County of Alameda, General Services Agency – Purchasing
RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2
RFP No. 901438
Prisoner Transport Trucks
Specification Clarification/Modification and Recap of the Networking/Bidders Conferences
Held on February 1, 2016 and February 2, 2016
This County of Alameda, General Services Agency (GSA), RFPAddendum has been electronically issued to potential bidders via e-mail. E-mail addresses used are those in the County’s Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Vendor Database or from other sources. If you have registered or are certified as a SLEB, please ensure that the complete and accurate e-mail address is noted and kept updated in the SLEB Vendor Database. This RFPAddendum will also be posted on the GSA Contracting Opportunities website located atBIDDERS MUST USE THE ATTACHED REVISED EXHIBIT D – LARGE TRUCK SPECIFICATIONS RESPONSE WHEN SUBMITTING THEIR BID RESPONSE
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RFP No. 900977, Addendum No. 2
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County of Alameda, General Services Agency-Procurement
RFP No. 901438, Addendum No. 1
Responses to Written Questions
Q1)If a bidder previously participated in the oral presentation and interview for RFP No. 901406 –Prisoner Transport Trucks, will the bidder be required to attend another face-to-face oral presentation and interview for RFPNo. 901438 – Prisoner Transport Trucks?
A)No. The County will allow for anyvendorto tele-conference into the vendor interview for RFP No. 901438.
Q2)If a bidder elects to participate in the vendor interview via conference call, will this method affect the bidder’s evaluation points in the Oral Presentation and Interview criteria?
A)No. Tele-conferencing will not affect the evaluation points for the oral presentation.
Q3)Is the bidder required to input the tax amount in the bid form?
A)No. The tax field is a protected field and the tax amount will automatically calculate on the Microsoft Excel bid form when the build costs are entered.
Q4)If a bidder lists the same references in the previous RFP’s (RFP No. 901406 – Prisoner Transport Trucks) bid submittal, will the same references be contacted again?
A)Yes. The County will complete the full competitive bid process, which includes, but not limited to reference checks.
Q5)Can the County please clarify what is considered a current reference and what is considered a former reference?
A)A current reference is a customer who has accepted delivery of a vehicle within the last three years. A former reference is a customer who has accepted delivery more than three years ago.
Q6)What is the maximum file size for a bid submittal via the Strategic Sourcing Portal?
A)The Strategic Sourcing Portal has a maximum file size limit of 50 MB for bid submittals.
Q7)Page 9, Exhibit D, Large Truck Specifications Response, Section B. Modular Construction, Item 10., Compartment Sizes, Items a.-n. state:
10. COMPARTMENT SIZES:- Front 96”w x 72”H x 56” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- Rear 96” W x 72” H x 53” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
- 36” w x 72”H x 34” D
Can the County please confirm the dimensions provided refer to the holding cell size?
A)Confirmed. The dimensions for the compartments listed above refer to the size of the prisoner holding cells.
Q8)Page 10, Exhibit D, Large Truck Specifications Response, Section B. Modular Construction, Item 10. Compartment Sizes, Items o.-r. state:
o.COMPARTMENT #1InteriorDimensions–96”w x 72”H x 56” D DoorwayDimensions– 30.75"Wx 15.75"HLocation – Front compartment
Shelving– None
Door(s)– Single,bottomhinge
Light(s)– One(1)LED striplight
Additional Instructions – Prisoner capacity is 9
p.COMPARTMENT #2 through #7
InteriorDimensions–36” w x 72”H x 34” D
DoorwayDimensions– 30.75"Wx 15.75"H
Location – Streetside
Shelving– None
Door(s)– Single,bottomhinge
Light(s)– One(1)LED striplight
Additional Instructions – Prisoner capacity is 2 per compartment
InteriorDimensions–96”w x 72”H x 53” D DoorwayDimensions– 30.75"Wx 15.75"HLocation – Front compartment
Shelving– None
Door(s)– Single,bottomhinge
Light(s)– One(1)LED striplight
Additional Instructions – Prisoner capacity is 9
r.COMPARTMENT #9 through #14
InteriorDimensions–36” w x 72”H x 34” D
DoorwayDimensions– 30.75"Wx 15.75"H
Location – Curbside
Shelving– None
Door(s)– Single,bottomhinge
Light(s)– One(1)LED striplight
Additional Instructions – Prisoner capacity is 2 per compartment
Can the County please clarify which items refers to the holding cell and which items refers to the storage compartments? Some items imply holding cell information while other items imply storage compartments
A)All 14 of the compartments listed above are prisoner holding cells.
