Unit 1 Introduction to Biology, Chemistry and Water. Test Friday

Chapters. 1-3 pages 1-46

Chapter 1

Key terms

Control Dependent variable Independent variable Hypothesis

Replication Randomness Theory Experimental group

Homeostasis Cell Organism Population

Community Ecosystem Biosphere Evolution

Atom Taxonomy Diversity Emergent property


·  Diagram the heirarchy of structural levels in biology.

·  Briefly describe the unifying themes of biology

·  Explain how science and technology are interdependent.

·  Distinguish between deductive and inductive reasoning.

·  Write hypotheses meeting criteria given

·  Design a controlled experiment while labeling parts.

·  Analyze an experiment by determining and labeling parts.

Chapter 2

Key terms

Covalent bond Ionic bond Isotopes Ion

Proton neutron electron trace element

Polar bond non polar bond hydrogen bond half life


·  State the four elements essential to life that make up 96% of living matter and four elements that make up most of the remaining 4%.

·  Describe the structure of an atom

·  Explain the significance of radioisotopes to biologists

·  Compare and contrast ionic, polar covalent, nonpolar covalent, and hydrogen bonds.

·  State the major components of the earths current atmosphere.

·  Describe the early atmosphere as the earth formed.

Chapter 3

Key terms

Cohesion Surface tension Adhesion Capillary action

Solvent Solute Solution Acid

Base pH scale Buffer Heat of vaporization

Specific heat Hydrophilic Hydrophobic Transpiration


·  Describe how the unique physical and chemical characteristics of water make life on earth possible.

·  Explain how water is able to form a hydrogen bond and why it is significant.

·  Draw a water molecule and label its positive and negative delta charges.

·  Explain the basis for the pH scale.

·  Explain how a buffer works using the bicarbonate buffer system as an example

·  Describe the causes of acid rain, and explain how it affects the fitness of the environment

Unit2: Biochemistry and Enzymes Lab 1: Diffusion and osmosis

Chapters 4, 5, and 6: Pages 48- 108

Chapter 4

Key terms

Functional group amino group carboxyl group hydrocarbons

Isomer organic inorganic phosphate


·  Be able to identify the functional groups

·  Draw an amino acid

·  Explain the role of Carbon in the molecular diversity of life

·  Describe Urey-Miller experiment and its significance

Chapter 5

Key terms

Polymer monomer carbohydrate starch

Cellulose sugar monosaccharides disaccharides

Sucrose lactose Condensation synthesis Hydrolysis

Glycogen protein macromolecules Lipids

Nucleic acids nucleotides amino acids glycerol

Fatty acids unsaturated fats triglyceride saturated fats

Glucose galactose maltose fructose

Storage polysaccharides structure polysaccharides chitin

Fats phospholipids steroids hydrophilic heads

Hydrophobic tails peptide bonds variable R group hemoglobin

Cholesterol denaturation protein conformation DNA

RNA ribose deoxyribose nitrogenous base

Pyrimidine purine nucleoside double helix

Denature phosphodiester linkage


·  Explain the analogy of a string of beads to the structure of a polymer

·  Name and explain how macromolecules are synthesized and broken down.

·  List the four major macromolecules and describe their structures.

·  Draw an amino acid, glycerol, cholesterol, phospholipid, and nucleotide with detail.

·  List key examples and functions of each of the macromolecules

·  Compare and contrast starch, glycogen, and cellulose.

·  the primary, secondary, Distinguish tertiary and quaternary structure of a protein.

·  Explain the significance of protein conformation.

·  Explain the book’s analogy of software and hardware to DNA and proteins.

·  Compare and contrast the phosphodiester linkage and hydrogen bonds in a DNA molecule.

·  Explain how the structure of each macromolecule accounts for its function.

Chapter 6 Lab 2: Enzyme catalysis

Lab 4: Plant pigments and photosynthesis

Lab 5: Cell respiration

Key terms

Substrate Catalyst Enzyme Induced fit theory

Specificity denature metabolism free energy

Exergonic endergonic exothermic endothermic

Activation energy active site cofactors coenzymes

Competitive inhibitors feedback inhibition spontaneous rxn noncompetitive inhibitors

Anabolism catabolism ATP ADP

Allosteric regulators saturated phosphorylation


·  Explain the relationship between free energy, entropy, enthalpy, and temperature in determining how a reaction progresses.

·  Explain the induced fit theory

·  Explain how enzyme activity is regulated by environmental conditions, cofactors, enzyme inhibitors, and allosteric regulators

·  Sketch graphs of reaction/time and free energy/time for uncatalyzed reactions, enzyme-catalyzed reactions, feedback inhibitor reactions, and allosteric enzyme reactions

·  Discuss the effect of concentration of product, reactant and enzyme on reaction rate.

·  Draw the structure of ATP

·  Describe the significance of ATP and enzymes in cell function.

Unit 3 Cell structure, Cellular transport, and Cell communication

Chapters 7, 8, and 11 Pages 173-218 and ???????

Chapter 7

Key terms

SEM TEM cytology cell

Cell fractionation prokaryotic cell eukaryotic cell nucleolus

Nucleus nuclear pore nuclear envelople chromosomes

Chromatin ribosome vesicles vacuoles

ER/endoplasmic reticulum lysosomes golgi apparatus plasma membrane

Smooth ER rough ER phagocytosis perioxisomes

Mitochondrion chloroplasts christae plastids

Chromoplast amyloplast thylakoids grana

Stroma cytoskeleton microtubules centrioles

Flagella cilia 9 + 2 pattern basal body

Microfilaments cyclosis intermediate filaments cell walls

Plasmodesmata glycocalyx gap junctionss tight junctions

Desmosomes organelle


·  Explain in your own words why cells must be small.

