Coffee Afternoon– thank you to everyone who came and supported out MacMillan Coffee afternoon last week.
Swimming – we try to encourage all pupils to be responsible for their own belongings and (in the case of the younger ones) dress themselves. We are finding that pupils’ swimming bags are too small to put all their school uniform, coat, shoes and towel in when they have got changed for swimming – they are responsible for putting all these things together into one bag into their locker.
Can you therefore please ensure that on swimming days:
- Your child has easy school uniform on which they can undress and dress themselves.
- They have a big enough bag (bags for life are good) which they can put all their school uniform, coat, shoes and towel in to their locker.
- They don’t have too big a towel in their bag (bath towels are too big).
Parents’ Evenings will be on Tuesday 24th October from 3:30-6pm and Thursday 26th from 4-6:30pm. This is your chance to meet with your child(rens) class teacher(s) to discuss their progress so far. Each parent will have a ten minute slot which we ask you please stick to (as you can imagine, if an appointment overruns by a minute or so then the later people will have to wait a long time). If your class teacher feels they have more to discuss with you then they will each have their diaries with them to make another appointment to discuss things further at a later date.
The appointment sheets will be on the pew in the corridor from Monday morning. Please fill in the name of your child in the time you wish to attend. We ask that parents that live at different addresses please attend one appointment together, if possible.
Thank you to Olivia and Daisy Evans who have kindly donated some games to school and also to Claire Jones who has kindly donated some resources to the Early Years class.
Next week’s music lessons with Theo will be on Monday 9th (not Wednesday as Redridge) so please make sure you bring your guitars, ukuleles etc in on Monday.
Years 1/2 and 5/6 both received talks from the Fire Service yesterday who told all the pupils how important it is that they know their own address in case they ever need to phone any of the emergency services. Can you all make sure you try and teach your child(ren) their own address and keep reminding them so that if ever they need to phone an ambulance, police or fire they can at least relay where they live.
Years 3,4,5 and 6 attended a fun and educational science show “who wants to be a superhero” in school on Tuesday. Together with the fire service visit, both events provided female role models for any of our pupils who one day may aspire to become engineers or fire fighters.
Note from Alwena:
For all those taking part in the sponsored walk on Saturday, please meet us at the starting point at the Recycling area car park in Montgomery at 11 a.m. Please be aware that as some of the walk will be through fields and potentially muddy footpaths it will be advisable to bring along wellies/suitable outdoor footwear and waterproof coats in case of rain.
Look forward to seeing you on Sunday.
Nomination papers for the Parent Governor role need to be in by 9am on Tuesday 10th October.
Orienteering for those in 3/4/5/6 who have received a letter – packed lunch etc.
Redridge from Wednesday 11th to Friday 13th.
Help Wanted
Ms Griggs would like help from any parents with a “Spruce up” of the school on Saturday 21st October from 9-12pm. Volunteers for the following jobs would be much appreciated:
Clear growth in the flower beds by the staff car park
Stain picnic benches and secure any loose woodwork in playground
Build racking for the PE shed
Clearing of two raised beds nearest to the EY front door as rotten (taking out plants, removing all soil, re-lining the beds if possible and re-filling with soil)
Paint window outside staffroom and red double doors.
If anyone can help, bring any tools, trailer for the raised bed etc then please email the office.
Thank you for your help.
Dates for your diary:
Tuesday 10th OctoberOrienteering Gregynog
Wednesday 11th OctoberRedridge for 3 days
Tuesday 17th October9-9:30am Harvest Festival in School for all parents
9:30am Harvest Festival in Chapel for all pupils
Wednesday 18th OctoberYear1/2 Food to Fork Tesco
Thursday 19th OctoberYear 5/6 Talk
Monday 23rd OctoberNasal Flu Vaccine for Reception and Years 1,2,3 and 4
Tuesday 24th OctoberParents Evening for whole school 3:30-6pm
Thursday 26th OctoberParents Evening for whole school 4-6:30pm
Friday 27th OctoberBreak up for Half Term
Monday 6thNovemberSchool re-opens
Saturday 11th NovemberFriends Disco 5-7pm
Thursday 30th NovemberChristmas Market in school 3:15pm – stalls £5
Thursday 7th DecemberChristmas Bingo
Tuesday 12th December6:30pm Reception, Year 1 and 2 Christmas Play
Thursday 14th December2pm Reception, Year 1 and 2 Christmas Play
Monday 18th DecemberCarol Service in Church
Tuesday 19th DecemberSchool Disco
Wednesday 20th DecemberSchool Breaks Up
Tuesday 9th JanuarySchool re-opens