Instructions to fill in the enrolment form:

By using the TAB key, you will easily move from one field to another. By clicking with the mouse on a field, an X will appear. You will have to enter all requested data, select the course or courses in which you would like to enrol and make the corresponding payment. Once the form has been correctly filled in and the payment carried out, keep a copy of this enrolment form and send us another copy to indicating MATRÏCULA/ ENROLMENT in the subject. You will get a confirmation of the enrolment process in your email box together with the necessary ID and password for the course. Moreover, you will receive the invoice with the information of the courses in which you have enrolled. The enrolment will be finally confirmed when Dynamics e-learning, S.L. gets a payment report of all enrolled courses.

Thanks for learning with us!


Admission and Enrolment / Enrolment Number:

Student’s Information:

Name: / Surname:
Address: / Postal Code:
City: / Country:
ID Number/Passport Number:
Birth Date:
Telephone: / E-mail:
Objective of this course:
Are you working at the moment? / Yes / Where and for what company?
At what level are you interested in this course? / Particular / Do you have any experience in working with Navision? / Yes
Professional/Country / No


Course ID / Course / Price / Enrol Now!
NAV00 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Introduction to Dynamics NAV / 225 €
NAV01 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Financial Management – Basic course / 300€
NAV02 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Treasury - Basic course / 300€
NAV03 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV:Sales – Basic course / 300€
NAV04 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Purchases - Basic course / 300€
NAV05 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Financial Management – Advanced course / 300€
NAV06 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Treasury - Advanced course / 300€
NAV07 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Sales – Advanced course / 300€
NAV08 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Purchases - Advanced course / 300€
NAV12 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Application Design – Basic course / 1.350€
NAV13 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Application Design – Advanced course / 2.250 €
NAV14 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV:Stocks – Basic course / 300€
NAV15 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV:Assets – Basic course / 300€
NAV16 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Warehouse Management - Basic course / 300€
NAV17 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Resource and Project Planning / 300€
Having done several of these courses, you can accede to the following itineraries:
NAV30 / Financial Management Basic:NAV01, NAV02 Y NAV15 / 825€
NAV31 / Commercial Management - Basic:NAV03 Y NAV04 / 562€
NAV32 / Management - Basic: NAV01, NAV02, NAV15, NAV03 Y NAV04 / 1.350€
NAV33 / NAVISION BASIS: NAV01, NAV02, NAV15, NAV03, NAV04, NAV14 Y NAV17 / 1.950€
NAV40 / Financial Management - Advanced:NAV05, NAV06 / 562€
NAV41 / Commercial Management - Advanced: NAV07 Y NAV08 / 562€
NAV43 / Expert Diploma in Finances: NAV01, NAV02, NAV015, NAV05 Y NAV06 / 1.350€
NAV44 / Commercial Expert Diploma: NAV03, NAV04, NAV07 Y NAV08 / 1.087€
NAV45 / Expert Diploma in Commercial Management: NAV01, NAV02, NAV15, NAV05, NAV06, NAV03, NAV04, NAV07 Y NAV08 / 2.250€
NAV60 / Expert Diploma in Programming: NAV12 Y NAV13 / 3.450 €


Course / Dedication hours (aprox.)
All functional courses / 50
NAV12 / 150
NAV13 / 300



Tel: 902 60 20 50

Dynamics e-learning, S.L.


Tel: 902 60 20 50

Dynamics e-learning, S.L.

