The following are the minutes of the Council Meeting that was held on Tuesday, 19th November 2013 in the Crickhowell Resource and Information Centre, Beaufort Street, Crickhowell, commencing at 7.40 pm.
Councillors: V P Games, D Williams, P Williams, R Dykes, A M D'Anna, C M Dietz and the Mayor, A Jeremiah.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr I Kovaleva & G J Jackson.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs J Pritchard, Clerk, County Councillor John Morris, Anna Hughes and 1 Member of the Public.
To Receive Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda:
Cllr R Dykes and Cllr V P Games on Item 10, purchasing ground for a new Cemetery.
It was proposed by Cllr D Williams, seconded by Cllr Dietz and agreed by all those who were present at that meeting, that the minutes of the 17th September 2013 be signed as a true record of that which took place.
MATTERS ARISING from the previous meeting (for information only).
(4553 & 4566) Youth Engagement Plan - Cllr's A Jeremiah and D Williams met with Kirsty Williams AM and Roger Williams MP and Sharp Clinical Services who have agreed to grant money to the Youth Shelter project. This Council is acting as facilitator in acquiring the Youth Shelter which has been supported by the youth of Crickhowell. Cllr D Williams updated members reporting that they are close to making an application for funding of £7,500 towards the project from the Community Regeneration Fund.
County Councillor John Morris arrived at 7.18pm
(4567) Public Convenience Closures - A letter was sent to PCC regarding the funding of Crickhowell's toilets but no reply has been received to date.
(4567) Crickhowell Signage - Cllr Jackson asked about the signage in Crickhowell, Cllr D'Anna reported that he has taken photographs of all the offending signage across the town and he will be attending the Crickhowell Rural Alliance meeting on 29th October which will include an inception meeting with the consultant who has been appointed to undertake the sign rationalisation study.
(4576) Christmas Lights 2013 - White unified lights have been purchased and distributed to all the towns traders and payments have been collected from the Traders, special thanks was given to Cllr D Williams for organising this.
Budget Settlement - County Cllr Morris reported that the budget settlement from the Welsh Government is worse than originally thought with cuts of -6%, this is partially due to school numbers being lower than expected and less people living in Powys than anticipated in the Census. Health Care has been ring fenced and the Education budget is being kept the same so all cuts will be made elsewhere, which could mean some services may not be deliverable.
Yellow Lines - Unfortunately Crickhowell has been ranked 6th in the painting of Yellow Lines in Breconshire, so this will not happen anytime soon, Cllr Morris has complained about the residents parking in Hay on Wye is being taken out of the yellow lines budget.
BBNPA Local List Criteria - Cllr Morris has received several queries regarding the BBNPA's Local List Criteria and asked if anyone knew the value of the List, he suggested that it would be worth inviting Evan Morgan, Julie James and Rosie Burton to a meeting to ask them what the point of this exercise is, Cllr Morris also believed that the BBNPA are spending money on Consultants to do this.
Access Issues - Cllr Morris will be arranging for PCC officers to visit Crickhowell to discuss and prioritise the list previously put together and asked for 2 or 3 Town Councillors to be available to attend also.
Cllr Morris then left the meeting.
1. Roger Austin, Email re Town Council Vision for the Future. Previously Circulated.
2. Pip Ellaway re Town Council Website. Agenda Item.
3. One Voice Wales re Electoral Reviews Programme 2014. Noted.
4. PCC - Rospa Playground Inspection 2013 (Castle Grounds). Passed to Cllr Games.
5. William Watson re Remembrance Sunday. Noted.
6. Llangattock Community Council - Five Council Liaison Draft Minutes.
Previously Circulated.
7. Cllr Jeff Green, Mayor Llandrindod Wells re Powys County Council Questions.
Agenda Item.
8. Susie Abson, acknowledgement of CTC letter. Noted.
9. One Voice Wales re Crickhowell Planning Training 13th November. Noted.
10. One Voice Wales Area Committee Agenda 18th October. Cllr Games to attend.
11. PCSO Stephen Legg - Introductory Email. Noted.
12. Cwmdu & District Community Council re 5 Councils liaison meeting Thursday 21st November 2013.
Members noted the date of this meeting but had no agenda items to add.
13. Cllr Nick Jones, letter of resignation. Accepted with Regret.
14. Cllr D Williams email re. Lych Gate and Lucas Memorial Fountain. Agenda Item.
15. Crickhowell Primary School request for funding the redecoration of classes.
Passed to Finance.
16. Brian Mahoney re Diamond Jubilee Cherry Tree in Castle Ground. Noted.
16a Chris Boulter re above. Noted.
17. Ian Mills, PCC re Temporary Road Closure (Castle Road & part of High Street).
Previously Circulated.
18. Cllr Dietz email re Open Gardens & Hosting BBC Programmes.
It was agreed to put these on the agenda for next months meeting.
19. Cllr D'Anna, Projects Committee Minutes 22 July 2013. Noted.
20. PC Kean re Inspector Scrace visit to Council. Noted.
21. Cllr Williams - Quotes for SID signs installation and rotation. Agenda Item.
22. Cllr D Mosley, letter of resignation from Council. Accepted with regret.
Donation Requests:
1. Bobath Children's Therapy Centre Wales
2. Crickhowell Primary School
3. Powys Citizens Advice Bureau.
On a proposal by Cllr Games, seconded by Cllr D Williams, Council approved the finances for October.
