Histoy 767
History 767
Studies in Military and Naval History 1450-1750
Course schedule:
March 31 Introduction: discussion of major themes and research techniques.
April 7 The "Military Revolution" debate
G. Parker, The military revolution
Ayton, A., and J. L. Price, The Medieval Military Revolution
Black, J. M., A Military Revolution?
Eltis, D., The military revolution of sixteenth-century Europe
Rogers, C. J., The Military Revolution Debate
April 14 Naval warfare, 1450-1650
J. F. Guilmartin, Gunpowder and galleys
Capp, B., Cromwell's Navy
Dale, S. F., Islamic society on the South Asian frontier, chs. 1-3
Goodman, D., Spanish naval power 1589-1665
Martin, C. and G. Parker, The Spanish Armada
Needham, J., Science and civilization in China. Volume IV part 3: Civil engineering and nautics, pp. 486-523 and 682-95
Phillips, C. R., Six galleons for the king of Spain
Smith, R. C., Vanguard of empire
Tenenti, A., Piracy and the decline of Venice
April 21 Grand Strategy and National Defense
P. Paret, Makers of Modern Strategy, chs. 1-5
W. Murray, ed., The making of strategy, chs. 5-7.
Barker, T., Army, aristocracy and monarchy
Duffy, M., Russia's military way to the West
Luttwak, E., Strategy. The logic of war and peace
Mallett, M., Mercenaries and their masters
Mallett, M., and J. R. Hale, The military organization of a Renaissance State. Venice
Rothenburg, G., The Austrian military border in Croatia, 1522-1747
Thompson, I. A. A., War and government in Habsburg Spain
April 28 Logistics and technology
J. A. Lynn, Feeding Mars, [chs. 2, 6, 7] Tools of war [pp. 1-27, 53-73, 100-30]
Brewer, J. S., The sinews of war
Finkel, C., The Administration of Warfare. The Ottoman
Parker, G., The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road
Thompson, I. A. A., War and society
van Creveld, M. Technology and War
van Creveld, M., Supplying War
May 5 Tactics and the practice of land warfare
C. Carlton, Going to the wars
Chandler, D., The art of war in the age of Marlborough
Cook, W. F., The hundred years war for Morocco
Duffy, M., Siege warfare: the fortress in the early modern world
Gutmann, M. P., War and rural life
Hale, J. R., Renaissance war studies
Howard, M. E., The Laws of War
Meron, T., Henry's Wars and Shakespeare's Laws
Oman, C. W. C., The art of war in the sixteenth century
Pepper, S., and N. Adams, Firepower and fortifications
Redlich, F., The German military enterpriser and his workforce
Taylor, F. L., The art of war in Italy
Wood, J. B., The King's Army. Warfare, soldiers and society during the wars of religion in France 1562-1576
May 12 Naval warfare 1650-1750
N. Rodger, The Wooden World
Bruijn, J. R., The Dutch navy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Glete, J., Navies and nations
Mahan, A. T., The influence of seapower on history
Rediker, M., Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Stradling, R. A., The Armada of Flanders
Symcox, G., The crisis of French seapower
May 19 The West and the Rest
C. M. Cipolla, Guns, sails and empires
Clendinnan, I., Ambivalent conquest
Hassig, R., Mexico and the Spanish conquest
Kolff, D. H. A., Naukar, Rajput and Sepoy
Malone, P., The skulking war of war
Mason, P., A matter of honour
Needham, J., Science and civilization in China. Volume V part 7: the gunpowder epic
Peckham, H. H., Colonial wars, 1689-1762
Perrin, N., Giving up the gun
May 26 Memorial Day: no class
June 2 The conduct of war and the study of early modern military and naval history
J. M. Black, European warfare, 1660-1815
Anderson, M. S., War and society in Europe, 1618-1789
Black, J. M., The Cambridge illustrated Atlas of warfare
Corvisier, A., Armies and societies
Hale, J. R., War and society in Renaissance Europe 1450-1620
McNeill, W. H., The pursuit of power. Technology, armed force and society since AD 1000
Strachan, H., European armies and the conduct of war
Tallett, F., War and society in early-modern Europe
Course Requirements: attendance at and participation in all classes; reading the "assigned items" each week; writing four short (five-page) book reviews of other works chosen from the list above (see the next sheet for the format.)
Anderson, M. S., War and Society in Europe of the Old Regime, 1618-1789 (London: Fontana, 1988)
Ayton, A., and J. L. Price, The Medieval Military Revolution
Barker, T., Army, aristocracy and monarchy
Black, J. M., A Military Revolution?
Black, J. M., European warfare, 1660-1815 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994)
Black, J. M., The Cambridge Illustrated Atlas of warfare: Renaissance to Revolution, 1492-1792 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996)
Brewer, J. S., The sinews of war
Bruijn, J. R., The Dutch navy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Capp, B., Cromwell's Navy
Carlton, C., Going to the wars
Chandler, D., The art of war in the age of Marlborough
Cipolla, C. M., Guns, sails and empires
Clendinnan, I., Ambivalent conquest
Cook, W. F., The hundred years war for Morocco
Corvisier, A., Armies and societies
Dale, S. F., Islamic society on the South Asian frontier, chs. 1-3
Duffy, M., Russia's military way to the West
Duffy, M., Siege warfare: the fortress in the early modern world
Eltis, D., The military revolution of sixteenth-century Europe
Finkel, C., The Administration of Warfare: The Ottoman
Glete, J., Navies and nations
Goodman, D., Spanish naval power 1589-1665
Guilmartin, J. F., Gunpowder and galleys. Changing technology and Mediterranean warfare at sea in the sixteenth century (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974)
Gutman, M. P., War and rural life
Hale, J. R., Renaissance war studies
Hale, J. R., War and society in Renaissance Europe, 1450-1620 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986)
Hassig, R., Mexico and the Spanish conquest
Howard, M. E., et al., eds., The Laws of War
Hughes, B. P., Firepower weapons
Kolff, D. H. A., Naukar, Rajput and Sepoy
Luttwak, E., Strategy. The logic of war and peace
Mahan, A. T., The influence of seapower on history
Mallett, M. E., Mercenaries and their masters
Mallett, M., and J. R. Hale, The military organization of a Renaissance State. Venice
Malone, P., The skulking war of war
Martin, C. and G. Parker, The Spanish Armada
Mason, P., A matter of honour
Meron, T., Henry's Wars and Shakespeare's Laws
Murray, W., Knox, M., and Bernstein, A., eds., The making of strategy: Rulers, states and war (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994)
Needham, J., Science and civilization in China. Volume IV part 3: Civil engineering and nautics
Needham, J., Science and civilization in China. Volume V part 7: the gunpowder epic
Oman, C. W. C., The art of war in the sixteenth century
Paret, P., ed., Makers of modern strategy from Macchiavelli to the Nuclear Age (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1986)
Parker, G., The Army of Flanders and the Spanish Road
Parker, G., The military revolution. Military innovation and the rise of the West, 1500-1800 (2nd edn., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996)
Peckham, H. H., Colonial wars, 1689-1762
Pepper, S., and N. Adams, Firepower and fortifications
Perrin, N., Giving up the gun
Phillips, C. R., Six galleons for the king of Spain
Rediker, M., Between the devil and the deep blue sea
Redlich, F., The German military enterpriser and his workforce
Rodger, N. A. M., The wooden world. An anatomy of the Georgian Navy (revised edn., London: Fontana, 1988)
Rogers, C. J., The Military Revolution Debate
Rothenburg, G., The Austrian military border in Croatia, 1522-1747
Smith, R. C., Vanguard of empire
Strachan, H., European armies and the conduct of war
Stradling, R. A., The Armada of Flanders
Symcox, G., The crisis of French seapower
Tallett, F., War and society in early-modern Europe, 1495-1715 (London: Routledge, 1992)
Taylor, F. L., The art of war in Italy 1494-1521 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1921; new edn., Leigh-on-Sea, 1993)
Tenenti, A., Piracy and the decline of Venice
Thompson, I. A. A., War and government in Habsburg Spain
Thompson, I. A. A., War and society
van Creveld, M. Technology and War
van Creveld, M., Supplying War
Wood, J. B., The King's Army: Warfare, soldiers and society during the wars of religion in France 1562-1576
Writing a Book Review
A. Include one substantive section which discusses the content of the book. This should comprise no less than two, but no more than three pages of the essay. Your audience should know, from your description, what the book contains, as well as what it does not contain (and perhaps, should contain).
Things to bear in mind (without explicitly stating them in the book review): does the title accurately reflect the contents: in other words, does the title claim a particular period (1494-1871), but only really encompasses the 18th century; or, does the title claim to cover military organization in New Spain, but really only deals with Mexico City?
B. Ask what were the objectives of the author? Were they successfully achieved?
C. For books published before 1994 in English: how was the book review received (see section II below)? In order to answer this question, 1) you must go to the Social Sciences Citation Index and look up which books or articles have cited this work. Make a xerox copy of these citations and TURN IN THE PHOTOCOPY WITH YOUR ESSAY. 2) Then find one of the books or articles and read what those authors say about the work, i.e., "a smashing, groundbreaking study, indispensable for anyone interested in the location of every tree on Little Round Top before and after Pickettís charge," or "this book fills in a much needed gap in our knowledge: lose no time in reading it."
D. For books published 1994-95 determine which books or authors were acknowledged by the author as a major influence. Go to one of those books and try to determine how you think that work helped to shape the book.
A. As stated in section I. C (for books published before 1994), your essay must be accompanied by the photocopy of the Social Science Citation Index page. (If you have trouble using this source, see a Reference Librarian.)
B. You must read other reviews on the book published in relevant journals. For books published in 1994 or before, you will find those journal citations either in: a) America: History and Life (hard copy or on-line); b)Wilson Index (hard copy). After you have found the review citation, go to the journal cited and photocopy that review. INCLUDE THAT PHOTOCOPY WITH YOUR ESSAY.
A. Your grade will be based upon how effectively you complete the assignment set forth above. Good syntax, spelling and style are also essential to your grade. All essays must be typed and must not be less than five or more than six pages. Use the spell check on your word processing program. Each late essay will lose one letter grade for each 24 hour period beyond the due date and time.
B. For style, look at book reviews in the New York Times Book Review section, published each Sunday, or in The New York Review of Books. Examine the ways in which professional book reviews are constructed and see how, for instance, the authors link the beginning and last paragraphs of their essay.
OSU Department of History
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