Holy Week Special Events
Pastor Dan
We hope you willmake it a priority to attend one or more of our Holy Week services:
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday. Good things are being planned for this festive worship celebration as we celebrate Jesus the King.
During the Maundy Thursday Service, two fifth-graders from our congregation will receive First Communion.
The Tenebrae Serviceon Good Friday is always a special service. Don't let this day go by without contemplating the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. It was for us and our salvation that He endured the cross! This service provides an opportunity to contemplate what Jesus has done for you.
Then there is the Easter SundayCelebration. Our Chinese friends call it, “The Return to Life Festival”. It is a festival. Let’s celebrate life together, for our Lord Jesus is alive forevermore!
Music Service:
“Darkness Falling”
From the Music Department
Dwight Williams
Director of Music Ministries
Our Chancel Choir will once again present the powerful Tenebrae musical drama complete with narration, soloists and special lighting. The presentation will be presented on Good Friday, April 14 at 7 PM. This is one of the best ways to ask a friend or neighbor to come and listen to the powerful message of the cross and all that our Lord Jesus experienced during that last week of His earthly life. Many people are much more open to the Gospel during the Lenten season. Begin to pray now and listen to the Spirit’s prompting as to who you should invite to this concert.
Someone once said,“Success in witnessing is simply sharing Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, (which is what we are doing in the Tenebrae) and leaving the results with God.”
May God bless you as you pray and as you invite others.
(Please see the Holy Week schedule on p. 6)
A Festive Time
Pastor Dan
I remember Holy Week well, when we lived in the country of Ecuador, South America where Kim and I were involved in mission work. Being a Roman Catholic country, on Palm Sunday weekend the markets would be lined with palm branches from real palm trees. These were not your average palm frond that we parade around with on Palm Sunday as we begin our worship service here at Grace. These palm branches were six, seven, eight feet long. It was a festive time.
For family night that time of year, we often would buy a couple of these branches. We would read the Palm Sunday narrative while the children would enact the scene. One of our boys would wave the palm branch, the other kids would shout hosannas, while they took turns being Jesus riding on the donkey. I, of course, was always elected to be the donkey Jesus sat on.
There is a phrase in the Palm Sunday narrative that has always caught my attention. As Jesus enters Jerusalem with the shouts of “Hosannas”, He is confronted by the religious rulers who beg him to rebuke the people. Jesus responds, “I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones would cry out”(Luke19:40).
My prayer for Grace is that we won’t be silent when it comes to worship and gratitude. I hope you have settled in your mind and heart that no stone is going to take your place when it comes to a heartfelt praise and worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why? Because the life of Jesus is not just another story, it is a salvation story, and we are the recipients of it. “Thousands and thousands of thanks to You, Lord Jesus, for all the Holy Week blessings that you shower upon us!” May our gratitude, praise and worship be heartfelt!
Spring is Coming
Gwen Cosgrove, Preschool Director
As I write this, we are getting ready for Spring break. March has had warm days and cold days.We are ready for many more warm days when we can get the kids outside every day: to the playground, for walks and to Thorpe Park! We are fortunate to have great areas for our kids to play, explore and learn. The kids love feeding the geese and checking out what’s swimming and growing in the pond at Thorpe Park. And , of course the playground is always fun.
When we return from Spring break we look forward to Mrs. Severnut returning from her vacation.She will sing her wonderful spring songs with us. Our first week back at school, we will have our Twins opener week, and wear our Twins apparel. We will also have a day with hot dogs and popcorn, and maybe we will even play a little baseball ourselves. Then we have all the preparation for Easter. We will learn about what Easter means through reading, conversation, songs and acting the story. There will be lots of fun crafts and activities. Then, we have our fun Easter party with our special snack of resurrection biscuits. The kids wrap a marshmallow in a refrigerator biscuit, roll it in butter, cinnamon and sugar and then bake it. When the cooking isover, the marshmallow is gone and the biscuit is empty…just like the tomb in the Easter story. - Yummy!
The school year is going by quickly again! It doesn’t seem so long ago that we started the year and here we are heading into the last couple of months of this school year.Already, we’re registering children for next fall. Please tell people about our great school. We have so much fun! We love what we do and we especially love each child We believe that children learn best through play.So we provide lots of opportunities for learning in all areas of development and prepare them for kindergarten. We also believe that strong social emotional development is a huge catalyst for strong academic development and success in all areas of life.
He is Risen
“He is risen, just as He said”
(Matthew 28:6).
Judy Severson, Altar Guild Director
On Easter Sunday, Grace Church will be bathed in the color white to symbolize Jesus’ purity and our joy in His resurrection. Easter lilies will frame the altar. Tradition tells us that beautiful white lilies grew where drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground during His final hours of agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Lilies symbolize purity, virtue, innocence, hope and life and commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the hope of life everlasting.
The Paschal candle, which signifies Christ as the light of the world, will be placed in the sanctuary Easter Sunday. It will remain for 40 days until Pentecost on Sunday, June 4.
