International Development Campaigning Forum

- UK General Election special -17 September 2009


9.00 am Registration and Networking

9.15 am Welcome address

Nick Roseveare, BOND Chief Executive, “UK Politics and International Development: Understanding the Challenge for Campaigning”

9.30 am Election campaign strategy

10.30 am What are we calling for?

Break into groups for 3 x 20 minutes on 3 of the 5 issue topics covered by the International Development Manifesto. Each session has a 5-minute intro from the sector expert on this manifesto area, followed by Q and As.

Aid and Debt Relief (Gideon Rabinowitz, UK Aid Network)

Tackling Climate Change (TBC)

Making the Global Economy Work for the Poor (Claire Melamed, ActionAid)

Good Governance and Addressing Corruption, (Olivia McDonald, Christian Aid)

Responding to Conflict Situations, (Tom Donnelly, Saferworld)

12.00 noon Plenary Session

“Campaigning towards MPs on International Development: The Great Persuasion” (Tim Gee, Bond and Tom Baker, Tearfund)

12.45 pm Pre-Lunch Shout-outs

1.00 pm Lunch and networking

2.00 pm Developing our strategies and how we organise ourselves

Media Strategy (Kevin McCullough, CAFOD)

New Media Strategy (Branislava Milosevic, CAFOD)

Mobilisation/Public Education Strategy (Ben Niblett, Tearfund)

Key Seats Strategy (Paul Brannen, Christian Aid)

Policy and Lobbying Strategy (Patrick Watt, World Vision)

4.00 pm Keynote

Making Change Happen, (Matthew McGregor, Blue State Digital)

5.00 pm Wrap up/Meet the delivery group/commitments