WAVE Foundation’s mission is to engage, excite and educate our community about the wonders of aquatic life and the importance of conservation.
Aquarium Animals to YOU presented by the WAVE Foundation!
Our outreach programs incorporate the use of live animals to offer unique experiences. An experience offered at your senior centercan be tailored to your specific audience and organizational needs. Any of these styles would be perfect for your next event! Additionally, each program offers the opportunity to touch our exotic animals and take photos with them.
Premium Animal Programs: ($425)- Participants will have an opportunity to touch each of our animal ambassadors; Yes, even the Sharks and Rays! These programs include animals that require extra supervision or additional equipment.
African Penguin:Do you want a penguin to waddle around you? To learn about everything about penguins – including physical characteristics and why the African penguins are endangered? Examine penguin artifacts? Want to discover more about their natural predators and human threats? If so, then this is the program for you!
Shark Cart:The Shark Cart brings live sharks to you with the first ever mobile shark tank on wheels!This program demystifies common misconceptions about sharks and gets you up-close and personal with these amazing creatures. Learn the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY of sharks!By the end, you will discover how you can make a difference in shark conservation today!
Sting Ray Cart:Our shark cart was such a HUGE hit with everyone that we built the first ever mobile sting ray touch cart! This program gets you up close and personal with these amazing creatures of the sea. Learn all about our mysterious sting rays and then have a chance to stick your hands in the water and touch them!
Tri-State Treasures: New for 2017! Discover the local freshwater ecosystem while you see and touch an endangered species, the lake sturgeon. We will discuss these living fossils and learn about overfishing and the efforts to increase declining populations. Our new stinkpot turtles will also be featured and discussed!
Animal Programs: ($225)- Participants will have an opportunity to touch each of our animal ambassadors!
Scales & Tails:Discover the reptilian world during this unique experience as we feature a lizard, snake, and turtle or tortoise! We will ask our audience (students, kids, adults) to join in learning what it takes to be a reptile. This program will cover the animal’s natural history, including basic facts, adaptations and specialized features these animals display to succeed in the wild.
Croc Talk:Crocodilians are some of the largest reptiles! We will discuss what it means to be a reptile through an in-depth conversation about Crocodilians: crocodiles, alligators, gharials, and caimans. You’ll discover the amazing differences between each species and at the end be able to tell them apart with just a glance!
Turtle Time:Are you ready to experience true Turtle Power?! In this class we talk all about the actual differences between turtles, tortoises, and their relatives! We will also discuss some simple conservation practices that you can do to help protect these amazing animals! We also talk about each species of turtle or tortoise that we bring and their adaptations for survival.
Snakes:What makes a snake different from other reptiles? Discover this and more with our Snakes program, where we bring 3 different types of snakes for you to experience! Big and small, learn why snakes are important to our ecosystems!
By filling out this document, hereby releases and forever discharges the WAVE Foundation and the Newport Aquarium, and all of their officers, directors, employees, contractors, volunteers, parents, subsidiaries, and agents (in both their individual and representative capacities) (collectively, the “Releasees”) from and against, and hereby waive, any and all claims, liabilities, damages or expense, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, that may be alleged or incurred in any way related to or arising out of any person’s participation in any program or related activities provided by the WAVE Foundation and/or the Newport Aquarium, including, but not limited to, any and all claims, liabilities, damages or expense arising out of the negligent acts or omissions of any or all of the Releasees.
WAVE on Wheels Senior Center Registration Form
Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis. Receipt of your registration form and payment does not constitute a scheduled program until you receive confirmation. The WAVE Foundation reserves the right to cancel this program at any time, in which case, a full refund will be granted. Please complete this form and e-mail it to our Conservation Education Curator, Dan Dunlap at , or mail it to the address at the bottom of this form, or fax it to 859-261-5888. We will then contact you to confirm your visit and discuss any details.
*By filling out this document you giveprint, social media, photo, and video release consent to those participating in the outreach*
Contact Name Date
Contact Phone Email
Organization Name
Location of Program Distance from Aquarium
City State Zip Code
Maximum number of participants:
Please select 3 dates for which you would like to schedule a program. List in order of preference.
Date 1 Time Date 2 Time Date 3 Time
Animal Encounter Programs Each program is booked by the hour, and the initial program is $225 and includes live animals. Each additional hour is $100 if held on the same day and within reasonable time frames.
Number of Programs: 1 Program ($225) 2 Programs ($325) 3 Programs ($425) Other
Please let us know which theme you are interested in for your Outreach Program. If the theme you choose is not available for any reason (sickness, etc), you will be notified as soon as possible and another animal can be substituted.
Scales & Tails Croc Talk Turtle Time Snakes
Premium Animal Encounter Programs Each program is booked by the hour, and the initial program is $425 and includes live animals. Each additional hour is $200 if held on the same day and within reasonable time frames.
Number of Programs: 1 Program ($425) 2 Programs ($625) Other
Please let us know which theme you are interested in for your Outreach Program. If the theme you choose is not available for any reason (sickness, etc), you will be notified as soon as possible and another animal can be substituted.
African PenguinShark CartSting Ray Cart Sturgeon Cart
MILEAGE: Program cost includes mileage within 30 miles roundtrip. For all other mileage, please see below:
Distance from Newport Aquarium to Program Location: miles
Within 15 miles (0-30 miles roundtrip) – No Charge 46-60 miles (91-120 miles roundtrip) - $75
16-30 miles (31-60 miles roundtrip) - $25 60-100 miles (120-200 miles roundtrip) – $100
31-45 miles (61-90 miles roundtrip) - $50 More than 100 miles (over 200 miles roundtrip) - $125
METHOD OF PAYMENT: (Payment must accompany order for a date to be reserved unless worked out with WAVE)
Program Cost: Mileage Cost: Total Cost (Program + Mileage):
Check or Money Order Payable to: Wave Foundation Check # Invoice PO #
Send invoice to:
Credit Card MasterCard VISA AMEX Discover
Name as it appears on Card: Expiration:
Credit Card Number: Signature: Date:
Billing Address: City: State: ____ Zip Code: ______
Please return this form with payment to: WAVE Foundation Education Department
WAVE Foundation • One Aquarium Way • Newport, KY 41071• Phone (859) 815-1442 • Fax (859) 261-5888 •
WAVE Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. Tax ID #61-1325992