Q9)Page 9, Exhibit D, Large Truck Specifications Response, Section B. Modular Construction, Item 13. Door Hinges, states:
“Shall be full length, piano type, stainless steel hinges, 2.5" wide with a 0.25" pin. The hinges shall be attached with 12 x 3/4 stainless steel truss head screws spread 4" apart and staggered 0.5" horizontally for additional strength and adjustability. Hinges shall be staked every 4”. Compartment doors shall be hinged on the bottom edge. All compartment and both passage doors shall hinge on the aft side of the door. Wheelchair access door shall hinge on the forward side of the door. (Only on one of Four Trucks)”
Can the County please confirmwhether the hinges should be on the aft side of the doorsor the bottom?
A)Exterior storage compartments should be hinged on the bottom edge. Interior compartments (prisoner holding cells) should be hinged on the aft side of the door.
Q10)Page 23, Exhibit D, Large Truck Specifications Response, Section G. Emergency Warning Systems, Item 6. Electrical Interlock, states:
“An interlock shall be provided to prevent operation of the wheelchair lift while the vehicle is in drive. The interlock shall also prevent the vehicle from shifting into drive while the wheelchair lift is in the stowed position.”
Can the County please confirm whether the word “stowed” should be replaced with “deployed” as it pertains to preventing the vehicle from shifting into drive?
A)Confirmed. Stowed should be replaced with deployed.
Q11)Page 24, Exhibit D, Large Truck Specifications Response, Section J. Loose Equipment, states:
“The following equipment shall be shipped loose with the vehicle:
- Spare tire and wheel
- Tire changing tools
- Twenty four (24) J236 keys”
Can the County please clarify that there is an intent to change tires on the vehicles and if so, what tire changing tools will be required?
A)The County requires a single spare tire and wheel to be received with each truck. This spare will be received loose and will be held at the County’s repair facility. The tire changing tools will be removed from the requirements. Please see revised Exhibit D.
J. LOOSE EQUIPMENTThe following equipment shall be shipped loose with the vehicle:
- Spare tire and wheel
- Tire changing tools
- Twenty four (24) J236 keys
Q12)Can the County please confirm the Wi-Fi integration and building side equipment is no longer a requirement for data transfer from the prisoner transport trucks?
A)Confirmed. The County is no longer seeking Wi-Fi integration and building side equipment for data and video transfer from the prisoner transport trucks.
Q13)Page 11, Exhibit E, Small Truck Specifications Response, Section B. Modular Construction, Item 17 states:
“CELL #3
Interior Dimensions – 64.125”W x 73”H x 96.625”D
Doorway Dimensions – 28"W x 73.75”H
Location – Curbside, rear
Seating– Two bench seats, facing each other
Door(s) – One exterior with lock
Additional Instructions – Seating for four; or two wheelchair positions shall be provided against the rear wall. Each wheelchair position shall have a three point seatbelt harness provided and padlocked in place. The securement system shall be permanently installed and shall be fully concealed by two doors with twist slam latch (on the exterior) when not in use. In the event the wheel chair positions are not needed, there will be two flip down seats available. A video camera shall be recess mounted above the doorway and have a protective covering. This area shall seat four people or 2 wheelchairs.”
Can the County please confirm the changes to the rear cell configuration from the previous RFP (RFPNo. 901406 – Prisoner Transport Trucks) is now the desired configuration?
A)Confirmed. The rear compartment is to be sized to either fit four passengers or two wheelchairs.
