WGN AMSG 02 (New Orleans)


November 15th , 2004

WGN/4 IP-06

10th – 19th November, 2004




AMSG – ATN Maintenance Sub-group – 2nd MEETING

New Orleans (USA), November 2004

AMSG Meeting Report (AMSG-02, November 2004)

Prepared by: AMSG

Presented by F. Picard

This paper presents final status of all known Proposed Defect Reports (PDRs) issued after publication of Doc 9705 Edition 3 as of AMSG-02.

WGN AMSG 02 (New Orleans)


This document reports about the decisions taken by the ATN Maintenance Sub-Group (AMSG) at its 2nd meeting held in New Orleans on the 15th November 2004.

2General Issues

Directory Sub-Volume. There is no acting Subject Matter Expert (SME). As a consequence, the Proposed Defect Reports (PDR)related to the ATN Directory specification (Doc 9705 SV-VII) submitted to AMSG are not actively handled. In addition, no engineering version has been produced to reflect the RESOLVED PDRs. There is an urgent need for appointing a SME for SV-VII.

AMSG mailing lists. As agreed at AMSG-01 (Montreal, May 04), 4 additional mailing lists have been created on the CENA server. As a result, there are 1 general list for amsg and 1 list for each sub-volume. The CCB procedure document has been updated and is available on the CENA server under the "shared web" directory at .

Engineering versions. The Engineering version for SV-I, II, III, IV, VIII and IX are on the CENA server (under amsg "shared web" directories) and are aligned with the PDRs resolved before the AMSG-02 meeting.

3AMSG Meetings

AMSG-01 / 2004, 21st May / Montreal (Canada) / NATS (B. Cardwell), FAA (S. Blake-Wilson), JCAB (T. Mahara), HK representative, STNA (J-M. Vacher, F. Picard), Eurocontrol (R. Willmott)
AMSG-02 / 2004, 15thNovember / New Orleans, LA (USA) / FAA (S. Blake-Wilson, T. McParland, B. Philips, A. Colon), STNA (J-Y. Piram, J-M Vacher, P. Vabre, F. Picard), Eurocontrol (T. Kerr, R. Willmott), AirServices Australia (G. Haid), NASA (C. Wargo), AENA (M. Garcia), AIRBUS (S. Tamalet), DFS (K-P.Hof), Boeing (A. Burgermeister)

WGN AMSG 02 (New Orleans)

4Review of PDRs

Note. Items discussed during the meeting are identified in shaded cells.

4.1Common PDRs

The editorial PDR M2030004 remains open until the publication of Edition 4. New change items have been added for CPDLC.

Common PDRs / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M2030004 / ALL / Ed3 / ICAO Edition 3 Editorials / ACCEPTED / Draft Ed4 / E
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)

4.2Sub-Volume I

See Sub-Volume III.

CORE SARPs and SV I / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M3110001 / CORE/SVI / Ed3 / ATSMHS Terminology / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / M3110001.zip / E
M4050002 / SVI/AMHS / Ed3 / Date of ISO ISPs Reference / RESOLVED / E

4.3Sub-Volume II


-1 PDR on CM P/OICS moved to RESOLVED.

-1 PDR expected on CM V1/V2 (switch between APDU and version number check, see WP WGN04-34).

-1 PDR expected on PM-CPDLC.

-Proposal to post the POICS on the ACP site.

SV II – Air/Ground Applications / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M1110001 / DFIS / Ed2 / Error in State Table 2.4.5-9/a / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2010002 / POICS / Ed2 / Edition 2/3 PICS/OICS Editorial Updates / RESOLVED / n/a / n/a / C
M2030002 / DFIS / Ed3 / Late demand contract rejection / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / B
M2030003 / CM / Ed3 / CM contact/update security corrections / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2090001 / CPDLC / Ed3 / Out of synchronisation abort reason / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2090007 / CPDLC / Ed1/2/3 / Responding to an ERROR message containing errors / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2120001 / DFIS / Ed3 / Invalid Calling Peer Id check / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M3020001 / CM / Ed3 / Invalid ASN.1 for Security Import / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M4010001 / POICS / Ed2 / Weather Qualifier - Operational Elements and ASN.1 Protocol Elements Mismatch / RESOLVED / n/a / n/a / E
M4040001 / CM / Ed3 / Incorrect description and use of CM-update parameters / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / C
M4100011 / POICS / Ed3 / CM - Error in Security Parameters / RESOLVED / D16v1.1
D17v1.1 / D16v1.2
D17v1.2 / C

4.4Sub-Volume III

-Most of the new PDRs are issued from the FIRST project (DFS/AENA/German AirForce – AMHS implementation and validation), are due to different interpretationsof Annex 10 (AFTN) and Doc 9705 (ATN) and concern the AMHS/AFTN gateway. They address 'tail of the tail' situations.

