Thank you for volunteering to be a Team Mom/Dad for your child’s team. Over the years this role has become more and more critical in support of a successful season for the team, and the coaches. It is a lot of work, but we hope you will find it very rewarding. This document sets forth some helpful tips for you that you can reference throughout the season.
WPPO is comprised of a TOTAL VOLUNTEER force holding the roles of Directors, Coaches, Team Mom/Dads, League Representatives, etc. Their time and commitment is dedicated to making the football and cheer experiences the best for all involved. Many begin their roles due to having children in the program, and continue on even after their children have grown because of their commitment to, and enjoyment of, the program. The more people that serve as volunteers, the less the burden is on all, and the more all parents and friends of the league will be able to enjoy the experience. As Team Mom/Dad, you will be asked to coordinate volunteer activities as they relate to the obligations of a team. These include:
- Three volunteers for each home game to assist the referees as a line crew. Failure to provide these volunteers in a timely fashion will result in forfeiture of the game to the visiting team, and payment of a forfeiture fee. The AYFL By-Laws dictate that “The Chain Crew will not speak to, cheer or instruct players on the playing field at any time. They are to remain impartial at all times [during the game, including half-time]…. No cell phone use is permitted by the Chain Crew [while on the field].”
- Five volunteers for each home game (3 woman 2 men) to report to work in the Concession Stand during the game preceding your game(ie. work during the 120’s game if you are on the 135’s).
- A maximum of three water boys/girls are allowed on the field each game. These assistants may be siblings of players, or players from other teams, or adults (and are exempt from the 16 years of age requirement). It is your responsibility as Team Mom/Dad to direct their activities and supervise while on the field, during the game and half-time. AYFL By-Laws prohibit Team Mom/Dads/Dads from being on the field at any time during the game – they must remain on the sidelines, and as such cannot deliver water to the players during breaks.
- Carbohydrate-rich foods and drink are essential to provide to the players during each game. Consider a one-time collection from each parent to help fund the water, fruit and miscellaneous supplies used throughout the season (provided by you or the head coach). If taking a collection for this or any other purpose, you are required to complete a Team Budget Form (provided) for the season, and keeping it updated in the Football Office (see Team Accounting Procedures). In the alternative, develop your volunteer schedule now, well in advance of the season. Assign parents alphabetically by last name for water, ice and fruit, and rotate through.
- Appropriate snacks – half time, and end of game – oranges, bananas, pretzel sticks, watermelon
- Appropriate drinks – end of game – Gatorade, Powerade, water, 100% fruit juice
- Include hand sanitizer for the player’s use
- Volunteers should never be younger than 16 unless prior approval is granted by the league. The line crew members cannot be under 16 per league rules, and volunteers younger than this in the concession stand, without appropriate training, can lead to inaccurate money handling, inappropriate food handling and poor customer service. If students would like to volunteer, please vet them and ensure that they are responsible, have parents that understand the obligation of volunteering, and ask Vincent Grippa, Football Commissioner, for the process to document and approve volunteer hours on behalf of the student. High schools will provide the student with a form for this purpose.
- West Pines Optimists is a not-for-profit organization, and monies and mileage accumulated in its support are tax deductible if not reimbursed through parent collection or the park. If you or any other volunteers for your team would like to report their efforts through the IRS, please contact Vincent Grippa to obtain the 501(c)(3) tax ID number.
- Games are played each Saturday, starting at 9:00 a.m., with the PeeWees. They proceed consecutively through the 13U, which usually complete their game between 7 &8 p.m.
- Games and practices will be held in the rain. A weather delay will result in one of two instances – the park lightening indicator alarms, or the officials call a delay due to field conditions. Never assume that a game or practice is canceled or delayed. It is imperative that all players go to the park unless they have been informed by a coach or other team official otherwise.
- For home games, there isa water spigot and hose available on the east side of the West Pines concession building for your use in filling water coolers so that you do not need to haul your cooler, full, from your car. For away games, you should plan on bringing water – the one gallon or five gallon containers from Publix are inexpensive and re-fillable.
- The West Pines concession stand does have ice bags available for first aid during practices and games; however, for away games it is wise to bring your own.
- You own the sidelines! Although not always consistently enforced, AYFL By-Laws dictate that besides designated required field representatives, no one except for the coaching staff, one Team Mom/Dad/Dad, and three water boys/girls are allowed on the sidelines during a games. Feel empowered to ask parents or children not directly related to the park, or your team, to exit the field. They can distract the players, cause an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty to be assessed against our team (loss of yards and down) and most importantly, could get hurt. No adult will be allowed on the sidelines if they have not been cleared through a back-ground check for the current season, and will indicate their eligibility to be on the field through the display of an park-issued ID card. The volunteer line crew is exempt. It is always a good idea to have one “back-up” Team Mom/Dad/Dad who has submitted to this check in case you are sick or unable to attend a game. The League Team Mom/Dad is also available to fill in if necessary.
- ALWAYS HAVE YOUR BOOK WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. This is true during both practices, and games. Records and rosters can be updated at any time up until the third week of the game schedule, and access to this book is crucial. Also, the book is required for weigh-ins, and for access during the game, should the opposing coaching staff want to check a players’ credentials.
