In attendance:Councillor S Walker (Vice Chairman)

Councillors D Reid, C Humphreys, A Watt

Boston Borough Councillor M Cooper

Lincolnshire County Councillor M Brookes

Mrs K Partridge (Clerk)

39.1CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: Councillor Walker welcomed all to the meeting.

39.2APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies for absence received and accepted from Councillor H Pinchin.

39.3APPOINT CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN: Councillor Pinchin nominated to continue as Chairman, proposed by Councillor Watt, seconded by Councillor Humphreys and agreed. Councillor Walker nominated to continue as Vice Chairman, proposed by Councillor Humphreys, seconded by Councillor Reid and agreed.


39.5POLICE REPORT: PCSO in attendance.

2 reported incidents in the last month – attempted theft of heating oil and a trailer theft, both incidents undetected.

There has been an increase of heating oil thefts in the parish, any suspected vehicles should be reported to 101. Patrols by the police late at night have increased in the area.

An issue reported to Councillor Reid regarding torches flashing late at night will be looked into by the police.

39.6MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18 APRIL 2017: It was resolved the minutes be approved and signed, proposed by Councillor Reid, seconded by Councillor Watt and agreed.


Newsletter: One new advertiser had been received, 2 in total were not renewing. A total of £126.00 to date has been received from advertisers. There were issues at the present time with the printers, machinery appears to be continually breaking down and the current issue of the newsletter has been waiting for almost 3 weeks to be printed. Alternative printer to be sourced, depending on costs.

Overgrown Hedge, Hall Lane: This has been reported to Lincolnshire County Council for action, outcome awaited.

Street light: Light in Lee Avenue reported, not yet repaired, Clerk to check on progress.

Request for metal detecting: Following the request from a resident who was seeking permission to metal detect in the playing field, this has been passed to Lincoln Diocese for decision.

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Public Footpaths: Footpath from Mandike to the Roundlands – LCC have informed the issue is now resolved and no further action necessary.

Footpath from A16 to Eleys Lane, a new footbridge has been installed and the footpath is now reinstated, no further action at this time.


Transformation Grant: Prices sourced for purchase of laptop, printer, mobile wi-fi and office programme; further prices to be sourced by Councillor Watt.

Telephone Kiosk: Councillor Cooper had provided details of who to contact regarding a defibrillator; a reply received from Dr Nyman was positive and a decision will be made shortly. Signed adoption papers received from BT and the equipment will soon be removed.

Councillor Watt had ascertained the original number of the telephone was BO5329, it was changed in 1963 to 460329. The K6 box was installed in 1935 to commemorate the coronation of King George V.


Councillor Reid was concerned at the dumping of brown bin material between the newly cleared area between the church wall and the drain; the Community Payback Team have done an excellent job on clearing the area and it was disheartening for such blatant disregard for their hard work. Clerk to check if a notice could be erected in the area.

Councillor Humphreys reported a bad pothole on Waste Green Lane close to the junction with A17. Clerk to pass to Highways.

Councillor Humphreys would like to arrange a press release and have plaques erected to thank the Community Payback Team for the work they have done.

Councillor Humphreys reported the Holland Places of Worship Festival have 25 registered, this will take place on 9th and 10th September when the churches and places of worship will be open in the Boston and South Holland Area. Sponsorship for the guide is being sought.


a) A budget update was presented and accepted.

b) to approve payment of accounts:

Clerk s salary - £105.42

Clerk s expenses - £33.03

Newsletter printing - £51.00.

It was resolved the accounts be paid, proposed by Councillor Watt, seconded by Councillor Humphreys and agreed.

c) To approve the end of year accounts and sign and complete the audit statement.

End of year account figures were presented and accepted. It was noted there was a large difference in the precept income from 2016 to 2017, this was because Boston Borough Council paid the first instalment of the precept into the account on 31 March 2017. The auditors have been contacted and they agreed this could be accounted for in the explanation of significant variances sheet.

The appropriate figures were entered onto the audit statement, which showed a carry forward account balance of £3,710.74.

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It was resolved the audit statement be signed, proposed by Councillor Humphreys, seconded by Councillor Reid and unanimously agreed.

41.11DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 13 June 2017 at the Village Hall and will commence at 7.20pm with a 10 minute public forum, if required.

There being no further business to discuss the Chairman thanked those in attendance and closed the meeting at 9.00pm.

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