
COH Endorsed Agency:

Please complete and return to

Angela Mason

Community Service Coordinator

905-686-4450 ext 165

Carruthers Creek Community Church’s vision is to be a City of Hope, a place that is involved in our community and a place that cares about meeting the needs of others.

We are actively identifying community needs and opportunities for service.

This application is to be completed by individuals who are interested in serving at one of the COH endorsed agencies within our community. The information requested on this application is confidential and will be used for the intent of tracking and recording areas of C4’s involvement.

For more information about the mission and core values of Carruthers Creek Community Church, please visit our website

Thank you for taking the time to complete this application.

Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

(Matthew 5:14-16 NASV)

Personal Information


Phone: Email Address:

Are you older than 16 years of age? Y or N Gender: M or F

(Individuals younger than 16 years of age are required to have a signed permission waiver from a parent or legal guardian. Please ask your project coordinator for this form.)

Spiritual and Personal History

Write a brief testimony about how you became a Christian(please include the date & use the back of this page if necessary).

Would be comfortable sharing your testimony with others?

* If you’re not comfortable sharing your testimony, consider taking C4’s ‘Go Fish’ evangelism course.

What are your spiritual gifts?

** If you’re not sure what your spiritual gifts are, consider taking C4’s ‘Spiritual Gifts Discovery’ Course.

Ministry Experience

How long have you attended Carruthers Creek Community Church?

In what areas of ministry are you currently or have you previously served in at the church?

Have you had a Canadian Police Information Check (CPIC)?

(Many agencies will require volunteers to obtain a CPIC every 3 years.)


I affirm that all the answers and information I have provided on this application form are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that my position with Carruthers Creek Community Church and the local agency partners endorsed by Carruthers Creek Community Church is a volunteer position and that I have no expectation of pay, compensation, or benefits of any kind, or an expectation of future employment, in exchange for such volunteer services. I have read and agree to abide by the Feet on the Street Serving Guide for Volunteers (attached).

Signature of ApplicantDate


Our desire is to bring the hope and love of Jesus Christ to our local community by serving those in need, in Jesus’ name, actions we’re referring to as Feet on the Street initiatives.

Serving in Jesus’ name, means serving with His authority and not our own. It is serving without our own agenda or the expectation of benefitting from our deeds.

Feet on the Street volunteers are representing Christ and representing Carruthers Creek Community Church. It is requested that certain procedures and practices be observed while focusing on the comfort of the individuals being served and the needs of the agencies we endorse.

Any questions may be directed to your Project Coordinator

or if urgent, to Angela Mason COH Community Service Coordinator.


In addition to this list of points, there will be an additional list of requirements from the agency or for this particular project – your Team Leader will provide these to you.

  • Check in: All volunteers are to check in with their Team Leader or the assigned supervisor, when they arrive on-site, and prior to leaving.
  • Reporting: Please fill in and return any reports that are requested, as quickly as possible.
  • Transportation: You are responsible for providing your own transportation to and from the project or service site.
  • Name tags: If they are required, please wear them.
  • Dress Code: The default is to mirror the community environment that you are serving in; please no crop tops or otherwise revealing clothing.
  • Food and Drink: Bring your own unless advised otherwise by your Team Leader. Eat in the designated area and at the time designated by your team leader.
  • Tasks: If you finish your task, check with your Team Leader to see if you are needed anywhere else.
  • Entertainment: Do not take ipods, game electronics or computers to a project site.
  • Children: Do not take your children to a project site unless previously approved by your Team Leader.
  • Scheduling: Keep your Team Leader informed, in advance, of any changes to your availability. Please remember that if you have made a commitment to serve at a particular time, others are relying on you to be there.
  • Witness: Your conduct and behavior at all times, is a statement of your faith and your values. Every believer is called to be a responsible witness in word and deed.

If you need any information or help or have any suggestions as to how we might improve our support of you as a volunteer, or of the agency and the people they serve, contact the Community Service Coordinator, Angela Mason at 905-686-4450 ext 165 or by email

(Please detach and keep this page for your personal use)

Oline Stehr wrote,

I read John 15:5 every day until one day I finally got it, and I cried deep, soul-satisfying tears. It’s true: I can do nothing without you, Jesus. Everything I have ever done before I knew you and everything I try to dowithout you add up to nothing. The only things that have meaning are done with you and in your name and for you.