Miranda Shamblin April 2, 2007

Mister Potato Head Subject: Kindergarten General Music

Instructional Objectives:

Upon completion of this lesson, students will be able to demonstrate and imitate basic rhythms (quarter and eighth notes), pitch matching using do-re-mi-sol-la-ti, together and on an individual basis, and problem solve using sensor skills.


GM.K.1.1 participate in call and response songs.

GM.K.1.2 sing high and low pitches.

GM.K.1.5 imitate an easy rhythmic pattern.


This lesson is designed to challenge students to use their ears to hear and match pitch, and their hands to discover what Mister Potato Head body part they hold behind their back.

Management Framework:

· Students will be in 2 rows, one behind the other.

· 5 min. Instructional with student participation and recitation (echoing.)

· 20 min. To take turns echoing and discovering potato parts.

· 5 min. Review of instruction with student participation and recitation.

Teaching Strategies/Activities

· Teacher-led discussion

· Teacher demonstration/modeling

· Student-led discovery


Introduction- Can anyone tell me what this is? Whats wrong with Mister Potato Head? I need your help. Can you help me put Mister Potato Head back together?



1. Students will learn the Mister Potato Head song by rote. (see attatched)

2. Instructed will be given to sing only when it is their turn. Their turn will come to echo only if they are holding the part being called for in the song.

3. The student with the part will then echo.

(ex. Teacher will sing “Who has the glasses.” Student with the glasses will reply “I have the glasses.”)

The students will then proceed to place the object on Mister Potato Head.

4. This will be review and practiced with children several times to check for understanding.


5. Students will reach into a bag and pull out a body part without looking at it.

6. The students will put the item behind their back and feel it for identification.

7. The class will then start the song together to find the missing potato parts.

8. After teacher sings, “Who has the arm, leg, etc.” the class will stop singing and the students with the body parts will feel them and state if they think they have the part being asked for.

9. The student with the correct body part will echo the teacher. Teacher: “Who has the arm?” Student: “I have the arm.” This will accomplished using the correct rhythm and melody that the teacher used.

10. Students will then put the correct part on Mister Potato Head.

11. These procedures will be repeated until every child has had a turn finding the parts and placing them on Mister Potato Head.

Closure: I think Mister Potato Head is fixed, what do you all think? Do you think that he may lose his body parts again? What can he do to keep them on?

Assessment of Student Learning: During the individual singing portion of the lesson, students will be assessed on how well they match pitches and rhythms. Students will also be scored on the placement of the body part onto Mister Potato Head, and whether they know what body part they hold in their had by feel.

3 2 1 Students sing on cue._________________________

Students match rhythms.______________________

______________________________Students sing audibly with their echo reply.______

Students correctly identify body part.____________

3- Students go above and beyond requirements.

2- Students meet requirements.

1- Students need more work to meet requirements.


· Mister Potato Head song

· Mister Potato Head Lesson Guide (if available)

· Mister Potato Head w/ body parts

· Small bag for body parts

Reflection/Self Evaluation: