Town of Washington
Board of Selectmen
October 10, 2013
1.1 Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
1.2 Members: Guy Eaton, Ken Eastman and Tom Marshall
1.3 Visitors:
2.0 MINUTES: Eastman motioned to approve the minutes of the October 3, 2013. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor.
Important Dates -
October 13th – Lamplight Hymn Sing 7PM at the East Washington Church All are welcome bring a friend and a flashlight
October 16th – Conservation Commission 7PM at the Town Hall
October 21st – Safety Complex Meeting 6:00PM at the Center Fire Station
October 26th – 10-2PM There will be a Drug Take Back Event, you can turn in unneeded and expired medications and prescriptions at the Police Department for both human and veterinary medications. There is no cost for the collection to any participant.
October 28th- Cemetery Trustees 7PM at the Town Hall
Did you Know?
Join the Conservation Commission for the annual Rich Cook Memorial hike
up Lovewell Mountain!
Saturday, October 12th from 10AM to 1PM
Meet at the intersection of Halfmoon Pond Road and Lovewell Mt. Road,
it's on the right about a half mile past the Halfmoon Pond boat ramp.
Bring a lunch or snack and water.
This is a 4.6 mile hike round trip.
We should be rewarded with spectacular views of Washington during peak foliage season.
For a map and information that might be helpful click here:
3.1 Michael Grunwald Sr. – TM#16-121, Highland Haven Road, after receiving Board of Adjustment approval at the October 8, 2013 meeting. Eaton motioned to approve the application. Marshall seconded the motion. All voted in favor, permit # 1342 was approve.
4.1 Ray Clark dropped off a flyer with information on the upcoming senior bus trip to Foxwoods. The trip is schedule for October 22 and will be leaving the Town Hall at 6:45am the cost is $30.00 per person and includes the bus ride, driver tip, $15.00 food coupon, $15.00 Keno play and an entry ticket for October’s Bus Marketing Promotion. Please call Ray Clark to reserve your seat at 495-1423.
4.2. Tom Taylor phoned to request authorization from the Selectmen to spend $80.00 for a well cover on an open well found on a Town Forest property on Rte 31. TM#12-180.
4.3 Wayne Whitford fromW.R. Whitford Consulting, LLC came to perform an insurance inspection of the Town Hall and Camp Morgan Lodge.
5.1 Assessors
5.1.1. Provided a copy of the timber tax levy.
5.2 Chief Marshall:
5.2.1. Dropped off information on the upcoming Drug Take Back event. See Important Dates
5.3 Cemetery Trustees:
5.3.1. The Washington Cemetery Trustees will entertain bids for the maintenance of the town’s three cemeteries for the year 2014. Please call Phil Barker at 495-3640 for specifications.
6.0 Public Appointments:
7.1 Letter from Project Lift requesting a donation to be included in 2014 budget. – Filed for budgeting.
7.2 Approval for Operation for Steven Valle, TM#07-17 Washington Heights Road, Approval for construction to William Pierce Jr, TM#14-252, Adams and McKinley Drive, Approval for construction to William Pierce Jr., TM#10-047, Ashuelot Drive, Approval for construction to Brian and Richard Poole TM#20-151-15 Long Pond Road- Filed
7.3 Agenda and Meeting Minutes for the SAU #34 school board. – Posted
7.4 Invoice from Upton & Hatfield – Approved and forwarded to Dagesse for payment
7.5 Letter from State of New Hampshire Highway Safety Agency officially approving the Washington Operation Safe Commute Patrols grant- Filed
7.6 Letter from Sullivan County Treasurer forwarding the Town of Washington the invoice for county taxes. The Town’s portion is $647,205.00. – Forward to Dagesse
7.7 A copy of a letter from the Town of Washington requesting continued support with the NH Lake Host Program. – Filed
7.8 Granite State Future “The Real Facts” – Posted at the Town Hall
8.0Old Business
8.1 The Selectmen adopted the Town of Washington Ethical Prinicples. Copies will be sent to Department Heads.
8.2 Eastman attended an UVLSRPC meeting at the lodge on Tuesday. The meeting was to discuss regional and local master plans.
8.3 Marshall attended a 501c3 Rescue Meeting on Tuesday.
8.4 Eastman will order a dehumidifier for the lodge.
9.0 New Business
9.1 The Selectmen congratulate Captain Bob Wright for receiving The Pamela Mitchell/Richard Connolly Memorial Emergency Medical Services Achievement Award presented at the Concord Auditorium… for his years of service, his increased effort to stay current and increase levels of education within his squad, and his dedication to the Town of Washington. He was nominated by his peers for this award… the criteria is for a person or group who has significantly enhanced the EMS system in New Hampshire, assisted in promoting EMS statewide and/or created positive public awareness about the Emergency Medical Services Profession.”
10.1 The Board approved cheques for payroll $7666.99 and vendor checks in the amount of $10279.74 October 11, 2013.
11.1 Eaton motioned to adjourn Marshall seconded the motion the meeting was adjourned at 8:00pm All voted in favor.
Michelle Dagesse
Secretary for the Board of Selectmen