Social Impact Program –Application drafting tool
There are two categories in the Social ImpactProgram: Future Makers for Change and EvaluationExchange. This drafting tool can be used to draft an application to either category.
The onlineCreativeVictoriaGrants Portalwill accept applications until 5pm on the advertised closing date.
Use this tool to draft your application. Once drafted you will need to copy and paste your drafted text into the corresponding boxes on the Grants Portal.
Before starting an application, make sure you have read and understood the program guidelines available
Application Details
Section 1 – General Section
The fields in Section 1 are included in the drafting tool as they will need to be completed on the Grants Portal. The only field in this section that benefits from being drafted – that is, crafted and refined – is the Project Description.
Section 1 is a generic section that all applicants respond to across all programs.
Amount applying for ($)Project start date
Project end date
Project title
Project description (500 characters max)
The description should be a simple overview of the activity in one to three sentences.
In addition to your projects details, Section 1 will also require you to answer the following question.Primary location of activity
(tick one only) / VictoriaStatewideNational
If you choose Victoria you will then be asked to submit a single Victorian address where the project is taking place. If you are touring or working in multiple locations within Victoria, choose Statewide.
Section 2 – Project/Program Details
It is important to provide a clear and comprehensive description of the activity and what you are proposing to do during the period of support. Each response can have a maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces.
Revisit the program guidelines to make sure your application addresses the assessment criteria and aims of the program.
What is the creative concept/ideaof the proposed activity and how do you plan to deliver it?How will the proposed activity address the social policy issue?
What strategies will you employ to reach the target community for the project?
Section 3 – Creative Practitioner/s and Organisations/Partners
List the creative practitioners involved in your project, and their role. Each response can have a maximum of 2000 characters, including spaces.
Creator’s biography or Organisation description (You must provide at least one Creator’s biography or an organisation description, and a maximum of five).Creator’sbiography or Organisation description
Creator’sbiography or Organisation description
Creator’sbiography or Organisation description
Creator’sbiography or Organisation description
Section 4 – Activity Area
What is the primary artform or creative focus of your activity of project? / Cross-practiceDanceMusicLiteratureTheatreVisual Arts
ScreenDesignNone / not applicable
Do you, your organisation or creative practitioners involved with this application identify as: / Children (up to 12 years) Youth (12-25 years)
Senior Adult Women
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
Culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD)
People with a disability LGBTI
Not Applicable
Is your project aimed at a specific audience or group of participants that identify as: / Children (up to 12 years) Youth (12-25 years)
Senior Adult Women
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
Culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD)
People with a disability LGBTI
Not Applicable
Section 5 – Budget
To apply, you will need to include a complete budget online.
To draft your budget, download and complete the ExcelCreativeVictoriaBudget Tool, available from the Creative Victoria website.
Your budget should detail additional income (if applicable) and all areas of expenditure during the funded period.
Application Documents and Supporting Material
Applications should include uploaded supporting documents where appropriate. A full description of Application Documents and Creative Support Material is available in the program guidelines.
Where to get help
You can contact the Social Impact team on 03 8683 3139.