“To promote the well-being of the world’s forests and those who benefit from them”
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International Forestry Review and CFA Newsletter
Please note that subscription is for a calendar year not for 12 months from the time of joining (e.g. An organisation subscribing in July would receive the journal and newsletter for March and June. They would then be entitled to receive the September and December journal and newsletter when they were published).Please only complete if details have changed
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Category / Cost (£) / Membership benefitsMembership of CFA / Newsletter (hard copy) / International Forestry Review (hard copy) / International Forestry Review online
Institutional subscriber* / Developing country / 200 / ü / ü / ü / ü
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IFR online only* / Developing country / 110 / r / r / r / ü
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Commonwealth Forestry Assoc.
The Crib
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** Would subscribers paying by bank transfer please give their membership number as a reference.