-5 PDRs for which further work is required have their status unchanged (ACCEPTED).

-7 PDRs progressed to RESOLVED.

-Impact Status was changed for 3 PDRs (interoperability problems or bug)

-1 rumored PDR expected to be produced by NATS.

SV III - Ground/Ground Applications / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M2070001 / AMHS / Ed1/Ed2/Ed3 / Generation of AMHS Report / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2100003 / AMHS / Ed1/Ed2/Ed3 / AMHS - latest delivery time rejection / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M3040001 / AMHS / Ed1/Ed2/Ed3 / AMHS/Generation of the EoS "repertoire" for ia5-text body part / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M3040002 / AMHS / Ed1/Ed2/Ed3 / ATSMHS/Single LF in the ATS-Header / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M3110001 / AMHS / Ed3 / ATSMHS Terminology / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / M3110001.zip / E
M3110002 / AMHS / Ed3 / Cross-references to CIDIN specification / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / M3110002.zip / E
M3120001 / AMHS / Ed1/Ed2/Ed3 / MF Address Resolution / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / B
M4050002 / SVI/AMHS / Ed3 / Date of ISO ISPs Reference / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / E
M4050003 / AMHS / DL-expansion parameter / Rumored / C
M4050004 / AMHS / Ed3 / Too many recipients / ACCEPTED / Draft Ed4 / C
M4100001 / AMHS / Ed3 / Symmetric composition and conversion of OHI in AFTN and AMHS / ACCEPTED / Draft Ed4 / M4100001.zip / C
M4100002 / AMHS / Ed3 / AFTN/AMHS Address Conversion / ACCEPTED / Draft Ed4 / M4100002.zip / ?
M4100003 / AMHS / Ed3 / Processing of AFTN SS ACK messages / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / B
M4100004 / AMHS / Ed3 / ATS Message OHI / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / C
M4100005 / AMHS / Ed3 / Conversion of an AMHS Recipient Address / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / A
M4100006 / AMHS / Ed3 / Processing of AFTN SVC ADS UNKNOWN messages / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / B
M4100007 / AMHS / Ed3 / Case insensitivity of the subject IPM identifier / ACCEPTED / Draft Ed4 / C
M4100008 / AMHS / Ed3 / Case insensitivity of the subject MTS identifier / ACCEPTED / Draft Ed4 / C
M4100009 / AMHS / Ed3 / No Receipt Notification Request for SS ACK messages / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / C
M4100010 / AMHS / Ed3 / Use of FTBP / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / M4100010.zip / A

4.5Sub-Volume IV

1 PDR consolidating the S-ASO interface. The PDR will include the FAA proposed changes (WP WGN4-19) and will be moved to PROPOSED for a complete resolution expected by next AMSG meeting.

SV IV – ULCS / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M2020001 / ULCS / Ed3 / CF Transition - atomic ASE / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2020002 / ULCS / Ed3 / CF Predicates / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2080002 / ULCS / Ed3 / SE-Transfer End Flag / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / B
M2090002 / ULCS/SEC / Ed3 / SSO-GetCertificatePath Target / ACCEPTED / n/a / B
M2090006 / ULCS / Ed3 / SV4 Security ASO Clarification / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / M2090006.zip / C
M2100005 / ULCS/SEC/SV9 / Ed3 / Tagging in SV8 ASN.1 module / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
M2110001 / ULCS / Ed2/Ed3 / D-ABORT Handling / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2110002 / ULCS / Ed3 / Release Collision with Security / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / B
M3020002 / ULCS/SV9 / Ed3 / ULCS/SV9 - Security Abstract Syntax / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M4060001 / ULCS / Ed3 / Security ASO Service Boundaries / PROPOSED / M4060001.zip / B

4.6Sub-Volume V

2 PDRs progressed to RESOLVED.

The proposed changes in M4050001 (COTP APRL) is not accepted by AMSG. The PDR will be resent with a modified proposed solution.

