Welcome to the website of the Department of Otolaryngology of Lincoln Medical and MentalHealthCenter. This manuscript is aimed to familiarize you on the uses and contents available on this site. The site is however very user friendly and you can easily discover its various uses by merely browsing and trying out the various links. You can visit the site at the following address:
Mirror Sites were the website can be accessed include:
The webpage is composed of7 main pages:
1)The homepage, which contains a general description of LincolnHospital and the Department as well as a short description of the program.
2) The Program page which gives a more detailed description of the program, gives the contact details and the requirements
3) The Faculty page gives a list of the faculty of the department together with the different subspecialties
4) The History page gives a background on the past members of the department
5) The Resident's page shows the names and pictures of the current residents of the department
6) The Tools page is where you will find the different tools and templates that the resident's use in the department. It also contains links to important sites and online resources for the residents. Also included are select articles, lectures and guides. The tools section is password protected - the code is 4b1c2.
7) The Contact page shows a mapof thehospital and surrounding area as well as gives contact numbers. It also gives directions on how to get to the hospital. The map is an embedded googlemaps page which will allow you to zoom in, zoom out, get a satellite view, or get specific directions on how to getto the hospital from a specific address.
There are also links to the most commonly used sites on the lower left of each page. It is easy to know these sites by their logos. Namely:
1) CIR - This link gives you access to the central immunization registry of New York. you will still need your username and password which will be provided by Dr. Szema duing your first month of residency. This is a useful tool to determine the immunization status of your patients especially if they were not able to bring their immunization cards or if they are followed up in other clinics and hospitals other than Lincoln. This link is accessible even off-site of the hospital.
2) PACS - This link points to the page to access the PACS (radiology) system of the hospital. You will need a username and password which you can get after a tutorial session from PACS. This link is not accessible off-site of the hospital
3)UpToDate - The hospital has an account with UpToDate which allows you to access their service while you are in any terminal in the hospital. This gives a link to the search page of UpToDate. UpToDate is useful for last minute research necessary for presentations and intake rounds. It is not to be used for making research papers. This link does not work off-site of the hospital
4) ACGME - The link to ACGME changes depending on what page you are on in the site. For the Residents and Tools pages, the link gives direct access to the resident sign in to add or review cases on your ACGME record. In the other pages, the link goes to the main page of ACGME. This link is accessible even off-site of the hospital
5) Groupwise Email - This link gives you access to your groupwise email which is a service provided by the hospital. You will need a username and password which is the same as the username and password you use to access the internet in the hospital. You can get it from the IT section. This link is accessible even off-site of the hospital
6) OVID - OVID is a database of research articles that you can use when you want to peruse articles on a subject or when you want to research references for a research paper. You will need a username and password to access this which is availble with the librarian after she gives you an orientation on how to use this service. This link is accessible even off-site of the hospital
7) Thompson Micromedex is a database of the medications including their dosages, side effects, mechanism of action, etc... It is also a great resource for patient education on select diseases and medications. You can print out patient education materials with your patient's name for their reference. This link is not accessible off-site of the hospital.
8) Stat Ref - Stat Ref is a collection of reference material which can be used when doing research or studying. It is a reference collection of several books. You will need a username and password to access it if you are off-site of the hospital which you can get from the librarian.
9) BELL Survey – Link for easy access to the log-in page of the BELL survey. A survey that residents regularly have to do to make sure we are complying with work hours.
10) MD Consult – A link to MD Consult for easy reference
The Tools Section
The Tools section contains links to tools commonly used that can help you pull up necessary information to take care of your patients. On the left side are 2 boxed sets of links, the upper is to Resources that are commonly used and the 2nd brings you to a 2nd/subpage of the tools section.
To enumerate the links on the Other Resources Box:
1) The Resident Pager List - this opens up a page containing the resident pagers
2) Important Phone Numbers - this opens upalist of the important phone numbers and localnumbers in the hospital
3)Common Drugs and Dosages - this opens upa list of the most common drugs used in the hospital and their respective dosages
4) Lincoln Formulary – links to the formulary of the hospital
5) PI Projects - This opens up a list of the PI projects of the department and updates on their status
6) Common ICD codes - this opens up a list of the more common ICD codes dealt with in the department. This is most useful for the residents in entering the ACGME log-in cases
7) ACGME requirements - Thisopens up a pdf file listing goals and requirement of acgme for the residency program
8) AAP Content Specification – link for easy reference to the AAP Content specifications as a guide to residents taking the boards
9) MD Consult links to Nelson and Harriet Lane
10) Formulas - this opens up a list of the more common formulas used
11) CIR Benefits – a link to the CIRSEIU website which enumerates the benefits available to resident members.
12) Special characters - This opens up an ascii table. This is a table of special characters that are not available on a standard keyboard. You can cut and paste specific characters that you need to presentations/papers that you are preparing.
13) Google Docs - gives access to google docs which is an online service that is similar to Microsoft Office (Word Processing, Spreadsheet and Slide Presentation). It stores your documents online though so be careful of HIPPA
14) Acronyms - opens up a list of acronyms used in the department
15) Glossary - opens up a list of terms and their meaning
The 2nd box titled Tools Page 2 brings you to a 2nd/subpage of the tools section where the following can be found:
1)Resident Rotation Goals - these are listed per rotation and lists the goals of each rotation
2) Resident Survival Guide - This is a list of articles written by residents to help incoming residents get acquainted with the procedures in the rotation. These articles deal with the more practical, hands-on aspects of the rotations as well as gives tips and tricks. These guides are specially useful to be read prior to beginning a new rotation.
3) Mysis Tips and Tricks – articles that give you tips on working faster with Mysis
4) Select Lectures - This opens up a list containing select lectures that have been given by attendings and residents in the department
5) Select Articles - This opens up a list containing select articles that are recommended reading
6) Presentation Templates –a collection of customized powerpoint presentation templates personalized for LincolnHospital and Pediatrics
7) Picture and Video Albums - this opens up a page containing the links to photoalbums of past departmental activities as well as past departmental videos
8) Miscellaneous Forms – A list of commonly used forms in the hospital for easy printout
8) CIR Forms - This opens up a list containing links to the CIR (Committee on Interns and Residents) Benefits and Forms for these benefits available to residents. These forms are also available on the CIR website at CIR is the union for the residents
The columns of links underand next to the boxed section direct you to the most common tools used on the floors and clinics as well as to the templates that will be useful in entering data to the patient's chart. It is divided into headings which include:
1) Reference values - These links are online resources that help compute reference values for patients. It includes a list of the developmental milestones, the denver II form, a table of asthma classification, a tool for BP grading per height and age, a drug dosing calculator for the PICU, a list of fever protocols, a fluid calculator for dehydration, a pain scale for use with patient and the tanner staging table.
2) Immunization Tables - This link opens up the updated immunization tables for reference. It also has a link that opens up a list of the most common brand names and combination vaccines used in the clinic
3) Schedules - Gives the updated schedules for the residents so they can access them anywhere and anytime
4) Evaluation Forms - These forms are used to evaluate coresidents and attendings that you have worked with in the past rotation
5) Templates lists for each section of the Department: OPD, 4B (Floors), Community Rotation, ER, Nursery and PICU. The PICU heading or the “more..” at the bottom can be clicked to go to a separate page for the PICU tools.
6) Guideline - this includes links guidelines including JACO readiness codes and summaries as a quick review for those interested