…………….. HIGH SCHOOL,
2014-2015, THE 2nd TERM, the1st ENGLISH EXAM
Name / Surname: …………………………………………………………………… 11F - ……………… Mark: …………………
About seven to ten millionnativepeoplelived in Centraland South Americabeforethebeginning of Europeancolonizationin the 15th century. Thearrival of Europeansbroughtabouttheend of thenativecivilzationsthere. Within 100 years of thearrival of thesettlers, thenativepopulationwasreducedby 90 percent. Today, therainforests of the Amazon arestillhometonativetribes, whostilllargelyrely on theirsurroundingsforfood, shelter , andmedicine. However, veryfew of thesetribeslive in theirtraditionalways. Most of themhavebeenforcedtogiveuptheirlifestylesorhavebeenaffectedbythe modern world. Whilesomestilldepend on theforestfortraditionalhuntingandgathering, most of themgrowcrops,such as bananas, manioc, andrice, anduse western goods, like metal pots, pans, andothercookingutensils.Instead of wearingtheirtraditionalcloths, mostnativepeoplewear western clothes. Theymakeregulartripstotownsandcitiestobringfoodsandwarestotheirmarkets. Somegroupsmakehandicraftstoselltotheboatloads of touriststhatpassthrough. Theseforestpeople can teach us a lotabouttherainforests. Theyhaveknowledge of medicinalplants, whichtheyusefortreatingillnesses, andtheyhave a greatunderstanding of theecology of rainforests.
A-Circlethechoicewhich is theclosest in meaningtothewords / phrasesgiven
1- ‘broughtabout’ in line 2
a- rose B- What do thesewordsreferto?
b- caused 1- who (line 3): ………………….
c- decreased 2- them (line 4): ………………….
2- ‘settlers’ in line 2 means 3- their (line 7): ………………….
a- colonists
b- inhabitants C- Matchthewords/phraseswiththedefinitions.
c- ancestors 1- ______tribe a- goodssold at market sor in thestreets
3- ‘surrounding’ in line 4 2-______wares b- beautifulhand-madeobjects
a- technology 3- ______handicrafts c- togivemedicalcareto an illperson
b- environment 4- ______passthrough d- a group of relatedfamilieswhohavethe
c- residents samelanguage, customsandbeliefs
4- ‘giveup’ in line 5 5- ______treat e- togoto a place foronly a shortperiodduring
a- stop a journey
b- carry on D-Matchthewords/phraseswiththetheirantonyms
c- create 1-______native a- increase
5- ‘utensils’ in line 7 2- ______arrival b- modern
a- machiner 3- ______reduce c- foreign
b- ingredients 4- ______traditional d- continue
c- tools 5- ______giveup e- departure
E- Matchthewordswiththeirdefinitions
a- ______accomplish 1- tosucceed
b- ______densely 2- arrogant, boastful
c- ______elude 3- small, inadequate, poor
d- ______indigrant 4- toforce, tocoerce
e- ______meagre 5- thickly
f- ______invaluable 6- idea, belief
g ______notion 7-angry, resentful,bitter
h-______barren 8- unproductive, infertile
i- ______compel 9- priceless
j- ______conceited 10- toavoid, toescape
F- Matchthephrasalverbswiththeirmeanings
a-______blowup 1- neden olmak
b- ______break off 2- şaşırmak
c- ______break away 3- zorla girmek
d- ______be takenaback 4- havaya uçurmak
e- ______answerback 5- ilişkiyi kesmek
f- ______bringabout 6- karşılık vermek
g-______break in 7- kaçıp kurtulmak
G- Fill in thesentencesusingthecorrectforms of theword in pharanthesis
1- Peoplewhoare ______knowhowtoreadandwrite (literacy)
2- ______betweentwoteamsended in fight. (rival)
3- RadenAyu Kantini was a heroandsheprotestedthe ______of thelocalIndonesianpeoplebytheDutchcolonizer. (oppress)
4- Janelovesdrawingandpaintingandshe has been a ______artist. (passion)
5- His parentsnever ______himtodrivewithout a licence. (permission)
H- Fillintheblanksusingthecorrectwordsfromthebox. Makenecessarychanges.
casualty - uneasy – renounce – bother – shiver - arise1-It is not coldwhichmakesme______but thefear.
2- Shereadthelist of ______in thewaranxiously.
3- He ______his religionandbecameMuslim.
4- Someunexpecteddifficulties can ______iftheymovetoanothercountry.
5- I’mbusy. Don’t ______mejustnow.
6- I didn’tlikethedecision. I’mstill ______about it.
I- Choosethecorrectanswers.
1- Shewaswalking ______as ifshewasbeinglateforsomewhere.
a- merrily b- dilligently c- hesitantly d- abruptly e- briskly
2- Thelittle boy ______his father’shandtightlyandledhimto his roomtoshow his new toy.
a- grasped b- eluded c- oppressed d- nodded e- kneeled
3- Youshould ______yourmostcriticalfiles in ordertoavoidlosingdata on yourcomputer.
a- bringdown b- backup c- break down d- bringup e- break off
4-The fire wasstartedbypeoplewho ______thestoretostealchocolatewhentheirlightedmatchwasdroppedontothefloor.
a- blowout b- broughtdown c- brokeinto d- brokeaway e- beatup
5-Allfamilymembersshouldconcentrate on ______thechild in an ideal manner.
a- blowingout b- bringingup c- breakingdown d- beatingup e- askingout
Teacher of English
***Eachcorrectanswer is 2 pts.