1 PDR expected from AIRBUS on theinitialization of the ADM field of the NSAP address in the aircraft (see WP WGN04-41)

SV V – ICS / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M2110003 / ICS / ISO / IDRP Connection Recovery Problem / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / B
M3020003 / ICS / Ed3 / TP4 – M0040002 follow-up / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / E
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M4050001 / ICS / Ed3 / Typos and inconsistencies in the SARPs sub-volume V / PROPOSED / Draft Ed4 / M4050001.zip / C
M4110003 / ICS / Ed1/Ed2/Ed3 / Initialization of the ADM field of the NSAP address

4.7Sub-Volume VI

No activity.

SV V – ICS / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality

4.8Sub-Volume VII – ATN Directory

The sub-volume VII as published by ICAO in Edition 3 Doc 9705 is not correct (PDR M4050006). Additional work is needed to retrieve the correct baseline version, if such one still exists. PDR M4110002 addresses an issue which cannot be resolved independently of the work currently performed by SGN/3 on the minimum global AMHS profile. The PDR is therefore FORWARDED to SGN/3. PDR M4110001 asks whether the ATN Directory should be a separate directory or can be integrated in a more global directory. The issue is presented to WG/N.

The feeling of AMSG is that all the PDRs related to Directory need to be worked out by WG/N altogether with the new version of the base specification.

SV VII - ATN Directory / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M2100001 / DIR / Ed3 / DIR / Directory support of CAAS for AMHS / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2100002 / DIR / Ed3 / DIR / atn-AmhsMD object-class / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / ?
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M4050005 / DIR/SV9 / Ed3 / Directory Schema ASN.1 and OIDs / ACCEPTED / C
M4050006 / DIR / Ed3 / New DIR baseline version for Edition 3 / ACCEPTED / 9705e3-SV7 new baseline / A
M4110001 / DIR / Ed3 / ATN-AMHS Directory Roots and Country Names Registers / ACCEPTED / C
M4110002 / DIR / Ed3 / MTCU Attribute Type rationale and definition / FORWARDED / C

4.9Sub-Volume VIII

4 PDRs are progressed to RESOLVED. 2 PDRs needs a final review before to be closed.

SV VIII - ATN Security / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M2080001 / SEC / Ed3 / Unnecessary Random Challenge field / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / A
M2080003 / SEC / Ed3 / Clarify representation of AMHS identities in ATN certificates / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2080004 / SEC / Ed3 / Additional extensions in CA certificates / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
M2080005 / SEC / Ed3 / Clarify ATN CRL processing / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2080006 / SEC / Ed3 / Add warning concerning the use of invalid key by the secret value derviation primitive / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2080007 / SEC / Ed3 / Remove CheckResult references from 8.6.3 / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2080008 / SEC / Ed3 / Remove duplicate certificate retrieval requirements / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2080009 / SEC / Ed3 / Sub-Volume VIII ASN.1 / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
M2090002 / SEC/ULCS / Ed3 / SSO-GetCertificatePath Target / ACCEPTED / B
M2090003 / SEC / Ed3 / ASN.1 Padding Issues / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2090004 / SEC / Ed3 / SSO-Session Key Certificate Knowledge / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
M2090005 / SEC / Ed3 / SSO Counter Initialisation / ACCEPTED / C
M2100005 / SEC/ULCS/SV9 / Ed3 / Tagging in SV8 ASN.1 module / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M4020001 / SEC / Ed3 / Error in AKDF function / RESOLVED / Draft Ed4 / A
M4030001 / SEC / Ed3 / Missing Requirement on User Data Padding before signature / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
M4050007 / SEC / Ed3 / SV8 - Key lifetime clarification / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C

4.10Sub-Volume IX

SV IX - ATN Repository / Back
Ref. / Doc 9705 / Detected in / Title / AMSG Status / WGM Status / Resolved in / Associated File / Criticality
M2100005 / SV9/ULCS/SEC / Ed3 / Tagging in SV8 ASN.1 module / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / A
M3020002 / SV9/ULCS / Ed3 / ULCS/SV9 - Security Abstract Syntax / RESOLVED / n/a / Draft Ed4 / C
AMSG Creation (Bangkok 11/03)
M4050005 / DIR/SV9 / Ed3 / Directory Schema ASN.1 and OIDs / ACCEPTED / C

WGN AMSG 02 (New Orleans)


The WG/N members are invited :

  1. to note the progress of the AMSG on Doc 9705,
  1. ask the ACP Secretary to post the current version of the P/OICS on the ACP web site,
  1. to formally designate a new SME for SV-VII,
  1. to provide advices to AMSG on Directory PDRs (see PDRs attached), and
  1. to explicitly task SGN/3 to work on the ATN Directory and associated PDRs.



