Unit Three: Living Justly in the Reign of God
Sunday School Lesson No. XI – February 9, 2014
Presented by Rev. Frank A. Davis, III, Pastor-Teacher
Lesson Text: James 2:1-13
Required Reading: James 2:1-26
Motto Text: James 2:5, “Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?”
Reliable Resources: Union Gospel Press Expositor and Illuminator; Standard Lesson Commentary; Libronix
Electronic Library; Outline Bible (Wilmington); Wiersbe’s Expository Outlines on the New Testament; Children’s Ministry Resource Bible
According to the Children’s Ministry Resource Bible, “Faith without works cannot be called faith. ‘Faith without works is dead’ (2:26) and a dead faith is worth than no faith at all. Faith must work; it must produce; it must be visible. Verbal faith is not enough; mental faith is insufficient. Faith must be there, but it must be more. It must inspire action. Throughout his epistle to Jewish believers, James integrates true faith and everyday practical experience by stressing that true faith must manifest itself in works of faith.
Faith endures trials. Trials come and go, but a strong faith will face them head-on and develop endurance. Faith understands temptations. It will not allow us to consent to our lust and slide into sin. Faith obeys the Word. It will not merely hear and not do. Faith produces doers. Faith harbors no prejudice. For James, faith and favoritism cannot coexist. Faith displays itself in works. Faith is more than mere words; it is more than knowledge; it is demonstrated by obedience; and it overtly responds to the promises of God.”
In 2007, I had the unique opportunity to serve on the steering committee of the Lott Carey Foreign Mission Convention’s annual meeting in New Orleans, LA. It was a very rewarding experience, but the greatest blessing I received was to attend and participate in their annual banquet. It was so unlike any banquet that I have ever attended. You might say it demonstrated Christ’s love without partiality or prejudice. There was no “Head Table,” no need to dress up extravagantly, and 300 tickets were purchased by hosting churches and distributed to the homeless, poor, and socially challenged. These people were invited to attend and sit at the table of their choice, and everyone mingled together. It was an act of believers demonstrating love without partiality or prejudice! Well, in this week’s lesson, James encourages the church to demonstrate the love of Christ without partiality or prejudice.
The True Believer Demonstrates Love without Partiality or Prejudice (Avoids Showing Favoritism)
Anticipated Power Points…The Believer should:
· Resist Prejudice and Partiality. James 2:1-4
· Remember the Pain of Prejudice. James 2:5-7
· Respect no Personal Preferences for God’s People. James 2:8-13
I. Resist Prejudice and Partiality. James 2:1-4
A. The brethren – should be accepted with equality because we are all born again of the same sacrifice and serve the same Lord, who gives us power to reflect His glory! vs. 1
The focus of the believer is Christ. Philippians 1:21, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Because Christ is key, there is no room for any human prejudice or partiality.
B. The bad decision. vss. 2-4
Jesus describes a situation where a bad decision was made. A man of higher status was preferred over a man of apparent lower status. God is no respecter of persons, nor should His Church make that mistake. Let us not judge people by their clothing, cars, or cash. Luke 6:37 reminds us, “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.” Remember the parable about the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16. Again, God is no respecter of persons. Resist pride, prejudice and partiality in the church!
II. Remember the Pain of Prejudice. James 2:5-7
A. James reflects on Jesus’ teachings. vs 5
Matthew 5:3, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” It is a sad but true fact that the poor are more likely to have faith in God because of their needs.
B. James remembers the judgments brought on the poor by the rich (vs. 6) and the rejections of the Saviour by the affluent! Matthew 16:21, “From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.”
III. Respect no Personal Preferences for God’s People. James 2:8-13
The danger of practicing prejudice or partiality towards people can lead one to become…
A. A transgressor of God’s Word. vss. 8-12
(Defined: Transgressor – Willfully crossing the line of known truth.)
Leviticus 19:18 expresses the “Royal Law” – loving one’s neighbor as himself, illustrated in the parable of Luke 10:25- 37. Whenever favoritism is shown in any vernacular, it is judged by God who sees and knows every motive.
B. A taster of God’s terror or mercy. vs. 13
This can only be answered by Jesus’ own words in Matthew 5:7, “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.”
God is no respecter of persons, nor should we be, as His ambassadors! Remember Hebrews 13:1-2, “Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Be careful that we show no prejudice or unfair partiality to people!
Bibleway Missionary Baptist Church, New Orleans, LA and Little Bethel Baptist Church, Amite, LA
Mailing Address: Post Office Box 19768, New Orleans, LA 70179 - Phone: (504) 486-7876
Website: (See and hear lesson taught via Video)
Radio Broadcasts: WLNO AM 1060, Saturday 8:30 a.m.; Sunday 5:30 a.m.
WHNO TV-Channel 20, Sunday, 6:30 a.m.
Looking Ahead: February 16, 2014 James 2:14-26
You are invited to attend Noon Bible Study every Wednesday as Pastor Davis teaches the lesson at Bibleway.