A day in the life of Thomas and Megan

Thomas and Megan are twins. This is a story about their lives on a normal school day.

Read through the story. Answer the questions by writing either Thomas or Megan’s name on the dotted line.

Mum calls Thomas and Megan for school at 7.30 in the morning.

Which twin gets up straight away, makes the bed and goes down to the kitchen? …………………….

Which twin does not get up straight away and has to be called again? …………………….

Which twin makes themselves a breakfast of toast and cereal? …………………….

Which twin waits for the toast to be made? …………………….

The twins eat their breakfast.

Which twin clears the table and puts the dishes in the dishwasher? …………………….

The school bus arrives.

Which twin misses the bus and has to walk to school? …………………….

The first class of the day is maths.

Which twin makes only one mistake on the maths test? ……………………..

Which twin gets 6 questions wrong? ……………………..

The next class is English. _

Which twin has not finished their homework? …………………..

The next class is PE.

Which twin has left their trainers at home? …………………….

The next class is art. Mrs. Nixon wants the class to watch a film.

Which twin does Mrs. Nixon choose to help operate the DVD player? …………………….

During afternoon registration Mr. Shaw, the twins tutor, tells the class that he is starting a lunchtime club for anyone who needs to improve their spelling.

Which twin volunteers to attend? ………………….

The last class of the day is science.

Which twin helps Mrs. Watson hand out folders? …………………….

Which twin makes a fast start on an experiment? …………………….


Both twins are happy when school is over because it is Friday and they are going to see a film at the cinema.

Which twin helps cook the tea? …………………….

Which twin feeds the rabbit and guinea pigs? ………………………

Which twin is ready to leave for the cinema before everyone else? ……………………..