This template must be used for minor changes to

On-shore and offshore coursework courses

Instructions for completion of this template:

Replace text in blue italic font with relevant submission content.

Where a section is not relevant to the change proposed, please insert “Not Applicable”

The template should be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Course Approval, Amendment and Review


Approved by Faculty Board(s)
Meeting Date: / Resolution:
Notedby Academic Board
Meeting Date / Resolution


1.Course title and associated information

1.1 Faculty(ies): / Insert
1.2 Course title(s): / Insert

2.Summary of the changes proposed

Provide a brief statement of the type and scope of the change(s) proposed.

3.Rationale for the Proposed Change(s)

Outline the main reasons for any proposed change.

Indicate the nature and level of consultation which has occurred in development of the proposal.

Where a minor change affects other degrees, for example a double degree, please attach evidence of consultation with all affected faculties.


4.Addition of Units

List any Units to be added

Unit title / Credit points / Study period offered / Study Mode / Campus(es)

Provide Unit outlines for new units as an appendix, and reference the appendix number here. Please use the Generic Unit Outline template.

Indicate the moderation which has occurred for new units.

Unit code / Unit Name / Credit points / Names and affiliations of moderators

Indicate other courses in which these new units will be available and for which the course rules need consequential amendment. Use a separate row for each unit.

Unit(s) to be used in relevant course(s) / Other courses in which new unit(s) will be used / How unit(s) will be used (eg as a specified unit, elective unit, part of a major or specialisation)

5.Use of existing units

Complete the table to show the use of and any changes to existing units.

Code / Existing Unit title / Any changes to existing units(eg: minor change of title)

6.Discontinuation of units

List any units which will be discontinued and the effective date of discontinuation. This should exclude any units which continue to be offered as part of any other ongoing course.

Indicate any substitution of units or ways in which the course structure is proposed to be altered.

Unit Code / Unit Title / Location(s) at which unit no longer to be offered / Last study period of offering of unit

7.Variation of location at which units are available

Note: Discontinuing or introducing a major or specialisationis a major change to an existing course and should be handled under the appropriate Major Change process.

Please list all locations at which the unit is offered/is to be offered or is to be discontinued.

Please insert a new table for all units affected by this change proposal

Unit / Campus/location at which unit(s) to be offered / Effective date of change

Study period

/ Year
Location(s) at which unit(s) offering to be discontinued:

8.Variation of study mode of a unit

Indicate the current and proposed mode(s) of study by which the relevant unit is/is proposed to be offered.

Unit / Current mode(s) / Proposed mode(s) / Date of introduction
Study period / Year

Consideration must also be given to the impact of change of study mode to particular cohorts, eg: International Students.

Provide information on any transition arrangements for existing students who may be negatively impacted by withdrawal of the unit in a particular mode of offering.

9. Other Academic Consequences

Indicate any other academic implications of the proposed change.

Provide specific information on any effect on unit availability and the consequences for the course structure. Comment specifically on any impact on international students, if relevant.

Provide details of the effective date of the proposed change and procedures for its implementation.

Provide details of a managed transition program for any changes which affect completion of the course by continuing students. This includes transitional requirements in relation to prerequisite and incompatible units;


10. Resource Implications

Identify the resource implications of the proposed change, this may include impacts on:

(a)Academic staffing;

(b)Support and administrative staffing;

(c)Building, plant and equipment;

(d)Information technology and communication resources;

(e)Library resources;

(f)Other resources.

If there are material resource implications, provide evidence of consultation with the relevant organisational unit determine that the course can be delivered either within existing resources, or that additional action has been agreed to ensure that this course will be deliverable at ACU at the identified commencement date.

Consultation Checklist
Academic Registrar / Choose an item. / Date
Associate Director,
Student Administrative Services / Choose an item. / Date
Information Technology Directorate / Choose an item. / Date
Learning and Teaching Centre / Choose an item. / Date
Libraries Directorate / Choose an item. / Date
Properties Directorate / Choose an item. / Date

Where resource implications are identified, please provide evidence of consultation with the appropriate organisational unit, including details of any additional action required, as an Appendix to the proposal.