On duty in April are Nancy Klecker and Jean Ness.
Blessings to you all during this beautiful celebration of Christ's glorious resurrection.He is risen—He is risen indeed!
Come Walk With Us
Bonnie Borchard, Coordinator
Beginning April 4, the Tuesday morning Walkers will meet at 9 AM at Grace, walk to Thorpe, and walk back to Grace for coffee afterward. Join us!
Daughter’s Brunch
Saturday, April 29
Marilyn Pitmon, Women Of LIFE
Don’t miss the annual Women Of LIFE Daughter’s Brunch on Saturday, April 29. Food, fellowship and fond remembrances of Mom are in store for all our guests. Join us at 9:30 AM in the fellowship hall. Tickets will go on sale April 5.
Preschool Registration
for Fall 2017 is Open
Gwen Cosgrove, Preschool Director
Registrations for fall are being taken now. If you are interested in our school, or know someone who is, have them review out the information on our website, or call the school at 952-473-6117. A copy of the registration form is included in this newsletter—
please see p. 4.
We appreciate your love, support and prayers. God bless you.
Help Beautify the Church for Easter
The Altar Guild will be decorating the chancel with lilies for Easter Sunday.
You are invited to participate by buying a plant as a memorial, an honorarium, or a gift to the glory of God. Plants may be taken home after the 9:30 AM. worship service or donated to be delivered to shut-ins. Return this form to the church office, along with a check payable to Grace Lutheran Altar Guild. $10 is suggested, but any contribution is very much appreciated! The last day to participate is April 9 (Palm Sunday).
Please print:
Number of plants ordered: ______
Name: ______
In Memory of: ______
In Honor of: ______
To the Glory of God: ______
After the 9:30 AM Easter service, when the plants are bagged,
Please deliver ___ plant(s) to a shut-in and/or
I will pick up ___ plants
(number of plants ordered).
Seasons of Life
God’s blessings in our risen Lord to this child who received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and to her family:
Anna Margret Laughlin was baptized by Pastor Dan on March 5, 2017. Anna is the daughter of Dave and Paige Laughlin (who were married at GELC), and the granddaughter of Paul and Cindy Turner.
Bruce Carlson, son of GELC member Phil Carlson, passed away on February 27, 2017. He was 62. Bruce was an artist and an independent film maker whose career was in television, where he was awarded two Emmys. His memorial service was held on March 4 at Unity Minneapolis.
Patty Netland, daughter of GELC members Jim and Florence Netland, passed away February 27, 2017. She was 58. Patty was a graphic artist and was active in her church in California, where she taught preschool. Her funeral service was held in Wilmer, MN near the family cabin on Norway Lake.
Edna Eidum, wife of (the late) Pastor Chuck Eidum, passed away February 28, 2017. She was 76. Edna had a gift for music and, alongside her husband, served in congregations in Texas, Minnesota and North Dakota, and as a missionary to Brazil. Her memorial service was held on March 12 at Valley Church in Lakeville, MN.
Ralph Williams, father of GELC member and Director of Music Ministries Dwight Williams, passed away March 8, 2017. He was 95. Mr. Williams was a long-time pastor in Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA), and a director of counseling for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. His memorial service was held on March 14 at Hope Church of Apple Valley.
Get Ready for the Brät Sale
Karen Bakken, Coordinator
Before you know it, it’ll be the gorgeous month of May. May brings thoughts of flowers, Mother’s Day, confirmations, graduations, and Memorial Weekend or kick-off to summer.
Plan now to be a part of the Grace Families who volunteer at the Minnetonka Cub Brät/Hotdog stand during Memorial Weekend. Sign-up has started. Shifts are available Friday, May 26 through Monday, May 29. All you need is a hat and a smile. Call Karen Bakken with questions and to sign up: 952-473-6130 (home), 952-473-6117 (work).
Covenant Pines
Family Camp
Thursday, August 10 – Sunday August 13
Chris Adams, Family Ministry Director
After receiving rave reviews the last two years,we’re heading back to a fun and faith filled Family Camp for four days and three nights. Come yourself or bring some kids and grandkids to read, rest, listen, learn, play and pray with us. Getting away to spend time with one another and with God will lead to powerful ministry in our community. There is plenty of time to spend with family and friends,having meals, organized games, sessions on Biblical topics, and worship time. This is a very nice camp with options to “go rustic” (bring a camper or a tent) or else pick a “fancy” cabin.
Costs for 3 nights and 9 meals:
Standard Housing: $145/adult, $72.50 youth, $507 family max (Davis Lake and Round Lake Cabins)
Deluxe Housing: $225/adult, $112.50 youth, $787 family max (Bald Eagle Lodge and Backwoods Cabins)
Tent or Trailer: $49/unit/night (additional cost for meals)
Children ages 0-3: free
You can check online to get pictures and find more information:
Grace Good News / 1 / April2017