Announcement of Interest for INCluSilver – Idea Innovation Voucher (2IV)

1Company details

Legal name of SME applying for the INCluSilver voucher:
Company VAT number:
Country where the company is registered (only INCluSilver countries): / Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom
Legal representative:
Name of contact person:
Position within the company:
Telephone number:
Email address:
Company web page

1.1Financial data on SME status from the last accounting period/financial year to ensure SME status

Number of employees
Turnover/balance sheet in your national currency and in Euro / National currency / Euro

1.2Company’s core business

Please indicate which sector best describes your company’s core business.

1.3The participant(s) and the estimated budget for participation

Participant must be an employee of the SME, max. 2 employees can participate with the support of the voucher, participant(s)’s CV(s) with full list of publications, patents, conference presentations, international experiences, etc. must be attached in euro-pass format.

The eligible costsare travel and accommodation costs, planned in Euro. The total amount of the voucher is max. 3000 Euro.

Innovation Training and Networking Event (ITNE) venue and dates:
Name of the participant(1):
Name of the participant(2):
Travell (economic flight, public transport (e.g. bus, trains), and car (for the amount of the train ticket price)). Please provide the link that was the base of your planning. / Means of transport:
Means of calculating the cost:
Budget for 1 participants:
Budget for 2 participants:
Accommodation (max. 4 star hotel, please provide the hotel’s offer) / Name, address of the hotel:
Duration (max. 1 night before and after the event date):
Price for one night:
Price for the whole period:
Budget for 1 participation:
Budget for 2 participations:
Total sum of the applied budget

1.4Expected outcome of participating in the ITNE:

Please provide a short explanation about the following issues:

How are your research/innovation activities connected to the challenges of Personalised Nutrition? (Choose from Table 1/or new challenge. For Table 1 see Appendix, p. 5, or Guide for INCluSilver Applicants)

Why do you want to participate in the ITNE? What kind of outcome/networking possibilities are you expecting? Please be as concrete as possible.

Which activities are you planning to carry out during the event? (Presenting your field of research/project ideas, participation in bilateral meetings, matchmaking, etc.)

2Excellence in innovation

Keywords describing your/your company’s

innovation activities, and research topics (general)
Personal/team professional competencies
Patent(s) (if any)

2.1Excellence in national and international projects/cooperation

Please list the relevant innovation/research projects your company has participated in. Please insert new lines if necessary.

Project title
Thematic area
Funded by (if any)
Partners involved (if any)
Role of the SME in the project

Have you already participated inEU/national grant innovation training/networking event?

Yes No

If yes, the

name of the organiser, the title, date, and venue of the event (with link, if available)
Achieved results


I accept the terms and conditions discribed in Sub-Grant Agreement (ANNEX 6)

The project is not already receiving or likely to receive any public funding, and does not form part of an overall project which is supported by any other EU funded project(s).

I agree not to use any other EU funds during the project implementation to avoid double financing.

Date:Signature (legal representative):

To sumbit the application please save the document as PDF and upload it at:


Table 1

Topic / Challenges / Sectors Involved
T1. Functional food and nutrigenomics / C1. A more precise understanding of the mechanisms of action for nutrients and bioactive substances.
C2. Biomarkers need to be further developed in order to better identify the relationship between dietary components and health also be the enlarging of dietary intake databases.
C3. Food vehicles for bioactive ingredients that have a great potential for research and product development.
C4. The intersection of genomics and molecular nutrition that presents opportunities to understand nutrient effects and individual variability in response to diet. / Agro-food
T2. E-health / C5. Food intake and feeding habits’ monitoring should be interoperable with different platforms (regulatory frameworks, available functional foods, etc.)
C6. Abilities of elderly (e.g. skills, socio-economic position).
C7. Devices/ instruments that can quantify life style parameters. / Agro-food
T3. Determinants of diet and physical activity / C8. Physical activity tools and food intake assessment.
C9. Monitoring of nutritional/ physical status and reporting.
C10. Preventing diet-related, chronic diseases and increasing the quality of life. / Agro-food
T4. Diet and food production / C11. Providing the food industry with more knowledge of the effects of food on health.
C12. Stimulating the food industry to produce healthier, high-quality foods in a safe, sustainable and affordable way by applying the concept of Industry 4.0. / Agro-food
T5. Information and social networking / C13. Stimulating consumers to select foods that fit into a healthy and sustainable diet (New information systems for proper food choices).
C14. Strategies to implement personalised nutrition communication through interactive tools and ICT strategies to reach target groups and promote healthy life styles.
C15. Guiding health professionals in defining the key messages appropriate to facilitate the behavioural change required.
C16. Packaging providing more information about products. / Agro-food
T6. Logistic, design and packaging solutions / C17. Food packaging taking into account the difficulties faced by elderly people.
C18. Smaller packages with longer shelf-life.
C19. Innovative ways for food shipping (Meal on wheel).
C20. 3D printed food and packaging solutions. / Agro-food
T7. Policy and health care systems / C21. A legal, ethical and societal framework to ensure genetic information about food and disease.
C22. Incentives and funding support for Health and Nutrition Research need to be developed and implemented. / Agro-food
/ This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731349