Id. / Course / Course description
NAV00 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Introduction to Dynamics NAV / This Introduction Course will allow you to understand the specific concepts of each module of the ERP Microsoft® Business Solutions - Navision: financial management, collaboration in the provision chain, management of relations, management of services and technology.
NAV01 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Financial Management - Basic course / This course provides a wide conceptual and operative description of the General Ledger and Setup functionalities of Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision. It contains the following subjects: General Ledger Setup, Plan of Accounts, Budgets, General Journal, Account Schedules, Periodic Activities (Recurring Journals, Intrastat Journals, VAT, and Operations of Closing).
NAV02 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Treasury - Basic course / Treasury - Basic course offers a complete overview of the management of payments and collections in Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision. It contains the following subjects: Analysis of Collections, Settlement of Customer Ledger Entries, Foreign Currency Settlement, Reminders and Finance Charge Memos, Payment Journals, Check Cancellation, Discounts by Early Payment and Payment Tolerance.
NAV03 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Sales - Basic course / The objective of this course is to enable the student to understand and handle the basic functionality related to the area of sales: Setup, Prices and Discounts of Sales, Clients, Creation of Orders, Creation of Delivery Notes, Refunds, Invoicing, Instalments.
NAV04 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Purchases - Basic course / This course describes functional principles to enable the student to understand and to handle the application area related to the purchases: Configuration, Prices and discounts of purchase, Suppliers, Creation of orders, Creation of letters patents, Returns, Invoicing, Instalments.
NAV05 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Financial Management - Advanced course / This course of Financial Management (Advanced) provides a wide overview of the specific concepts of the application area Financial Management related with Dimensions (setup, financial analyses with dimensions and views of analysis), as well as of the Operations with Multiple Companies (general view, setup, data export, verification and consolidation) in Microsoft® Business Solutions - Navision.
NAV06 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Treasury - Advanced course / This course will allow students to execute several tasks related to the Portfolio. To do it, it would be positive to have basic knowledge of accounting, although it is not necessary to be an expert. It contains the following subjects: Banks, portfolio journals, overdue payments, bank account reconciliation, management of remittances of effects and invoices and payment orders (creation, settlement, non-payments).
NAV07 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Sales - Advanced course / In this course you will get information about: Management of orders of sale (direct shipments and product reserve), characteristics about the service provided to the client (product substitutions, product crossed references and products without stock) and commitment of order delivery (configurations, definitions, calculations, estimations of receptions of purchase orders, commitment of delivery of sale orders and calendars).
NAV08 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Purchases - Advanced course / In this Microsoft Dynamics NAV course you will obtain information about: Management of purchase orders (direct shipments and product reserve), Characteristics of the supplier’s services, etc
NAV09 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: EXCEL AND ODBC / This course will help you to implement the relation between Microsoft Dynamics NAV charts and Excel spreadsheets. In this way, later, it will be possible to analyse all Microsoft Dynamics NAV data in Excel.
NAV10 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Business Analytics - Basic course) / Navision Business Analytics is a solution of general analysis and reporting that has been developed to simplify the access to the most important information of the business. It uses a multidimensional database as well as OLAP technology, so you will learn to work and to use dynamic information and you will be able to combine information in a selective way. In this course, you will learn how to configure and how to use Business Analytics through Microsoft Excel interface.
NAV11 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Business Analytics - Advanced course / Navision Business Analytics is a solution of general analysis and reporting that has been developed to simplify the access to the most important information of the business. It uses a multidimensional database as well as OLAP technology, so you will learn to work and to use dynamic information and you will be able to combine information in a selective way. In this course, you will learn how to configure and how to use Business Analytics through Business Analytics client interface which is based on Microsoft Windows.
NAV12 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Application Design - Basic course / This course will allow the student to understand the basic concepts used in the development of solutions in the ERP Microsoft® Dynamics - Navision. It will also make possible for him to understand the general functionality of each object of which ERP Microsoft® Dynamics - Navision consists and to carry out the creation of basic solutions in the development environment of Microsoft® Dynamics - Navision through the interaction of these objects and their properties.
NAV13 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Application Design - Advanced course / This course will provide the student with programming tools in C/AL language so that he can develop complex solutions in the ERP Microsoft Dynamics Nav. It will also provide the student with suitable knowledge to dominate the development environment of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and to create or to modify any functionality through a C/AL language code in Microsoft Dynamics Nav.
NAV14 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Stocks - Basic course / The objective of this course is to provide the students with a deep knowledge of the operative processing related to the available products in Microsoft Dynamics Nav.: management of products (availability of products, reserves, follow-up on orders), follow-up on products (product controls with serial number and lot number, products with guarantees and sell-by dates, transferences...), product evaluation (principles of the evaluation of costs, functionality and configuration).
NAV15 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Assets - Basic course / This course will allow the students to make all those tasks related to the Management of Assets: Cards, Transactions (purchases, amortization, depreciation, appreciation, sale/ shortage of fixed assets, to correct ledger entries, budgets, adjustment of values, reports), reclassification of assets (transferences, division, partial sale/shortage, and combination of assets), maintenance and insurance of fixed assets.
NAV16 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Warehouse Management - Basic course / With this course the student will understand better the basic functionality of the warehouse. Specially, he will learn how to handle with direct shipments, product reserves, and characteristics of service to the client and commitment of order delivery, as well as the relations and implications with other areas of the application.
NAV17 / MICROSOFT DYNAMICS NAV: Resource and Project Planning / With this course, the student will understand better the basic functionality of a company’s resource planning, capacities and allocations for projects, as well as the relations and implications with other areas of the application.
NAV30 / Financial Management - Basic / It includes the following courses NAV01, NAV02 y NAV15
NAV31 / Commercial Management - Basic / It includes the following courses NAV03 y NAV04
NAV32 / Management - Basic / It includes the following courses NAV01, NAV02, NAV15, NAV03 y NAV04
NAV33 / Navision Basis / It includes the following courses NAV01, NAV02, NAV15, NAV03, NAV04, NAV14 y NAV17.
NAV40 / Financial Management - Advanced / It includes the following courses NAV05 y NAV06
NAV41 / Commercial Management - Advanced / It includes the following courses NAV07 y NAV08
NAV42 / Management - Advanced / It includes the following courses NAV05, NAV06, NAV07 y NAV08
NAV43 / Expert Diploma in Finances / It includes the following courses NAV01, NAV02, NAV15, NAV05 y NAV06.
NAV44 / Commercial Expert Diploma / It includes the following courses NAV03, NAV04, NAV07 y NAV08.
NAV45 / Expert Diploma in Commercial Management / It includes the following courses NAV01, NAV02, NAV15, NAV05, NAV06, NAV03, NAV04, NAV07 y NAV08.
NAV50 / Expert Diploma in Navision / Incluye todos los cursos funcionales ofrecidos por la plataforma.
NAV60 / Expert Diploma in Programming / It includes the following courses NAV12 y NAV13.


