Sample / Example questionnaire/ market research / questions
1. What is your gender?
- Male
- Female
2. What is your age? ______year.
3. What are the data of your zip code? ______
4. Do you know brand A?
- Yes
- No
5. Do you know brand B?
- Yes
- No
If you answered yes at question 5, the questionnaire ends here.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The following questions are all about brand A. Can you please give your opinion about the following theses?
6. I can mention a couple of features of brand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
7. I think I know brand A well.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
8. Brand A is obvious different then others……
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
9. I consider myself as loyal to brand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
10. My first choice is Brand A..
- Yes
- No
If no, what is your first choice for this type of product? Answer:…………………………….
11. I buy brand A, if brand A is available.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
12. I appreciatebrand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
13. Brand A stands for good quality.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
14. I can rely on brand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
15. When I think of brand A, I think………
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
16. Brand A has an old fashioned look.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
17. I think the……of brand A is tough.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
18. Brand A is less original.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
19. It becomes ………. brand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
20. Brand A gets my …………...
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
21. Buyers ofbrand A are real……….
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
22. I am interested inbrand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
23. I can talk a lot about brand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
24. I think the use of a product like brand A is very important.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
25. I use brand A daily.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
26. I use brand A mainly::
- At work
- At home
- In the car
- Different, that is……
27. On average I use brand A about…..per…….
Since a couple of years brand A and brand B are cooperating. There is a possibility that both brands get the same name. In the next question we presume that brand A will get a new name.
28. I think it is a good idea to chance the name.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
In the next questions we presume that the new name of both brands will be the name of brand B.
29. I think it is a nice name.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
30. The name fits brand A.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
31. I agree with the decision to change the name.
- totally agree
- agree
- neutral
- disagree
- totally disagree
Space for rebrands ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
If you need more demographic information about the respondent or the organisation, go to:
Here you can find example questions about demograpic information.