Barton’s Bay News
September 16, 2016
Thank you to our families for taking the time to join me for Back-to-School Night. I had a lot of information to give you in 30 minutes, so please forgive me for talking so quickly. I promise I do not speak this way to the children. J I know how hectic school nights are for families, so I appreciate your attendance even more. If you count the one I led on Monday, I will be attending three different Back-to-School Nights this September, so I am aware of the planning involved for these nighttime outings! On the other hand, I understand if you were unable to attend. Please know that I sent home all of the materials for you to review.
Here is a bit of what we did this week:
I began the process of leveling the students for independent and guided reading. These levels are starting points and change throughout the year. Once this has been completed, I will be able to create a Raz-Kid account for your child. I will then send home your child’s log in and password information. In Reading Workshop, we are working on developing our reading engagement. In Math, we continued Topic 1, Fluently Add and Subtract Within 20. We reviewed previous skills and worked with addition fact strategies. Our vocabulary words are: sum, difference, addends, equations, doubles and near doubles. One of our goals for Topic 1 is to be more fluent with our math facts, so keep up the practice! J
This week also had the second graders participating in the Dibels screening. The results will assist me in planning instruction for your child.
**We send out a special thank you to those families who sent in back-up snack for the class. You are appreciated!**
* Monday is Day 9: Gym
* The T-shirt form and fee are due on Monday, September 19th.
Table Talk
Below are some conversation ideas for the dinner table:
What can you find in an urban community?
What are “seed ideas?
What do strong readers do to help them stay focused?
Why do we use 10 frames while adding and subtracting?
Have a great weekend!
Wendy Barton