Letter from Marcelo Motta

to Hermann Metzger

At Karl Germer's request, Motta wrote this letter to H.J. Metzger, leader of the OTO in Switzerland, due to an adulteration during the translation for the German of the Book of the Law. He wrote the capital "you," different from the original version, disrespecting Liber Al itself.

March 29, 1963.

To the head of the Swiss "Thelemites" - as you are all called.

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

This letter is my Equinoctial Greeting to you.

Although I have asked for you to stop sending me your literature, you continue to bombard me with the evidence of your nonsense - less nonsense, please! I do not know if this is a challenge on your part. If so, you were beyond your wildest dreams, since in your last symptoms of insanity - your translations of the letters of 666 to a sister with a "DU" in the holy verse - you proved to have fallen exactly to the level that I have warned against. And therefore, the External Head of the Order will make a last effort, a last attempt, for him to show how much that what you judge to be a change is nothing more than a demonstration of blindness - spiritual blindness.

In summary, I intend to speak with common sense, a so-called horse sense; and so hope to awaken what remains of the sense of humour -- which is the sense of equilibrium, which is "common" sense -- in you. You may - or not - know that Karl Germer passed away last year, a death in which the last drop of blood left his body. You may, or may not know what this means, and what grade that Man reached. I do not know if you had known - nor do I know if he even said - that he was the successor of A.C., and BAPHOMET for the whole world. Neither did he tell me; I had to discover by myself. This was the man that you disobeyed, whose initiatic translations of the Holy Books of Thelema to the German language you altered, but to who you desired to substitute - I speak to you, sir! - at this moment, someone in South America is holding an honest mirror in front of your foolish face.

You claimed next to him of having been accused of being in collusion with Oskar Schlag, which you said to be a lie. But what you do not know is that the influence of Schlag that has inflamed your ego to the point of you becoming, without knowing, a traitor of every WORD that you think of keeping. Schlag is an "Evil Adept" - this simply means that he is a man that, when he executed the work of 5º = 6º, united himself to his Evil Person, instead of uniting himself to his Holy Guardian Angel, and is now a slave of Choronzon - Dispersion - in the form of a demon of Abramelin. He is, being an Adept, magically powerful - much more powerful than you can imagine - and has the assistance, beyond most, of the Four Princes, which, upon passing from the old Aeon, assume leadership and personify the spiritual founders of the principal/main religions of the past Aeon: Osirian Christianity, Brahmanism, Buddhism and Islamism.

Think, for a moment, sir, how powerful these Entities are that you, undoubtedly, have foolishly thought to control - small servant of them! It is possible - it is scarcely possible - for you to really be the "child," and for this reason I am writing this letter. Because if you are a child of BABALON and the BEAST, that is, if you are now a Babe of the Abyss, it is necessary for you to give it some meanings by which you can mark your course, and leave from the abyss of Because to the Gate of the City of the Pyramids.

Know then, my poor child, that any simple Thelemite that crosses the Abyss, and a great number of them that never realize it, think to be a "child" of AL. And perfectly right in so thinking. We are, each of us, children of Therion - the Christ - born from the Virgin of the World, that is the true name of the Great Whore, the Mother Clothed with the Sun, Our Lady BABALON of the City of the Pyramids. Now, if you are the particular child that will go to decipher AL II, 76, which will only be proved when and if you decipher it. You can be certain that the mystery once deciphered, will be evident and simple to all, in the same way that the key 31 was, discovered by the poor O.I.V.V.O., over whose deplorable case I alerted him to carefully ponder before continuing on his present path.

You are - if you truly are a Babe of the Abyss - greater than all the kings of the earth, because the Magister Templi is really - even if the man in which he is manifested is a street sweeper, or, as One that knows, a black old woman without legs rolling in a small trolley the length of the streets, appearing to everyone a beggar - although a beggar responsible for the work and the vision -- spiritual vision -- of all those linked to him. I refer you to LXV: "...and I bear the Cup of His gladness unto the weary ones of the old gray land." Do not forget the sequence! If you are one of the "chosen" it is not your responsibility, since He is not to be bought for the rescue of the whole Universe. Remember Sir Palamedes the Saracene - he made miracles, he reached the highest trances, he executed the greatest parties - but only when he confessed his failure in "buying it" for the rescue of the whole Universe the Beast came to accomodate him at his side...Now, please, my poor friend, let me point out the symptom of schizophrenia - the start of Dispersion, which Restriction has in the Name of BABALON! - the symptom of schizophrenia in your behavior: You cannot make the pill and eat it at the same time.