Title: DIR /ATN-AMHS Directory Roots and Country Name Registers

PDR Reference:M4110001

Originator Reference: Mxxxxxx1.TXT

SARPs Document Reference: SV7 - Table (ATN DIT Structure)


PDR Revision Date:

PDR Submission Date: 03/11/2004

Submitting State/Organization: Robert Willmott/EUROCONTROL

Submitting Author Name: Robert Willmott

Submitting Author E-mail Address:

Submitting Author Supplemental Contact Information:

Robert Willmott

4, Copperfields, Kemsing

Kent, TN15 6QG, UK

SARPs Date: ICAO Doc 9705 Ed.3

SARPs Language: English

Impact : C

Impact on Interoperability : none

Assigned SME: ?

Summary of Defect:

The ATN Directory has a single overall Root, and a ‘relative’ root for the AMHS Publication Service. Currently, Doc. 9705 does not state which register of country names (ISO 1366 vs. ICAOState identifiers) are to be used for each case. Also, the precise relationship between the ATN Directory and the Global Directory (if any) is not clear. This paper outlines the possibilities and suggests updates to Doc. 9705 to avoid implementation and configuration ambiguities.

Each entry in a Directory Information Tree must be associated with a registration authority to ensure that its subordinate entries are identified unambiguously. This paper deals with two ‘roots’ that are of importance to AMHS, and also seeks to clarify the relationship between the ATN Directory and the Global Directory.

Relation of ATN Directory to Global Directory:

Doc. 9705 defines an ATN Directory starting at the Root entry, with Country Names as the first level entries under the root. This is identical to the top-level structure of the Global Directory as defined in X.500. Several questions arise:

-- Is it the intention that the ATN Directory should share a common root with the Global Directory?. If so, then this should be stated in Doc. 9705.

-- Is it the intention to maintain a separate ATN Root to that of the Global Root? If so, this should be stated in Doc. 9705.

-- Is it the intention to use the ISO 3166 register of country names as the first level (which potentially allows a shared root with the Global Directory), or is it the intention to use ICAO state names as the register? (in which case any form of interoperability with the Global Directory would probably be impossible). Doc. 9705 should state the outcome of this intention.

Country Name Register for the (AMHS) Address Publishing Service:

The Address Publication Scheme that has been developed for AMHS>AFTN>CIDIN address translation information distribution also has a ‘relative root’ within the main DIT, under which the addressing information for ATSPs is held. There are several questions:

-- At what point in the ATN DIT is this APS Root located (i.e. what is its Directory Name)?

-- What register of country names is to be used to identify the first level entries under this root – the ISO 3166 register (using the X.500 defined Country Name attribute) or the ICAO register of State names (using the atn-icao-country-code attribute)?

Proposed SARPs amendment:

The answers to these questions need to be included in Doc. 9705.

In SARPs term:

SME Recommendation to CCB:

CCB Decision:


Title: DIR /MTCU Attribute Type rationale and definition

PDR Reference:M4110002

Originator Reference: Mxxxxxx2.TXT

SARPs Document Reference: SV7 - Table (ATN DIT Structure)


PDR Revision Date:

PDR Submission Date: 03/11/2004

Submitting State/Organization: Robert Willmott/EUROCONTROL

Submitting Author Name: Robert Willmott

Submitting Author E-mail Address:

Submitting Author Supplemental Contact Information:

Robert Willmott

4, Copperfields, Kemsing

Kent, TN15 6QG, UK

SARPs Date: ICAO Doc 9705 Ed.3

SARPs Language: English

Impact : C

Impact on Interoperability : none

Assigned SME: ?

Summary of Defect:

Proposed SARPs amendment:

In SARPs term:

SME Recommendation to CCB:

CCB Decision: