Campus Council Meeting Minutes

September 1, 2016

~ Attendance: Jo Ann Short, Rashmi Bali Chilka, Jennifer Sayasithsena, Howie Treichler, Hemchand

Gossai, Jodie Anderson, Rashida Rowther, Jill Caporale, and La’Tonia White

~ Meeting began at 3:37pm

~ Guest: Dr. Pamela Hilbert, Provost

·  Introductions were done with our new Provost, Dr. Pamela Hilbert.

·  Campus Council is now being called College Forum.

·  SGA is reaching out to identify three students who can serve as Student Representative.

·  Feedback on Committees -

~ A lot of people are giving verbal feedback and emails about re-organization issues received as follows:

- Many have expressed issues with advising.

- Individuals still don't see reorganization.

- Transfer seems to be the issue when it comes to advising.

- Cohort idea was mentioned. Ex., accepted to university, but will take classes at

NOVA, and will automatically go to university after getting associate’s degree.

- Clusters were also discussed.

- Another concern was History and who chooses if it is a Humanities or Social


~ Question: Who decided who would be on the campus council?

~ Answer: Those who attended meeting and participated and gave ideas, roundtables workshops.

·  Newly proposed summer scheduling –

~ They should start later.

~ Five weeks is too compressed.

~ Student Success – student taking a Science or other harder classes should not take any other class on top of that.

·  CG Elevator –

~ Chronic breakdown of elevators in CG and CM. It affects students and staff with physical needs.

~ Referred to Provost.

·  Space Utilization –

~ Software programthat can be used for utilization of scheduling rooms.

·  Keep and Cancel –

~ Every dean has different numbers.

~ Lack of consistency among divisions.

·  Updates to website –

~ Have not yet updated information to Sharepoint.

·  Presidential Appointees on Senate -

~ Given referred to Senate reps as agenda item.

~ Provost is on there.

~ Others are elected.

·  Agenda item for Senate –

~ Presidential appointees.

~ What is the role of Dean of Enrollment?

·  Meeting adjourned at 5:08 PM.

Minutes respectively submitted by La’Tonia White