- The players will weigh-in no later than half-time of the game prior to their own. Coaches can provide specifics relating to the weight limits for any given team. You should have three signed and certified roster copies for each game. One stays with you, one goes to the opposing team, and one goes to the announcer for their use in calling the game.
- It is expected that all parents, coaches, players and other guests attending games and practices exhibit behavior that is consistent with good sportsmanship. Failure to do so may results in expulsion from the event, or future events, as outlined by AYFL by-laws. Communicate to your parents these expectations. The AYFL By-Laws also prohibit the use of bull-horns or air-horns from within the exhibition areas. There are times when the opposing teams do not follow the same standards set by the AYFL, or expected by our park. This is not an excuse for our own members to follow that practice – one of the notable aspects of West Pines is their commitment to good sportsmanship and behavior.
The following is a list of items that are helpful to Team Mom/Dads to have prior and during every game. Some are provided by the park – please check with your coaches/equipment manager to determine what items the league provides, and what items you may need to purchase on your own. These are items I have found helpful – please add or delete as you or your coaches see fit. You will want to replenish these items as they are used or “walk away”. While it is important that each player take responsibility for themselves, their health and their equipment, there is nothing more heartbreaking than to have something break – whether it be a player, or equipment – in the middle of a game, and a player being benched because of it when some simple preparation might address the issue and help the player get back in the game.
Provided by Park
- Water bottles – 12
- Water coolers – 2
- Tool kit – includes helmet screws, screwdriver
- Equipment kit – extra ear pads (both square and round), pants pads of all types, chin straps, face masks, shoelaces (for shoulder pads) new mouth guards, electrical tape (for Unlimited “H” on the helmet), spare socks, spare belts
- First aid kit – especially tape, gauze, bandaids, self-sticking ace bandages
Additional Items
- 1 quart size ziplock bags – to fill w/ ice for minor injuries
- Rolling cooler – stock pieces of fruit for half-time of each game, and two bags of ice within. The ice cools the fruit, and serves as your ice for injuries.
- Wagon or hand trailer to carry water coolers and other items from your car to the side of the field.
Some coaches will take responsibility for the equipment or first aid for the players – be sure to talk w/ them prior to the first game to understand how they want to divide responsibilities.
As a non-profit organization, West Pines is required to provide full transparency regarding our activities, including financial. It is imperative that each team has coaches and Team Mom/Dads that communicate clearly and concisely with the parents throughout the season. Countless hours are spent by the Commissioner and Board each season handling parent complaints and concerns that can be avoided or addressed by clear communication and accountability by the team staff to the parents. Please be proactive, accurate and accountable in your communications regarding required information, schedules, deadlines, and use of team funds. You represent the park in everything you do.
- We encourage our Team Mom/Dads to show their Wildcat pride and wear logo’d shirts during their games (and whenever else they’d like). Wildcat colors are navy blue, silver and white.
- West Pines utilizes play fields owned by the City of Pembroke Pines. Decisions to close the park due to field conditions may be dictated by the City. The City also maintains the fields, lighting, buildings, etc., and much of the cost of operating the program relates to payment to the City for these services. Park rules are posted in multiple locations throughout the park. Please find these rules and ensure that your parents are aware of them. The most frequently violated rule relate to the bringing of pets to the park during practices and game – unfortunately, this is prohibited by the City, primarily due to hygiene-related issues. No parents of players in our program should be guilty of violating any park rules. We have no control over the City requesting that a person leave the grounds due to this or any other violation.
- The most hectic time of the season is before games even start! There are many deadlines that must be met – the finalization of rosters , the collection of signed Parent Code of Conduct forms and Player cards, and the verification of ages for players. When you are informed of a deadline and a need, please do your best to ensure that parents give you what you need in a timely fashion.
- The West Pembroke Pines Optimist Football By-Laws dictate that the West Pines name and logo can only be reproduced when approved by the Board of Directors. We encourage team pride. If your parents would like to create t-shirts that are unique to their team and season, please discuss this with your head coach, and the League Team Mom/Dad to ensure that the correct process is followed to gain design approval prior to the shirts or other items being made.
- Sometimes the cheerleaders are overlooked in favor of the excitement of the games. Consider checking with parents and players about their supporting your squad at competitions or through the end of year party.
- Collect email addresses from your parents, and send a weekly standard email that updates parents on location of the next game, special dates (Homecoming, pictures), and shares what they may be likely to expect. Consider a mass cell phone text for communicating, should the parents be open to that method of communication, for instances where there are delays or cancellations that require fast distribution, or the use of a call tree.
- Some players like to use extra equipment, tape, etc., during their games. Explain that they are responsible to bring the necessary equipment (ie. Tape) to accomplish that. You should not be responsible to provide tape for wrists, ankles, etc., because of general support requirements, or because it “looks cool”. In addition, should the player want to wear additional or different equipment than that issued, please advise the parent to consult with the head coach to ensure that safety is not compromised.
- Work hard to get to know your players and parents as soon as possible. Encourage them to come to you with concerns and keep an open flow of communication.
And most importantly….