Members authorised payment of the following:
HM Revenue & Customs, (October) £185.71
Mr M Lewis (October Salary) £846.39
Mrs J Pritchard (October Salary) £859.98
Office £35, Postage £26, B.Band £5, (October) £ 66.00
Cllr David Williams (Postage) £ 32.47
Viking (Stationary) £ 37.15
Webbs (Repair to Mower) £ 19.00
Thomas Fattorini Ltd (Engraving of Chain of Office) £ 85.66
Clarence Hall Management Committee £ 23.50
The Royal British Legion (Remembrance Day Wreath) £ 17.00
Members noted receipt of the following:
Town's Traders (Xmas Lights) £1812.00
Town's Traders (Hanging Baskets) £ 946.00
AV Griffiths & Son (Interment: Arter) £ 180.00
Cllr D Williams had circulated his interpretation of the pro's and con's of taking on the Lychgate and moving it back a meter which he said would be a massive project and suggested repairing it in situ even if it did get knocked again and again. Cllr D'Anna thought that this council had settled on a course of action following the Public Meeting 18 months ago. Cllr Dykes said that fresh information had been received since the public meeting, which was not a fair representation of the Town's residents with only 41 in attendance. Cllr Jackson disagreed saying that the Public Meeting was valid and gave this Council a mandate to do something. Cllr Dykes said that this Council has to step up to fill the cuts to Powys County Council and Council could argue Public Toilets or Lychgate refurbishment? Following further discussions Cllr Dykes said that Crickhowell Town Council has worked hard over the years with regard to the Lychgate but must now accept that as they cannot establish ownership thier options are limited, Council is also aware that their resources are stretched and Cllr D'Anna proposed that Council support any appropriate group who wishes to take on the repair and refurbishment and/or relocation of the Lychgate, this was seconded by Cllr Dykes For 6, Against 2.
This email had been ciruclated to all members prior to the meeting, Cllr Jeremiah read out the following questions and members answered yes or no:-
1. Do you believe that you will take on some or all of your local facilities?
Yes 7, No 1.
2. Are you as a council, happy with the way POWYS CC have dealt with the situation of the toilets?
No - unanimous.
3. Are you happy with the way POWYS CC conducts business with you as a Council?
No 7, Abstentions 1.
4. Do you have confidence in Powys County Council?
No - unanimous.
5. As you may know the Welsh Government has discussed the idea of reducing the number of County Councils from 22 to approximately 8; are you in favour of very large or super County Councils?
Yes 2, No 4, Abstentions 2.
Cllr D Williams asked what scope does this Council have to take on extra projects in an environment where we are going to see more decentralisation. Cllr P Williams said that if Powys County Council are looking at a 10% budget cut in real terms they will need to balance the books and reminded Councillors of what he said last month in that if the Town Council have to up the precept to cover additional costs it will be the Town Council who look the villain. Cllr D Williams said that he has researched other Councils Vision/Mission Statements and following a brief discussion Cllr Jeremiah volunteered to put together a Vision Statement for Crickhowell for discussion at next months meeting.
Cllr D Williams said that he had been approached by the Civic Society and a few of the towns traders about establishing an ad hoc cross functional team to brainstorm the towns car parking situation and look for creative solutions to the benefit of residents, traders and visitors. Cllr Jeremiah thought that this was an excellent idea and Cllr's Jeremiah and Dietz agreed to join Cllr D Williams on this team. Cllr D Williams to progress.
Cllr D Williams had sent out 30 requests for quotations to install the 4-bracket systems for the SID, store & maintain the battery and replace the flat battery when moving the SID on a 3 to 4 weekly basis but only 3 quotations had been sent back. Members considered the quotations and Cllr D Williams proposed that Council accept the quote from Chris Griffiths, this was seconded by Cllr P Williams and unanimously agreed. Members then discussed whether to purchase a static 30 SID sign which flashed up when motorists exceeded 30 miles per hour or a SID that indicated what speed the motorist is doing. Following discussion Cllr D Williams proposed that Council purchase the Static 30 sign, this was seconded by Cllr Jackson and unanimously agreed.
Cllr D Williams had spoken to Pip Ellaway whom he said was quite knowledgeable regarding Council websites and local but said both Pip Ellaway and Vision ICT both offered extensive services.
Cllr D Williams left the meeting at 9pm.
Following a brief discussion, Cllr D'Anna, Cllr Dietz and Cllr P Williams agreed to meet to discuss what should go on the Website, perhaps at the next Projects Committee Meeting and report back to Council.
Cllr Jeremiah, Cllr Dietz and Cllr P Williams met with members of Natural Resources Wales and the PCC Emergency Planning team on Wednesday 18th September and reported a very productive meeting. Cllr Jeremiah proposed that this Council hosts a Public Flood Awareness Meeting on Tuesday 29th October in the Clarence Hall, this was seconded by Cllr Dietz and unanimously agreed. The Clerk had prepared a flyer advertising this event and Cllr Jeremiah asked for volunteers to deliver flyers to all those homes at risk, this was agreed and Cllr Jeremiah encouraged all Councillors to attend the meeting.
· Primary School Governors - Cllr Jeremiah
· CRiC Oriel Gallery Open Day - Cllr Jeremiah
· One Voice Wales Module 1 Training - Cllr Dietz
· BBNPA - Cllr V P Games
· Town Council Mission/Vision Statement
· Open Gardens
· Hosting BBC Programmes
· Projects Committee Update including the Lychgate
· Signage
· Website
· Flood Plan
The Mayor closed the meeting at 9.08pm.
Signature of Mayor ………….…………………. Date………….…….……2013
Cllr A Jeremiah