You claim to be the prophesied "child" in AL. Then this means that you accept AL as a Holy Book, the only Law and regulator of life, divinely inspired, the work not from a man but from a God - I am using this word in its technical sense of Initiation to Divinity, or what it can mean. But, if you truly accept AL as such, as you may, man, possibly, always disobey the most solemn injunction of the Book, always repeated in each one of the Chapters, under the command of Nuit, Hadit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit to not change even the simple style of a letter. You can only have one of those alternatives. You cannot have both. This is simply premise, my friend. AL is a reasonable book.

Any reasonable book cannot be the work of the insane (='people of the earth,' in the sense of those whose Reason - Daath - as opposed to being the servant of high faculties - try to usurp the place of the Highest, for this reason truly becoming the "bastard of the Swastika"). Remember that the ancient Teutonic Kings used a yoke around the neck, the symbol of slavery - to signify that Daath - whose place is the neck -- is chained, bound and restrained by the high faculities symbolized by their crowns. "May you do the same." That yoke is the Green Line that encircles the Universe - the Belt of Astarte the Starry Woman. The above is basic. I ask you to consider it carefully, to see the irrational nature of your behavior, and if you think - as you surely do - "but above the abyss nothing is true except in terms of the implied contradiction" - I ask you to remember that, although, this is thus above the Abyss, it is below the Abyss that you have been for a long time disfiguring AL (think about this), despite the fact of having been warned by the O.H.O., Frater Saturnus, who also happens to be a Magister Templi of the A.'.A.'. and Head of the Order of Thelema. If ulteriorly, you think: "he is dogmatizing, while I am only preoccupied with the spirit," I warn very seriously to read paragraphs 28 and 29, principally the latter, from Liber CLX Astarte vel Berylli, that falls perfectly over your case.

I will pass now to other considerations because your "DU" is an improper translation of the passage in question (I should still remind you once more than, above all, to any true Thelemite, it is a blasphemy). I suppose that your reason, in writing it this way, was to imply: "See, when I say, do what thou wilt, I do not mean that you should do what your dirty, impure, and foul-smelling and inferior Is want to do: I mean that you should do what your Superior I wants you to do."

In a sense, doing this, you are excusing yourself by the Law - you are ashamed of it. Embora you should remember that it is written that, the Scarlet Woman should be unashamed before all men - if you are truly a Magister Templi, you will understand what this means, but I will give you a trail, remember that the first ordeal is of silver, remember that the Foundation is called a Rock, remember that Aspirants of the A.'.A.'. are men, but the brothers of the A.'.A.'. are women; remember again that the purified Nephesch is the Virgin of the World, that is one of those symbols drawn in the book of the Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians: see diagram 33, "The Garden of Eden."

Surely you possess this. But, there exists another, and more important sense, in which "DU" is deceptive. How can you possibly presume and determine how any man will interpret this line? Are you turning your interpretation to interpretation for every people of the German language? Do you not see that you are restricting your fellowman? Repressing the orbit of other stars? That you are, in fact, projecting the gigantic shadow of your inflamed ego over the Universe, instead of keeping it in what it should be - the instrument through which you relate yourself to the Universe. Do you not see that this is a Syndrome composed of vanity and fear - the clearest symptom of identification with - what is behind this initiative of yours? Then see, a star can choose to interpret Do what thou wilt as doing what I want my small I to do. Another star can interpret as doing what someone else wants her to do. You say that this is mistaken? It is not by your account! Every number is infinite; there is no difference! "Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing and any other thing..." "...argue not; convert not; talk not overmuch!" Think of the times that will come, when your wrong translation may be the only accessible one to other people, who will translate it from German to their own languages, and so multiplying the error. You think you are liberating them! You are chaining them to the wheels of your car.

This is the work of a black brother, not the work of a Knight of the Band of the Sun. Think, beyond this, about the karma that you are creating. Think about the plague and curse of Christianity when the Roman Church assumed to lead over all other existing ones, choosing the path of material growth, and spread the infection of Choronzon and spiritual slavery in all parts of the world. Think in regards to O.I.V.V.I.O. Think in regards to Franker, and what he did to the O.T.O. agreeing to be following instructions of his Guardian Angel! Think in respect to of Krumm-Heller (the father), and the damage he caused to the O.T.O. and anything in contact with the True Rosycross, agreeing, him also, that he was obeying his Guardian Angel, which he thought to be the Count of Saint Germain - which was one of my past incarnations, and what is only truly described in the excellent biography made by M. Paul Charconac, which, various times, I advised him to read.

Do what thou wilt is the Law of Liberty, embora you have to serve me! - you would say loudly. But, my friend, we are not free in the sense of being irresponsible. We are bound by Our Oath to serve. We are servants of the Star & the Snake. We are servants of Heru-Ra-Ha. We are servants of V.V.V.V.V. We need to construct, ourselves, rocks that we are, as the great wall that protects humanity - our small brotherhood - against the furious attack of the abyss. Truly, we are not "free"!

