- Maintain our status as a ‘Bike It’ school – cycling / scooting / walking – sustainable travel to become the norm for travel at Cale Green
- Creating a long lasting and durable cycling culture
- Creating quieter and safer roads and healthier children
- Cycling / Scooting used as teaching tool in the classroom
Success Criteria:
- Achieve Sustrans Gold Award – external benchmark of school’s commitment to sustainable travel
- End of Reception Summer 2016 all children can safely ride a bicycle without stabilizers
- At least 65% of all children cycle / scoot / walk to school each day
Tasks / Responsible / Training implications / Resources / costs / Time frame / Notes
Appoint School Travel / Cycling Champion from parent body to meet with school based staff / Maggie Eyre
Sue McGahey / 1 x planning meeting each term / Autumn 2014
Promote walking / cycling / scooting to school:
- Take part in ALL activities offered by the Local Authority and external partner organisations (Sustrans / TGfM / etc) throughout the school year
- Purchase ‘Balanceability’ and introduce September 2015
Sue McGahey
Parent Champion
Governors / Balanceability Pack - £500 / Autumn 2014
Promote road safety / well-being:
- Take part in ALL activities offered by the Local Authority (Street Feet / Head Smart / Crashed Vehicle Project / Operation Eagle Eye / etc)
- Take part in Road Safety Week (Brake)
Sue McGahey
Parent Champion
LA Road Safety Team / ‘Beep Beep Day’ Activity Pack - £12.00 / Autumn 2014
Ensure all policies / plans are in place and adopted by FGB:
- Updated Travel Plan
- School Cycling Scooter Policy
Maggie Eyre
Sue McGahey
Parent Champion
Governors / 3 x FGB meetings:
15/07/15 / Autumn Term 2
Spring Term 4
Summer Term 6
Integrate safe and sustainable travel into the curriculum:
- 4th Theme ‘Make a Difference’ – opportunities for direct study and to provide context for further study (e.g. maths problems)
- Enrichment and engagement activities during 4th theme (BMX Velodrome visit / Scooter man visit / Dr. Bike / Bike It Breakfast / Sustrans Superhero Day / Bling Your Bike / etc)
13/05/15 / 11/05/15 – 22/07/15
Wider Opportunities:
- Adult Cycle Training (TGFM) – including targeted intervention (EAL / BME women)
- Year 6 to use public transport where possible for trips / visits / transition to High School
- Raffle prize – Bruntwood Park BMX track family membership
Sue McGahey
TGfM staff
Sarah McHugh / 16/05/15
23/05/15 / ‘A New Journey’ / Summer 2015
- 1 new cycle shed – Meyer Street entrance
- 2 scooter pods – Meyer Street entrance / existing cycle shed location
Information for Parents:
- Handbook / Induction materials
- Website – policy / Travel Plan
KH / Ongoing / Autumn 2014
Monitoring and Evaluation:
- How do governors ensure the school has clear strategic overview of sustainability?
- What has the impact of our actions been on pupil sustainable travel rates?
- Is cycling / scooting / walking embedded into our curriculum and wider life of the school?
- Are our actions promoting the highest possible aspirations for all the children of Cale Green?