Raza Faculty and Staff Grant Funding Guidelines

The Raza Faculty and Staff Association (RFSA) supports faculty and staff projects recognizing that they bring our members together and provide outreach opportunities and educate our membership, students, and university campus at large. RFSA grants are designed to fund immediate, one-time only projects, and reoccurring projects. We also provide Scholarship Grants. Grants from $500 – $1000 can be granted to scholarships that specifically benefit SFSU Raza students.

Focus of Grants:

Only grants that focus on education or educational themes will be funded. Grants must specify the population targeted to benefit from the project with preference given to the SFSU Latina/Latino community.

Who Can Apply:

Only dues paying members of the RFSA may sponsor a proposal limited to one time per academic year. Members are limited to one grant request per academic year. If you wish to become a member please go to http://online.sfsu.edu/razafsa.

Types of RFSA grants:

·  Special Grants:

Time sensitive grants up to $250.00, for events in collaboration with at least one other sponsoring organization. Proposals must be submitted prior to event to be considered.

Proposal will be voted on at next RFSA membership meeting. If approved, funds will be dispersed after Report Back Form is received.

·  One Time Grants:

One-time grants for events or projects up to $400.00

·  Historical Grants:

Past grant recipients can apply for Historical Grants for a maximum amount of $500.

·  Scholarship Grants:

$500.00 - $1.000.00 can be granted to scholarships that specifically benefit SFSU Raza students.

Process and Deadlines:

Download the RFSA Funding Request Form at http://online.sfsu.edu/razafsa and complete form following all guidelines.

·  Explain the project thoroughly

·  Include specific details about its educational value and relationship to RFSA

·  Attach a clear and itemized budget

Grant applications must be submitted before the event takes place and will be voted upon during the membership meeting following submission.

Proposals including application and budget must not exceed three pages.

Limit one application per project.

RFSA dues paying member sponsoring the event must present their proposal at a membership meeting and may have a representative of the hosting organization present with them.

Selection Criteria:

·  Educational benefit to RFSA community

·  Approximate number of RFSA members, students, community members impacted

·  Members in attendance at the meeting in which the funding request is considered can vote on the funding request. If a member cannot attend the meeting but would like to vote, that member can, on their own initiative, submit their vote via email prior to the meeting to Nicky Trasviña at or Candy Madrigal at . Emails must be sent by the date before the membership meeting. Votes will not be solicited via email on the initiative of the RFSA.

Expectation of Funded Projects:

All materials related to the promotion of the project (Advertisements, brochures, flyers, etc.) will list RFSA of SFSU as a sponsor or co-sponsor.

The successful applicant will complete a RFSA Event Report Back Form, including event materials, to be presented at the next scheduled membership meeting after the event, before money is disbursed.

Submitting an Application:

Download the Funding Request Form from the website and complete it following all guidelines which include a copy of the proposed budget. Proposals, including budget, must not exceed three pages. Limit one application per project. Applications can be sent to Staff Co-chair Nicky Trasviña at to Faculty Co-chair Candy Madrigal at .