Additional Resources: Research Articles, Chapter 13

Ameis, Jerry A. "Developing an Area Formula for a Circle with ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears.’" Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School 7 (November 2001): 140-142. Develops formula for area of a circle through active learning, patterning, and estimating.

Berry III, Robert Q., and Joyce Wiggins. "Measurement in the Middle Grades." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (November 2001): 154-156. Focuses on how middle school students learn about angle measurement.

Chappell, Michaele F., and Denisse R. Thompson. "Perimeter or Area? Which Measure Is It?" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 5 (September 1999): 20-23. Assesses students’ understanding of concepts and discusses implications for teaching.

Ferrer, Bellasanta B., Bobbie Hunter, Kathryn C. Irwin, Maureen J. Sheldon, Charles S. Thompson, and Catherine P. Vistryo-yu. "By the Unit or Square Unit?" Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School 7 (November 2001): 132-137. Presents classroom activities investigating relationship between area and perimeter.

Moyer, Patricia S. "Using Representations to Explore Perimeter and Area." Teaching Children Mathematics 8 (September 2001): 52-59. Explores the use of the book Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! A Mathematical Story to help children differentiate between the mathematical concepts of perimeter and area.

Steele, Diana F. "Assessment in Action: Mrs. Grant’s Measurement Unit." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 7 (January 2002): 266-272. Uses open-ended tasks to assess and develop students’ understanding of linear measurement.

Taylor, P. Mark, Ken Simms, Ok-Kyeong Kim, and Robert E. Reys. "Do Your Students Measure Up Metrically?" Teaching Children Mathematics 7 (January 2001): 282-287. Encourages more opportunities for students to experience the metric system.

Tent, Margaret W. “Circles and the Number π.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (April 2001): 452-457. Presents background and activities for learning about π.

Weinberg, Suzanne Levin. "‘How Big Is Your Foot?’" Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School 6 (April 2001): 476-481. Presents activity involving comparisons of standard and nonstandard measurements.