Subject: _____Science______Unit: ______2______Topic: __Space______
Learning Goals for Lesson / Standards:SC.3.E.5.1Students will know:
- The characteristics of stars as they change during their life cycle.
- What we can observe about stars.
- Identify and describe the characteristic of the stars.
- Tell about what we can observe about stars.
LEQ: How do the characteristics of stars change throughout their life cycle? What can we observe about stars?
Activating Strategy:– Do Try It pg.50 Estimate the Number of Stars without counting them. OR You Tube video on “Stars and their sounds”
Temperature, characteristics, star, sun, size, brightness, constellations
Lesson Instruction
Learning Activity 1:Read, “When I Heard” or other text that relates to astronomy. Have student cut out a sun for Unit vocabulary G.O. Teacher model vocabulary words, definition, and quick sketch for each vocabulary word. Definition found in TE for Chapter 2 Afterwards, show student Brain Pop Jr- the Sun. Have student’s discussion questions with partners. Begin Chapter 2 pages 52-57. Collaborative pairs may discuss responses to TE questions and short responses from SE.
Assessment Prompt:
Create a graphic organizer of the different colors, temperatures, and sizes of the stars. Using the graphic organizer write to compare and contrast stars and their characteristics. / Graphic Organizer:
Use a word web to describe stars.
Then use a chart/table to compare the differences in stars.
Learning Activity 2:Watch brainpopconstellaions and then model how to make a constellation with sticker stars or marshmallows and toothpicks. Create constellations based on what we have learned about the patterns of stars.
Assessment Prompt:
Design a new constellation of your own using a copy of the stars. Write to tell about the constellation you created.
Learning Activity 3:Explore how stars have a different brightness. Use flashlights from different distances to explore how the closeness of the star can make it appear brighter.
Assessment Prompt:
In your journal, write a paragraph to explain how some stars appear brighter than others. / Assignment:
Look at a sample of a pattern of stars. Describe the characteristic of the stars, tell why some of the stars are different sizes and colors. Justify you answer with examples or details.
Summarizing Strategy:
Ticket Out the Door:
Give a definition of what a star is. Then tell 3 characteristics of stars that you have learned about.