2016 DWR WE Grant Application
Groundwork San Diego
Work Plan
Attachment 3
Description of the Project - Summary
Groundwork San Diego-Chollas Creek will expand current water conservation and energy efficiency programs to continue its efforts to reduce water use, increase energy efficiency, and promote water /energy awareness in the project area. The Energizing Our Community One Drop At A Time project will conduct a single-family and multifamily clothes washer, dishwasher, and water fixture upgrade program; continue efforts to provide access by DAC residents to public water/energy conservation incentives; continue education and outreach programs that raise awareness of, and facilitate, behavior change around the water/energy conservation nexus; and provide conservation job training opportunities to DAC youth. This project will conserve a total of 10,117442 gallons of water; save 29856 kWh energy; conserve 64466 gas therms; and capture 351 metric tons of MTCO2e. It will help meet the region’s water/energy conservation goals.
Need for Project
Low-income communities are disproportionately affected by climate change, but have long been denied access to the economic, environmental, and health benefits of many conservation programs. The impacts of climate change are far ranging and deeply troubling. Referred to by the Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law as the “Climate Gap,” it is widely understood that extreme weather hits communities of color hardest given economic insecurity, poor quality housing, and poor information access. The results are high rates of illness, crime, and financial hardship. Emerging challenges in disadvantaged communities center around the vulnerability of these communities to the disastrous impacts of climate change and the historical exclusion of these communities from the socio-economic and environmental benefits associated with green technologies and incentives.
Energy and water efficiencies in low-income communities face the same challenges. The Energizing Our Community One Drop At A Time project will address the most significant of these challenges as revealed in a recent California Energy Commission SB 350 “Barriers” report. They are:
1. Financial: Limited disposable income, competing needs, and lack of collateral/credit preclude DAC residents for participating in up-front payments required for energy efficiency purchases as well as rebate programs. Our project will provided residents with energy efficiency upgrades they could not otherwise purchase.
2. Structural: Because a large percent of DAC residents are renters, efficiency upgrades must provide both renter and property owner benefits. They must reflect the reality of older construction of both single and multifamily residences. Our project will facilitate coordination of renter and property owner to advance upgrades and address building design challenges.
3. Community access: Language and cultural challenges, and lack of awareness of programs, amongst DAC residents hinder effective energy/water efficiency programs in DACs. These same barriers negatively impact inclusion of DAC residents in youth development and job training programs. Our project will conduct community-based social marketing and middle school education efforts to raise awareness, and will conduct these campaigns in language and culturally-appropriate approaches. We will partner with job training and youth development partners to ensure inclusion of DAC residents in training and employment opportunities.
Project Map (included as separate attachment)
Work Plan Tasks
Task 1: Objective - Develop Community Engagement Campaign Plan
· Develop existing conditions report of target community
· Develop plan strategies to include awareness and behavior change
· Retain canvassing professionals
· Produce outreach literature
· Finalize timeline and budget
Deliverable - Community Engagement Plan
Task 2: Objective - Conduct Community Engagement Campaign: Awareness
· Implement social media activities
· Implement monthly editorial (print/broadcast ) placement
· Present project to area NGOs and decision makers
· Schedule “pop-ups” and kiosks at library and other public gathering spaces
Deliverable - Monthly report of social media, editorial, public space and presentation activities
Task 3: Objective - Conduct Community Engagement Campaign: Behavior Change
· Conduct door-to-door literature distribution campaign to include energy/water savings tips and rebate offers
· Provide direct assistance in rebate review and facilitation
· Provide direct assistance in property owner/renter collaboration to address CEC SB 350 Barriers Report “split incentive” findings
· Conduct outreach to multifamily property owners/managers
· Secure commitments from residents and multifamily managers for conservation retrofits
· Implement project area middle school educational program engaging 300 students in behavior change strategies to reinforce/cross market residential outreach
Deliverable: 500 homes reached in literature distribution; Five multifamily property owners consulted; 100 residents express interest in rebates; 50 residents/one multifamily manager commit to retrofits; 300 students participate in energy/water educational activities including use of energy/water home audits related to residential outreach campaign
Task 4: Objective - Workforce Development
· Workforce Plan developed to include outreach strategy, training goals, reporting.
· Local workforce development leaders (UA Plumbers and Pipefitters Union; I Am My Brother’s Keeper NGO, Grid Alternatives) engaged to recruit/train DAC residents in support of installations aligned with UA Apprentice Program and other trades opportuntities
Deliverable: Workforce Plan; 10% of project labor conducted by DAC residents; DAC workforce participants enrolled in apprenticeship and/or certification programs
Task 5: Objective - Complete Retrofits
· Secure participating resident/property manager agreements to provide water/ energy use information throughout project area
· Secure liability waivers from participating resident/property managers
· Complete existing conditions report (photo analysis)
· Complete installations
· Conduct post-installation surveys for energy/water awareness, satisfaction
Deliverable: 50 residential installations completed; one or more multifamily housing installations completed
Task 6: Project Administration
· Progress reports and invoicing
· Final report
· Labor Compliance Program (this project will be a Public Work Project as defined by the State of California Division of Industrial Relations and will comply with all applicable provisions
· A Monitoring Plan will be developed to report ARB metrics
· Reporting on residents completed; rebates facilitated; retrofits completed; students engaged
Deliverable – project completed by August, 31, 2018