Todays Date 2007
Councillor Duncan MacIntyre,
Chairman, Oban Lorn & the Isles Area Committee
Argyll & Bute Council,
Lorn House
Albany Street
Oban PA34 4 AR
Dear Councillor MacIntyre & the Area Committee
Re: A848 Salen – Gualan Dhubh Road Realignment Ref 00160/PLNG /017
As you are aware, Peter Ward, the Senior Roads Engineer will shortly be re-submitting the Planning Application for the A848 upgrade to the Area Committee.
I am writing to urge you and your fellow Councillors to hold a Hearing on the subject of the Salen section of the A848 realignment. There were 130 Objections to this application last year. Following a public meeting last summer which voted overwhelmingly against traffic lights, Road Action Group Salen was set up. This group now has almost 800 Members, all opposed to the proposals being put forward by Argyll & Bute Council’s road engineers.
I am not opposed to upgrading the road to Tobermory, but there must be a sensitive design to the roads northern exit/ entrance to the village of Salen, with appropriate traffic management. Traffic lights are not the answer. The single lane road should be improved but retained, from the bridge to the northern edge of the village, with traffic calming measures, for example, priority arrows, raised plateaux or, appropriate road markings to slow the traffic sufficiently to travel over the bridge.
The local police confirm that the wide two lane southern entrance to Salen encourages speeding. To do the same on the northern side would be to ignore the lessons we should have learnt from the mistakes made in the upgrade of the 1970’s. In addition to road markings to calm the traffic on the southern side, the centre of Salen village should have a 20mph zone. Salen is now a growing village with a well used Resource Centre, Primary School & Gaelic Unit (70 pupils), church, busy local shop, restaurant and hospital. With a 20mph zone there would be no need for a two-lane carriageway “60mph quality” road exiting the village, and no need for traffic lights on the bridge.
Heritage Value
Many residents of Mull earn their living both directly or indirectly from visitors to the island. We should not destroy our natural heritage or disrupt the wildlife which enriches all our lives. As there is a lower cost alternative to a huge causeway across the Salen Bay, I think the Council should seriously investigate it. Salen is the first village en route to Tobermory from Craignure, and the Bay is the first natural bird watching area. We need to keep its integrity if it is going to be an attractive place for its residents and visitors.
Please show me that the Council will listen to our needs.
Yours sincerely,
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