English 1002 Online Spring 2011

Week 1
3/28 – 4/3 / See Orientation materials on Blackboard
Join Class Facebook page; send a Friend Request to me, Georgie Ovenden and post short bio introducing yourself to the class. This is optional, not required, but available to interested students.
Reading Critically, Writing Well – Read Chapter One and respond briefly to the Activities 1 – 4.
Watch, summarize, and respond to Video:"Why Writing Matters: Real-World Writers"
Watch, summarize, and respond to Powerpoint: Writing as a Process
Summary/response to each assigned article, video, powerpoint, podcast, lecture, or presentation is due by Wednesday midnightto get full credit; late submissions are accepted, but will have points deducted. Write TWO paragraphs: the first summarizing the article, the second paragraph is your response to the article: what you learned, how it could influence your writing.
Discussion Board topic: Your writing process: what is it?Describe it. What works? What doesn't work?
Week 2
4/4 -4/10 / Summarize and respond toarticle:Audience Matters
Watch, summarize, and respond to Video:"Discourse Communities: Academic Writers" and, for fun: SNL Girlfriend Voice
Watch, summarize, and respond to Powerpoint:Rules and Audience
Reading Critically, Writing Well – Finish Chapter One and respond briefly to the Activities 5 - 9
Just Read ( no response necessary):
- Introduction to Evaluation Essays p 281 – 284
- A Guide to Writing Evaluations p 330 – 338
Due Wed. 4/6 on Discussion Board - RCWW Essay: Read and respond to questions following the essayon Discussion Board to Etzioni': "Working at McDonalds" p 284
* Students with last names A – L will respond to Reading for Meaning
questions on pages 288 - 290
* Students with last names M – Z will respond to Reading Like a Writer
questions on pages 290 - 293
(alternating class sections witheachassignedessay).
You must contribute to the discussions of each reading, and respond to TWO of your classmates' responses in the discussion board, making substantive responses by the following Sunday midnight.
Week 3
4/11 – 4/17 / Watch, summarize, and respond to Video: "Argument and Persuasion: Real-World Writers"
Watch and respond to Video: "How to Write an Effective Essay"
Summarize and respond to article :How to Make an Argument
Watch and respond to Argument Powerpoint
Due Wed midnight on Discussion Board - Read two RCWW essays and respond to discussion questions that follow the essay:
1)Berardinelli: "Avatar" p. 294
Students A – L Reading Like a Writer
Students M – Z Reading for Meaning
2)Maurstad: "Avatar" p. 303
Students A – L Reading for Meaning
Students M – Z Reading Like a Writer
Responses to TWO posted discussions for each essay due Sunday midnight.
The entire class will also respond to the Special Reading Strategy
p. 307: Comparing and Contrasting Related Readings:
Berardinelli's and Maustad's Reviews of Avatar and post them on the Discussion Board
Due Wed 4/13 - EvaluationEssay drafts for peer reviews– send to two classmates. Response peer reviews must be completed by Sunday 4/17
Week 4
4/18 – 4/24 / Summarize and Respond to Article: Essay Structure
Summarize and respond to article: How to Write a Thesis
Watch and respond to Video: "The Thesis Statement: Real World Writers"
Watch and respond to Video:Revision is Dumb
Watch, summarize, and respond to Powerpoint:How to Format Your Paper
Due Wed on Discussion Board – responses to two essays:
1 ) RCWW p 308 essay: Rosen: "The Myth of Multi-tasking"
Respond to Discussion Questions
2) RCWW p 325: Ballesteros: "A Winning Formula? A Review of Slumdog Millionaire". Respond to Discussion Questions
Responses to TWO posted discussions due Sunday by midnight
Evaluation Essay Duedue Sunday by midnight
Read Introduction to Position Essays – Chapter 7
Week 5
4/25 -5/1 / Read Introduction to Position Essays – Chapter 7
Summarize and respond to article: Logical Fallacies
Watch and respond to Video: Argument & the Ad Hominem Fallacy
Watch, summarize, and respond to Powerpoint: Logical Fallacies
Discussion Board – RCWW p. 367 “A Mom Before the Prom” and p. 372 “Diversity Hypocrisy: The Myriad, and Often Perverse Implications, of Admissions Policies”
1) “A Mom Before the Prom” p. 367
Students A - L Reading Like a Writer Responses
Students M – Z Reading for Meaning Responses
2) “Diversity Hypocrisy: The Myriad, and Often Perverse Implications, of Admissions Policies”, p. 372
Students A – L Reading for Meaning Responses
Students M – Z Reading Like a Writer Responses
Respond to Discussion Post Question: Special Reading Strategy: Evaluating the Logic of an Argument p. 378
Responses to TWO posted discussions for each essay due Sunday midnight.
Week 6
5/2-5/8 / Summarize and respond to article:John Edlund’s:
Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
Watch, summarize, and respond to Video: "Ethos, Logos and Pathos: Academic Writers"
Watch and respond to Powerpoint: Appeals
Discussion Board – RCWW p. 380 “High on Caffeine: Regulating Energy Drinks”
Students A - L Reading Like a Writer Responses
Students M – Z Reading for Meaning Responses
Respond to Special Reading Strategy: Using a Toulmin Analysis p. 386
Responses to TWO posted discussions for each essay due Sunday midnight.
Peer reviews of Position Essays – send your draft to two classmates for review
Week 7
5/9 -5/15 / Summarize and respond to article: Writing a Research Paper
Watch, summarize, and respond to Video: "Why Research Matters"
Watch and respond to Powerpoint: MLA Citing Sources
Complete MLA Exercise
Discussion Board – RCWW p. 388 - “Children Need to Play, Not Compete”
Responses to two posted discussions due Sunday midnight.
Position Essays Due by Sunday midnight
Read Introduction Problem Solving Essays – Chapter 9
Read Appendix 2 – Strategies for Research and Documentation p. 603
Week 8
5/16 – 5/22 / Summarize and respond to article: Quoting Sources: Quoting Guidelines
Watch, summarize, and respond to Video: "Researched Writing: Integrating Sources"
Watch and respond to Powerpoint: What is Plagiarism?
Discussion Board –RCWW p. 486 - “Instant Runoff Voting” and
RCWW p. 501 - “Why Not a Football Degree?”
Due Wednesday:
Students A - L Reading Like a Writer Responses
Students M – Z Reading for Meaning Responses
Due Sunday midnight: responses to TWO posted discussions
Due Wednesday: 1 -2 page Research Prospectus
Week 9
5/23 -5/29 / Summarize and respond to article: Evaluating Web Pages
Watch, summarize, and respond to Video: "Researched Writing: Finding Sources"
Watch, summarize and respond to Powerpoint: Effective Persuasion
Discussion Board – RCWW p. 509 - “Not Your Everyday Homeless Proposal” and RCWW p. 533 - “High School Starting Time”
Due Wednesday: Discussion Board posts
Students A – L Reading for Meaning Responses
Students M – Z Reading Like a Writer Responses
Due Sunday: responses to TWO posted discussions.
Responses to TWO posted discussions for each essay due Sunday midnight.
Proposal Essay Peer reviews– send to two classmates by Wed midnight
Annotated Bibliography Due(see example link here)
by Wednesday midnight
Read article: How to Create an Annotated Bibliography
Week 10
5/29 – 6/3 / Problem Solving Research Project Portfolios Due