We serve; we need to humble ourselves; we need to give everything that we are and all that we have; we need to become nothing; we need to work in obscurity and watch our gardens; we need to repress our egos with the triple current around our neck, and we need to await/hope for the Consummation - which will come when He wants Who is Destined to this End, and not when we think we should be. Really, we should die; but dying, only that we are, we should give many fruits. We are Isis Rejoicing; we bear the child, we feed it with our substance, and our work is to feed the child; we are not the child!

It is the child in us, or better, of us. The ego should die. This is the mystery of Osiris, and because Osiris is a black god. You should become Osiris before being able to adore Hoor. You need to be crucified, death and raised before being able to claim your joy before the new emerging Sun. In short, brother, if you are a Babe of the Abyss, soon you will become a Zelator of the A.'.A.'., a Rock of the Universal Towers, a Guardian of the Mysteries. This initiation transcends Assiah, for the first time, in Yetzirah, the Angelic World. The initiation of Adeptus Minor that you judge to be reached before Tiphareth of Malkuth, and in Assiah. The work of attaning the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel extends itself before you -- not behind. You need to totally attain it in the power and light described in the Book of Sacred Magic and in "John Saint John" in the Equinox I, 1. The true Orgy of Theurgy, the Great Work, extends in Tiphareth of Tiphareth - and do not forget that the Magus of the Aeon, the Christ, the Lord THERION, is crucified in Tiphareth of Chokmah, and the Adeptus drinks His blood and eats His flesh for sustenance. And the Great Work - the Crossing of the Abyss between Kether of Chesed and Malkuth of Binah - still finds itself very far from you. Or from me.

Do you understand, child? You attained much; but it will be very little if you do not see how much more you need to attain. Please act to part from the perspective of your newly acquired point of view. Obey your superior, who is now I. What does he ask? does he ask something repugnant to your pride as a man?, or your right as a brother? He asks that you obey, not him, but the Book of the Law; he asks you that, the next time that you edit the Canonic Mass of the O.T.O., to bind it in vermilion and gold, which are the heraldic colores of the Rosy Cross (the O.T.O. is a Rosicrucian Order, one of the few - did you not know?) instead of the black of the Romans and their bastard children the Protestants. And he asks nothing more of you.

If it does not matter to you with my authority, I do not have the intention of imposing it with threats or coercions. But I warn you, once more, that you are erring against yourself and your followers by forgetting AL, and now also the Master THERION. If you continue like this, you will certainly be destroyed; and since vainglorying yourself once, in similar circumstances to our then Superior, Saturnus, that "his publications go now in forty different countries," or a similar number, I remind you that accumulating goods in Malkuth is not the same thing as becoming a Rock in Yesod - which is the formula of manipulation of material over only one plane and is the formula of ALIM, not of ELHIM - and which the Roman Church, also grew becoming the strongest temporal power in the world -- and see what it did to humanity as a result of this! "Who will advance to the man to gain the whole world if he loses his eternal soul? "You can only efficiently operate on a plane if working from a plane above it. It is only then that you introduce a new, truly creative factor in the equation.

In another way, it will only be permutating the terms already existing. You are prisoner to the Wheel of Samsara - leave it. The karma of the lunar man (see the Upanishad for this "lunar" man) is always a vicious circle. But the serpentine force is a Spiral! The Black Fraternity, the Demonic Legions and Choronzon can only attack through the ego...I repeat this so that you can understand because your disobedience is not a symptom of independence, but of a disorder of the personality.

You are also proud of the material growth of your organization; but no current is stronger than your weakest link. And see what you, the leader of your movement, are doing when you blaspheme AL, incorrectly cite the Master Therion, and ignore the Heraldic Colors of the Bands of the Sun! Please, try to see that this is the effect of constant waves of the daily demonic current attacking your ego; you do not see that there exist Jesuit priests determined to get close to you, trying to submit you? Do you not know that the Masses of "Jesus" - that is, the Great Prince of Evil of this World that Abramelin calls Satan - are daily, perhaps every hour, being prayed "for your soul"? These forces of the waters of death continually assault your personality and invade your soul? They are only useful to you in the sense in which they provoke symptoms indicating that points of the Ego still is necessary to destroy, that portion of material ainda is united to the Solar Body which by your aspiration and work you are starting to form inside of your human crysalis. But you need to pass by the Waters beyond Death and beyond Life. It is not a coincidence that Schlag is living in Switzerland. I know that you have ordered material for him. Another example of your blindness. Do you not see that this means that you voluntarily formed a link with him?