The following participants attended the Bidders Conferences:
Company Name / Address / Representative / Contact InformationMBF Industries, Inc.
210 Tech Drive
Sanford, FL 32711 / Bryan Tittle / Phone: 407-323-9414
Prime Contractor: Yes
Subcontractor: No
Certified SLEB: No
RFP No. 901438, Addendum No. 1
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RFP No. 901438 – Prisoner Transport Trucks
This Vendor Bid List is being provided for informational purposes to assist bidders in making contact with other businesses as needed to develop local small and emerging business subcontracting relationships to meet the requirements of the Small Local Emerging Business (SLEB) Program:
This RFP Addendum is being issued to all vendors on the Vendor Bid List; the following revised vendor list includes contact information for each vendor attendee at the Networking/Bidders Conferences.
RFP No. 901438 - Prisoner Transport TrucksBusiness Name / Contact Name / Contact Phone / Address / City / ST / Email
Braun Northwest, Inc. / John McCroskey / 800-245-6303 / P.O. Box 1204 / Chehalis / WA /
MBF Industries, Inc. / John Baker / 407-323-9414 x112 / 210 Tech Drive / Sanford / FL /
A--Z Bus Sales, Inc. / Clay Hartman / 916-391-1092 / 3418 52nd Ave / Schaumburg / CA /
Bay Equipment & Repair / Rich Retzner / 510-783-9050 / 3393 Enterprise Ave / Hayward / CA /
El Dorado Bus Sales / Dan Williams / 650-222-2618 / 29220 Pacific Street / Hayward / CA /
Golden Gate Truck Center / Les Schwindt / 510-632-3535 / 8200 Baldwin St / Oakland / CA /
Motor Coach Industries / Gary Pugsley / 602-999-9427 / 1700 East Gold Rd., Ste. 300 / Schaumburg / IL /
Trivan Truck Body LLC / Ryan Vandriel / 360-815-7610 / 1385 W. Smith Rd. / Ferndale / WA /
Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories / Aubrey Hall / 609-654-0777 / 612 Gravelly Hollow Rd. / Medford / NJ /
Farber Specialty Vehicles / Scott Pearson / 949-488-0338 / 7052 Americana Pkwy. / Columbus / OH /
MBF Industries, Inc. / Bryan Tittle / 407-323-9414 / 210 Tech Drive / Sanford / FL /
Exhibit C – RFP No. 901438
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RFP No. 901438 - Prisoner Transport Trucks
INSTRUCTIONS: Bidders must submit, with their bid, a fully completed RevisedExhibit D – Large Truck SpecificationsResponse for Prisoner Transport Trucks. Bids which are submitted without the “Large Truck SpecificationsResponse” will be disqualified.
A “Yes” response to a requirement in the “Comply” column will mean that the bidder intends to comply with the exact specification, as described in the “Large Truck SpecificationsResponse.” If the bidder is able to comply with the specification stated, and states “Yes” in the “Comply” column, no further action is required. A “No” response to a specification sentence in the “Comply” column will mean that the bidder is unable to comply with the specification provided by the County.
If a bidder is unable to comply with specific requirements listed in RevisedExhibit D – Large Truck SpecificationsResponse, the bidder is to state “No” in the “Comply” column, and provide a brief explanation in the “Explanation” column. All exceptions, clarifications, and amendments pertaining to RevisedExhibit D shall be described in full, using additional pages, as necessary, to provide complete descriptions. Bidder must clearly reference each exception, clarification, or amendment by its corresponding item number (e.g., Item 1.a. – Specific Ratings, Rear Axle Ration: 5.22 ratio). The County, at its sole discretion, shall have the right to deem acceptable any exceptions, clarifications or amendments stated by the bidder.
A response of“N/A” or no response to any specification column will mean that the bidder is unable to comply with the specification provided by the County.
