-Land Navigation
-First aid
-Quick / Reactive Fire
-Rules Of Engagement
-Rules of Force
-Night Fire Code of Conduct
-Law of Land
-Personnel Recovery
-Geneva Convention
-Cultural Awareness
Some Sailors may require additional mission specific training. The location of the additional training and the length of time they will be there for it will be stated in their orders. After completing training in the United States, most Sailors will also receive additional training when they process through Kuwait.
All Sailors will travel to the IA mission location stated in their orders after all required training is completed.
What will I be issued? What should I buy/bring for deployment?
The short answer is that you will be issued everything required for your mission. However, you will be required to bring certain PT gear items with you. Sailors will be required to bring the Navy's new Physical Training uniform (PTU) gear and running shoes with them to NMPS beginning 01 October 2008. Complete regulations and manner of wear for the Navy's new Physical Training uniform (PTU) is contained in NAVADMIN 191/08. If you are told to purchase anything, get it in writing and save your receipts.
How can I get more information about my training site?
The ECRC and NKO websites contain specific information for each individual Army training site. ECRC has Navy Liaison Officer (LNO) teams at Army training sites to further assist Sailors during their pre-deployment training. LNOs act as the primary liaison between the Army training Cadre and the Sailors under training to ensure the accurate flow of information and rapid resolution of issues. LNOs update Sailor information used to support IA Sailors and family members during training and deployment. LNOs assist with berthing, pay issues, communications, scheduling, uniforms, transportation, documentation, surveys, database updates and informational archives