Round Hill PTA General Meeting
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Minutes- Abby Garguilo and Melissa Kascheres
- Correspondence- Two thank you cards; one from the first grade teachers thanking the PTA for all they did throughout the year and another from Mrs. Moskowitz and Mrs. Huntz thanking the PTA for the luncheon.
- Treasurer Report- status quo
- Old Business-
Field Day- went well; kids had fun especially with the water balloon game.
Rosmarins- 5th graders had a wonderful time; there was a DJ and food.
Moving Up Ceremony- went well.
President’s Luncheon/Pre-K Welcoming- Thank you Roe’s Orchards for donating apples.
Pre-K Open House membership drive and reception-Mrs. Schiraldi and Mrs. Corbalis said it went well.
- New Business
Family Fun Day- Friday from 4-7; there will be a DJ, bounce house, photo booth, Pat’s Pals, emergency vehicles,
local service and sports groups, and food. We need volunteers.
Chocolate Gift Wrap Fundraiser- begins 9/19 and runs for two weeks; catalogs will go home Monday. Samples
are on the front table. There will be an incentive program to sell and the winner will receive an i pad mini.
Delivery is in November. Please pick up perishable items on time.
Open Houses Membership drive and reception-Next Tuesday grades 1-2 and Wednesday grades 3-5. We will
have a membership table and spirit wear table set up. Membership is $8 for single and $14 for family.
RH Hosting BOE meeting- 9/19; refreshments will be served.
Art After School program begins (8 weeks)-Flyers were sent home today. The projects made will be displayed in
the art show In January.
- Open Committees
-Cultural Events (set up assemblies with Mrs. Willaims) -Plant Sale (one day event in May)
-Field Day (one day in June; assist the phys ed teachers) -Red Ribbon Week
-Hospitality (set up refreshments once a month) -Rosmarins (need 5th grade parent for one day event)
-I-Decide (work with 5th graders and HS students- 4 weeks) -Spring Baskets(event on 4/28; need to get donations)
-Moving Up Day (need 4th grade parent, one day event)
- Committee Reports- ongoingcommittees
Membership- We have 68 members as of tonight.
Box Tops- a letter will be sent home soon. Please label box tops with students name and teachers name so that the
classroom gets credit towards the monthly contest. There will be a CastleFunCenter raffle in June. A
suggestion to collect the box tops in a fun bin in each classroom until the end of the month was made.
Grapevine-Thank you Mrs. O’Donoghue for helping get the Grapevine out today. They go out monthly with
thoughts from the principal, nurse, phys ed teachers and wandering wizards (5th grade students).
PTA website- the best in the district to keep you updated and informed.
Beautification- We need a chair for next year to decorate the bulletin board and outside entry area.
9.Legislative Report- The RH construction, surveys and site preparation will begin on time. The BOE is being
reorganized while its new board members are being trained. The next BOE meeting is 9/19 at 7PM at RH.10.Administrative Report-Cometo open house and if possible please leave your children home. Students in AIS
and in Mrs. Reid, Mrs. McKee, Mrs. Doerpher and Mrs. Coppola’s classcome to open house on 9/26.
- Fill out the emergency contact forms and send them back. Discuss these plans with your children in advance.
- The PTA meeting is a great forum to get accurate information. Also use the district webpage for event dates.
- News/Info/Questions & Announcements from the floor- The PTA gave RH a 3-D printer-only one in all 3 elementary schools. It is in Mrs. Sansone’s room. There is a county wide 15 minute early dismissal on 9/22.
- Adjournment- Michelle Cuadrado and Abby Garguilo