In the “Large Truck SpecificationsResponse,” references to specific brand names are intended to describe components that have been determined to best meet operational, performance, or reliability standards of the County, thereby incorporating these standards by reference within the specifications. These specifications are not meant to limit the vendor; they are guidelines to minimum qualifications. The bidder shall indicate their compliance or non-compliance for each line of the “Large Truck SpecificationsResponse” section. An “equivalent or better” may be offered by the bidder, subject to evaluation and acceptance by the County. It is the bidder’s responsibility to provide, at bidder’s expense samples, test data, or other documentation, which the County may require to fully evaluate and determine acceptability of an offered substitute. The County reserves the sole right to reject a substituted component that will not meet or exceed County standards. Please refer to Page 14 of this RFP, BRAND NAMES AND APPROVED EQUIVALENTS,for further information on brand names and approved equivalents.
EXCEPTIONS, CLARIFICATIONS, AMENDMENTS TO SPECIFICATIONS: Any and all deviations, exceptions, or alternatives to the “Large Truck SpecificationsResponse” must be clearly stated, as described below, or the proposal may be considered non-responsive.
- Regular cab
- Warranties
Five (5) years Allison Transmission warranty
Five (5) years Cummins warranty / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
- Drive - 4 x 2
- G.V.W.R Capacity - 37,700 lbs.
- Wheelbase - 288"
- Rear Axle Ratio - 5.38 Ratio
- Engine
2008 CARB EmissionCertification - Exempted Vehicle, No Clean Idle Label Required
–CumISL 9
1000 lb./ft.torque
Cummins Turbocharged 18.7 CFMaircompressor
Electric grid airintakewarmer
Cummins exhaustbrakeintegralwithvariablegeometryturbo with on/off dash switch, activates stop lamps
- EngineCoolingSystem
- Transmission
Waterto Oiltransmissioncooler– framemounted
- Exhaust– Exitrear of truck body
- TRWTAS-85,power steering
- Adjustable tilt and telescoping steeringcolumn
- 4-spoke 18 inch steeringwheel
- FrontAxle Load: 14, 600.0 lbs.
- FrontSuspension :14, 600#Taper leaf
- RearAxle Load:23,000.0 lbs.
- RearSuspension: Airliner 23,000#, Rideheight-High
- Manual dump value for airsuspension with gauge
- Frontand RearShockAbsorbers (Air ride suspension)
- AirBrakePackage
- Front– Bendix ADB22X-V Air Disc
- Rear–Bendix ADB22X-V Air Disc
- Anti-Lock– WABCO 4S/4MABS withouttractioncontrolenhancement
- BrakeLining– Non-Asbestos
- Tires–Seven(7)Michelin XZA2 Energy 295/80R22.5 16 PLY front and rear tires
- Wheels – Polishedshieldfinish on outeraluminumwheels, steelinnerwheels,22.5”
- SpareTire on SteelWheel
- Alternator– 12V 320 ampPadMount
- Batteries –Three(3)Alliance 9A31 GRP31,12VMF,2775 CCA
- Gauges
Fuellevel –electric
Coolant– Electrictemperaturegauge
HourMeter– Integralw/trip inconsole
Speedometer– Electronicw/mph,kph scale
Tachometer– 3000 rpmelectronic
Voltage – Digitaldisplayinconsole
AirPressure– warninglight/buzzer
AirRestriction – IntakeMountedindicator
- ControlsCruise – Switchesin leftpanel
- Audio– AM/FM,w/two(2)speakersin cab
- BackUpAlarm
- Cab–106"BBC High-RoofAluminumconventionalw/airmounts
- Bumper– Three-Piece14”ChromedSteelBumper with collapsible ends
- Frame – 7/16”x 3 -9/16” x11-1/8 steel–squareend frame
- Grille – Chromeplastichood-mounted
- Mirrors
Primary– S/S WestCoast with heater,remote
Auxiliary– 8"convex,w/addt.downview onrightsideand 8”convexrightfendermounted.