Tel: 902 60 20 50

Dynamics e-learning, S.L.


Bank transfer in favour of DYLearn, S.L, to the following bank account of Caixa Catalunya

A bank transfer to the indicated account number will be made for making the payment. It is essential to indicate the tax number and the Id. of the course in the item.

CAIXA CATALUNYA IBAN ES67 2013 - 0853 - 05 - 0200181607

Payment by Paypal in the e-learning portal

For paying the course through this method, you just have to register a user in the portal (it is made automatically in the e-learning portal) and after validating the passwords, access to the chosen course. Then you will be directed to the payment gateway and the purchase will be effective when DYLearn, S.L. is aware of the payment.


  1. The enrolment will be finally confirmed when Dynamics e-learning, S.L. gets a payment report of all enrolled courses in the bank account. Therefore, two or three days may pass since the payment is made until it is effective. After these days, the students will have access to the enrolled courses and he will be informed thereabout per email.
  2. The password for these courses is personal and untransferable. Courses will be totally developed online. If the student makes a bad use either of the course materials or of his password, he could be automatically excluded form the course.
  3. Any person with basic knowledge in computer science and Internet surfing can enrol in these courses. Such knowledge is necessary to properly follow and understand the materials of the courses.
  4. To do one of these courses, the student will have to make the corresponding payment in the bank account indicated above.
  5. To make the enrolment in the courses effective, you will have to send us the enrolment form properly filled in.
  6. Dynamics-e-learning will issue an invoice and will send it to the student per email in PDF format.
  7. Dynamics-e-learning will issue a certificate of the course done by the student in which both the name of the student as well as the name of the course will appear.
  8. The access period will begin when the student accedes to the course for the first time and it will have a three-month validity for all courses. NAV 12 and NAV 13 will have an access period of four and five months respectively.
  9. All materials of these courses are based on Microsoft® Business Solutions - Navision® 4.0. To follow the development of these courses properly, it will be necessary for the student to have a Navision Demo Database, which is not provided in these courses. The organization team of the courses will inform all students interested in working with this database about how to get it.
  10. If the student wants to contact us to ask something about the courses, he will use the following email address: . The organization team of the courses will answer the student within 48 hours to all questions related to the organization of the course.
  11. Dynamics-e-learning reserves the right to refuse admission for the courses, not being obliged to justify its decisions.
  12. The enrolment in a course implies the acceptance of the General Conditions of Purchase as well as the company’s criteria to evaluate and classify the students and to solve any problem or doubt derived of the way of using the materials or password of the course.
  13. Dynamics-e-learning reserves the right to modify or cancel a course due to causes beyond our control or due to the lack of students. If a course is cancelled, we will return to the students the money they have paid for it.


According to the currently valid LOPD, Dynamics-e-learning informs you that all your personal data will be entered in a Dynamics-e-learning ownership file. In this way, it will be possible for us to efficiently manage your enrolment forms for subsequent Dynamics-e-learning courses in order to carry out the corresponding selection process. These personal data will remain under Dynamics-e-learning’s responsibility and will be never transferred to any other private or public company. Those affected will have the right to accede, modify and cancel their data by sending an email to .

Moreover, according to the currently valid LSSI, the undersigned gives his free consent to Dynamics-e-learning so that in the future Dynamics-e-learning can send him advertising or promotion communications about Dynamics-e-learning courses or other company’s news bulletins per email. The undersigned will be able to revoke this free consent at any moment. To do that, he will only have to send an email to explaining that he wants to revoke it.

LOPD: Ley Orgánica 15/1999, de 13 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal. (Spanish Personal Data Protection Act)

LSSI: Ley 34/3002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico. (Spanish Information Society and Online Commerce Act )

Date: miércoles, 09 de mayo de 2007

Signature (Student):

I have read all conditions and hereby I accept them: Yes

Thanks for learning with us!


Tel: 902 60 20 50

Dynamics e-learning, S.L.