Rosemount Youth Lacrosse Board
Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 5, 20176:30pm, RCC
Name / Position / Attendance / Name / Position / AttendanceHeather Whebbe / Director / X / Shannon Lilga / 9/10 Coordinator / X
Amy Proshek / Treasurer / X / Chris Winkler / 14U Coordinator
Don Pasch / Secretary / X / Ethan Stanton / 12U Coordinator
Holli Priebe / Registration / Dan Lenmark / 10U Coordinator / X
Jessica Brandt / Website/Marketing / X / Mike Blaszczak / 8U Coordinator
Natalie Albers / Uniforms / Heather / Amy / IP Coordinator / X
Tod Franklin / Equipment / Chris Gullickson / Girls Coordinator
Cara Pavek / Fields / Lance Kuehn / Boys High School / X
Mike Humble / Player Development/Coaches / Jeff Smith / Girls High School
Mike Pavek / Fundraising / John Duchscherer / RAAA Representative
Others Present: None
Next meeting: July 10, 2017, RCC
Heather Whebbe called the meeting to order at 6:32 pm.
Girls Update (Chris Gullickson via email)
- The transition to the outdoor season in May has gone well thanks to some great and dedicated coaches.
- Games start next week and this comes just in time as they've had 2 months of practices already.
14U Update (Chris Winkler via email)
- So far we consider 14U try outs a success. The make-up of the teams look to be accurate. We are hopeful for a stronger B team this year in the end.
- One special try out was held for a player that missed initial try outs with a concussion. He ended up being placed on the B team after our individual try out process.
- Both teams have been practicing since try outs. We have had one weekend YLM scrimmage and two add on scrimmages so far with one more this week for the A team. This will likely be the last week that we run combined practices as both teams will start YLM games the week of June 12thand from then on out the teams will mostly operate on their own. A will use Flint Hills as it is available and B will use Bloomfield. Both are using Flint Hills for games.
- 9/10 completed its season. The 8 graders that played up had a solid experience and that should really help our 14U year. There are some scheduling and team challenges with this to manage if we move 8thgraders up next year that next year’s 14U coordinator may want to get on top of.
12U Update (Ethan Stanton via email)
- The two12UB teams were formed in early May. Unfortunately, we did not have a ranked list from True Lacrosse, so, we did our best to split equal pairs of players across the teams during an extra practice session. The teams are in separate YLM regional groups, so, we don't have to worry about easy comparisons of the two teams.
- All 3 12U teams are off to good starts with practices and having played some scrimmages already.
- Uniform distribution went well. No complaints on fitting at this time.
10U Update (Dan Lenmark)
- Box season went well…..2 of the 3 teams were undefeated.
- Evals/draft went well also.
- One parent did question team size and why we went with larger as opposed to smaller teams.
8U Update (Mike Blaszczak via email)
- Box season ended on May 8th. Apple Valley 8U was very generous in setting up scrimmages with us which added to the success of the season.
- Summer evaluations were held on May 22nd and two equal teams were formed on May 23rd.
- Uniform distribution went well.
- The YLM game schedule has been released where each 8U team plays 6 games.
IP Update (Heather Whebbe)
- Looking so far like 2 teams with 28 total players.
- Lance will be holding an IP camp June 19th and 20th
Coach/Player Development (Mike Humble via email)
- This week will be following up with the coaches who have not finished up all the required paperwork (mostly on-line items).
- Have heard good things about the 14U/12U paid coaches/college helpers.
- Will be reaching out to JV and 9/10 players to help out with the IP program this week.
- Nothing to report on player development.
Fields (Cara Pavek/Don Pasch)
- Almost all fields are still looking good so far.
- Heather to work with Mike B on using Connemara for IP.
Equipment (Tod Franklin via email)
- Many equipment related items need to be ordered:
- 6 goals are in need of replacing…3 as soon as possible, 3 can wait until next year. (We discussed the condition of the nets more at the meeting).
- 3 sets of goalie equipment for next year.
- Defense sticks (3 heads and 1 pole).
- More balls.
- Game equipment for the boxes at the fields.
- We will need to prioritize what is being requested equipment wise for the rest of the year.
Fundraising (Mike Pavek – not present)
- No updates.
Golf Tournament (Mike Pavek/Heather Whebbe)
- No updates.
Leprechaun Days (Heather Whebbe)
- Meeting Thursday the 8th with the boosters
Registration (Holli Priebe via email)
- Only one outstanding US Lacrosse registration that needs to be renewed.
Uniforms/Apparel (Natalie Albers via email)
- Identified a few sizing adjustments that needed to be made following handout, so, a follow-up order was placed for a handful of extra pieces. That order should be ready for pickup later next week.
- IP shirts will be ordered soon.
- The second apparel order closed yesterday (6/4).
Dakota Lacrosse (Amy Proshek)
- Dakota Lacrosse asking for feedback on how to make things better for next season.
- Need to decide if we will be participating next year at all.
- One team never picked up their uniforms.
- Discussed why 12U does not play Box in the spring.
9/10 Update (Shannon Lilga)
- 9/10 had a more difficult season compared to previous years of late.
- There were behavior issues with some of the younger 8th graders with several incidents happening. All discipline was handled at the coach/team level.
Coach Kuehn
- IP camp will be held June 19th and 20th at Hilltop Field.
- Numbers looking good for both skills camps this summer. A Swax Lax ball will be given to each player signed up.
- Will model the boys 3v3 tourney after how the girls tourney was run last year.
Financial Update (Amy Proshek)
- Went over financials on the year so far.
- On budget for Gophers and Spring Break tune-up along with evals and close to budget for indoor time.
- $1500 left to spend for equipment this year.
- Will follow-up with Holli to see if we paid for 9/10 US Lacrosse fees.
- Still need to pay for one 8U tourney.
- All projected number of players were close except for 8U (less) and 10U (more).
- Will pay our portion of 9/10 coaches soon.
Motion to adjourn at 7:39pm made by Shannon Lilga, seconded by Dan Lenmark, approved by all.
NOTE: Meeting minutes from May 2017 will need to be approved at a future meeting.