- Windows
- Lighting
Headlights – Integralwithdaytime runninglamps
- Horn – Dualelectric
- Wipers– Singleelectricwithdelay
- FuelTank– Equiflosystem
Fuelfilter/waterseparatorwith heatedbowl / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
- Interior– OpalGrayvinyl
- InteriorConveniencePackage
- DoorTrim– Grayvinylwith aluminumkickplates
- Floor– Blackvinylmatsw/high-densitysoundinsulation
- Seats
Suspension Seats with 4 chamber air lumbar and integrated cushion extension and tilt , “Gray Modura” cloth seat cover
Dual driver and passenger armrest
- Climate Control – Heater/ Defroster/AC w/ recirc. Switch & dual air compressors
- Lighting – Door activated dome light and map lights, forward mounted LH & RH, rear center mount
- Locks – Automatic door locks
- Additional Options
Silencer package
5 lb. fire extinguisher
Two (2) 12V Power Supply in dash / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
- Cab – Blue Jean Metallic
- Chassis – Black HS polyurethane
Rubber mud flaps shall be installed behind each rear wheel. / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
Shall be an integral part of the driver’s console (Section
F.4 related) / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
An aftermarket switch shall be provided under the OEM dash to disable the chassis transmission selector. Allison transmission representative shall install switch andprogramming. / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
An auxiliary frame mounted condenser and an auxiliary engine mounted compressor for the module air conditioner shall be installed. / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
Themoduleshallbe boltedto thechassisframe ina minimumoftwenty(20)locations. Eachmountinglocationshallincludea hardrubberisolation padbetweenthechassisframeand themodulelateralframe. Sixteen(16)3/4"Grade5 boltsshallextendthroughthelateralandsidesoftheframememberandbolttothe web ofthechassisframe witha 3/4"Grade5 bolt. Thetwo(2)rearmostboltsshallbe5/8"bolts. Allboltsshallbe securedwithlockingnuts. / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
Allmaterialutilizedshallbe ofthecorrecttype,alloy, andthicknesstowithstandtheintendedusage and provideprotectionagainstcracking,corrosion,ormetalfatigue. Allmaterialsutilizedshallbe ofopenstockorigin,commonlyavailablethroughlocalsources,forrapidandeconomicalrepairor modification ofthebody. Anyuse ofproprietaryparts ormaterialsin theconstruction ofthebodyis unacceptable,due topotentialdelays ordifficulties infuturerepairsorservice. NOEXCEPTIONSTO BE TAKEN IN THIS AREA. This specificationhasbeendesigned and writtento fillspecificneedsofthisagency. Wherebrandname,make, ormodelofequipmenthas beenspecified,noexceptionswillbe allowed. Wherecompartmentand cabinetsizeshave been specified,biddermustbid substantially(plusorminus1")thesizespecified. Themoduleshallhave atransferablelifetimestructuralwarranty. / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
“Re-Mountable” Body: Vendor shall provide on disk four (4) similar projects fabricated by the vendor utilizing the bid specified outlined fabrication methods and materials. / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
StructuralTubing1"x 2"x 0.125"sq. 6063-T52
StructuralTubing2"x 2" x 0.125"sq. 6063-T52
CrossMembers3"x 3"x 0.375" 6061-T6
Cross Members1.5" x 3" x 0.25" 6061-T6 / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
Subfloors/Doors 0.125" 5052-H32
Interior Cabinets 0.090" 5052-H32
Diamond Plate 0.188"/0.125"/0.08" 3003-H32
Stainless Steel 16 ga., 20 ga. 304 # 4B / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
a.Overall Vehicle Dimensions: (Specifications are listed as minimums.)
Length:39' 11 ¾”(479 ¾”)
Width:8' 6” (102”) (Excluding Mirrors)
Height:9' 9" (117") / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
b.Exterior Module Dimensions: (Specifications are listed as minimums.)
Width:8'6” (102")
Height:8'2 7/8"(98 7/8") / COMPLY: YES____ NO____
c.InteriorDimensions: (Specificationsarelisted asminimums)
Length:Forward Wall to Rear Doors – 361 7/8"
Width:Left Wall to Right Wall – 96 7/8"
Floor Width: Aisle between Street side/Curbside Seats - 44.25”