·  Describe the structure and components of the nucleus.

·  Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the SEM, TEM, and light microscope.

·  Compare and contrast eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells

·  Explain why compartmentalization is important in eukaryotic cells.

·  Label cell parts and identify their functions.

·  Distinguish the three types of plastids

·  Describe the structure, monomers, and functions of the three parts of the cytoskeleton.

·  Describe the structure of flagella and cilia.

·  Explain how cells communicate with their neighbors.

·  Describe the three types of vacuoles and their list their functions

·  Describe the structure of the eukaryotic ribosome, mitochondrion, and chloroplast.

·  Describe the current model for the endomembrane system and how it provides for transport and recognition.

Chapter 8

Key terms

Selectively permeable fluid-mosaic model cholesterol hydrophilic

Hydrophobic diffusion osmosis active transport

Passive transport facilitated diffusion water potential concentration gradient

Osmotic potential hyperosmotic hypoosmotic hypertonic

Hypotonic isoosmotic isotonic proton pump

Sodium potassium pump cotransport phagocytosis pinocytosis

Exocytosis endocytosis dialysis plasmolysis

Turgid phospholipid bilayer integral proteins peripheral proteins

Glycolipids glycoproteins water potential


·  List and describe mechanisms by which substances cross the plasma membrane.

·  Describe the process and people’s work by which the fluid mosaic model was constructed.

·  List and describe factors affecting the flexibility and strength of the plasma membrane

·  Describe transport proteins and how their structure determines what type they are.

·  Explain how the energy from ATP is harnessed during active transport.

·  Describe the importance of the plasma membrane being able to maintain homeostasis in the cell

·  Describe how organisms of different types can maintain osmotic integrity in their various environments.

·  List and describe the molecules in the plama membrane that allow it to perform its various functions.

Unit 3

11 days Chapter 6, 9,10 Test Thursday

Read pages 97-108, 173-178,188-195,199-206,214-218 (39 pages)


Chapter 9

Key terms

Redox cellular respiration Kreb’s cycle glycolysis

Electron transport chain pyruvate lactic acid acetyl CoA

NAD FAD electron carrier fermentation

Obligate anaerobe facultative anaerobe obligate aerobe chemiosmosis

Oxidative phosphorylation substrate level phosphorylation

Alcohol fermentation lactic acid fermentation lactic acid


·  Explain why facultative anaerobes like us are advanced evolutionarily.

·  List and briefly describe the three major steps in cellular respiration, indicate where they occur in the mitochondrion, and what are the products of each step.

·  Compare and contrast fermentation and cellular respiration.

·  Write an overall reaction for cellular respiration and fermentation

·  Trace the oxygen, carbon and hydrogen through the process of cellular respiration.

·  List what is reduced and what is oxidized in cellular respiration.

·  Describe phosphorylation and how it is related to ATP doing work.

·  Explain how feedback inhibition causes muscle cells to revert back to fermentation when insufficient amounts of oxygen are present.

·  Explain how lactic acid affects the muscles and how lactic acid fermentation might of evolved to help and protect the organism.

Chapter 10

Key terms

Photosynthesis light dependent rxn light independent rxn chlorplast

Chlorphyll Calvin cycle spectrophotometer pigment

Xanthophyll Carotene chlorphyll a chlorophyll b

Photocenter I Photocenter II carbon fixation heterotroph

Autotroph accessory pigments G3P RuBP

C3 plants C4 plantss CAM plants stomata

Photorespiration photoautotrophs chemoautotrophs chemosynthesis


·  List and describe the two major steps of photosynthesis, where they occur in the chloroplast, and what the products are for each step.

·  List the advantages and disadvantages of C3, C4, and CAM plants.

·  Trace the carbon, hydrogen and oxygen through the process of photosynthesis.

·  Discuss the evolutionary relationship between photosynthesis and the central vacuole of plant cells.

·  Explain the role of water in photosynthesis.

·  Compare and contrast the processes of photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and fermentation

·  Explain why the number of mitochondria and chloroplasts vary in different types of cells and locations in the organism.

Unit 4 Mitosis, Meiosis, Heredity 7 days (Test on Friday Sept. 3)

Chapters 11-14.

Reading: 221-224, 226-229, 234-237 (except diagrams on page 235 and 236), 248-249, 252-254, 284-288, DO all self quizzes and problems for chapters 11-14. Read the double helix.

Chapter 11


Binary fission Chromatin Chromosome

Centromere Kinetochore Chromatid

Mitosis Cytokinesis Cell cycle

G1 phase G2 phase S phase

Interphase prophase metaphase

Anaphase telophase spindle fibers

Centrioles cancer malignant tumor

Metastasis benign tumor contact inhibition

Cleavage furrow cell plate cell culture

Density dependent inhibition protein kinases


How does cell division differ for eukaryotes and prokaryotes?

How does cytokinesis differ for plant cells and animal cells?

List the stages of the cell cycle and what occurs in each stage using terminology given.

What conditions lead to cancer?

How does mitosis provide continuity and ability to change at the same time?

Differentiate chromosomes, chromatids, and chromatin.

Do the self quiz.

Go to http://www.biology.arizona.edu Find the online onion root tips project. Identify 30 cells and print your findings.

Do challenge question 1 a-c on page 239.

Chapter 12.

Meiosis diploid (2n) haploid (n)

Gamete homologous chromosomes synapis

Tetrad crossing over chiasmata

Alternation of generations zygote karyotyping

Locus sex chromosomes parthenogenesis

Somatic cells asexual reproduction sexual reproduction


Describe the differences between mitosis and meiosis.

List and describe three factors that contribute to increasing the genetic variation in a population.

What is the significance of meiosis?

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction.

Do the self quiz at the end of chapter 12.

Answer question 2 in challenge questions on page 257.