Indicate any specific resource and/or capacity issues related to international student enrolments.

11.Risk Management

Identify potential risks associated with the proposal and how such risks will be ameliorated if they became actuality. The analysis of risk and risk management strategy should centre on issues of

(a)sustainability, including the capacity of the Faculty(ies) and School(s) to maintain the course offering within available staffing and other resources;

(b)viability of class sizes;

(c)any dependency on external partnerships;

(d)any occupational health and safety issues;

(e)strategies to be adopted for monitoring and managing any identified or emergent risk.


NOTE: Only complete this section if the minor change affects the course rules. If there is a change to the course rules, please consult the Office of the Academic Registrar.

Provide specific details of the changes to course rules (including revised schedules of unit offerings) and program maps proposed. Please include tracking of both deletions and insertions.

Include details of transitional provisions where relevant.

General Course Rules

Course Title(s)
Course Abbreviations(s)
Credit Points
Minimum Duration
Course Available at: / Identify locations at which course is to be available
EFTSL Value of Units / eg: All 10cp units in this course have an EFTSL value of 0.125. Units with a cp value of a multiple of 10 have corresponding EFTSL values
AQF Level (if applicable)

Admission Requirements

New South Wales / eg. Assumed Knowledge: Nil at year 12 level
Queensland / eg. Pre-requisite: English (4, SA) at year 12 level
Victoria / eg. Pre-requisite: Units 3 and 4 – a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in any other English

An applicant must also comply with the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy.

International applicants need to meet the English Language Proficiency requirements as defined in the Admission to Coursework Programs Policy.

Course Structure

Total number of credit points: / e.g. 240cp
Breakdown of credit points required to complete the course: / e.g. (a) 100cpSpecified Units;
(b)20cp from Core Curriculum Units
(c)80 cp from Major Units
(d)30cp from Elective Units
(e)10 cp from Community Engagement
Any other requirements: / eg professional experience, volunteer experience

Students are required to follow the pattern of unit enrolment set out in the relevant Course Enrolment Guide, unless otherwise approved by the Course Coordinator. In all aspects of progress through the course, students will be advised by the Course Coordinator.

Progression Requirements

Identify any other progression requirements, eg: whether students need to normally complete a unit or units at an introductory level (100-level) in an approved sequence before undertaking advanced level units (200 or 300-level).

Schedule of Unit Offerings

Insert as required. Delete sections that do not apply.

Specified Units

Unit Code / Credit Points / Unit Name / Prerequisites (P)
Incompatible Units (I)
EDAAxxx / 10 / Sample A / EDAAxxy Sample B (P)

University Core Curriculum Units

Unit Code / Credit Points / Unit Name / Prerequisites (P)
Incompatible Units (I)

Specialisation Units

Unit Code / Credit Points / Unit Name / Prerequisites (P)
Incompatible Units (I)

Major Units

Unit Code / Credit Points / Unit Name / Prerequisites (P)
Incompatible Units (I)

Elective Units

Unit Code / Credit Points / Unit Name / Prerequisites (P)
Incompatible Units (I)

Professional Experience Units

Unit Code / Credit Points / Unit Name / Prerequisites (P)
Incompatible Units (I)


(Insert or delete as required)

APPENDIX 1. Detailed course map

Insert detailed Course Map. For multiple courses (eg nested Master’s, Grad Dip and Grad Cert) include a map for each course.

APPENDIX 2. Consultation

Append evidence of consultation under Section 10 (if applicable) the following table.

Name / Position / Date / Comments:
Endorse/Do Not Endorse / Faculty Response

APPENDIX 3. Unit outlines – New and revised units

Append Unit Outlines for new and amended units associated with this minor change application. Please Use the Generic Unit Outline Template.

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