Lesson 1 James 1:1-4
Facing Trials
- Icebreaker - Tell about a book (or article) that you have read, or a speech that you have heard that helped you in your life in a practical way. Also share how it helped you.
II. Bridge - The Book of James is one of the most practical books
in the Bible to tell us how to really live what we believe!
A. Intro
1. Author - God - God inspired James (Jesus’ brother)to write this book. It was written before 50 A.D.
2. It was written to Jewish Christians scattered
everywhere and it is written to all believers (past,present and future). That includes you and me!
3. Purpose
. expose hypocrisy
. to teach us to live what we believe (which is truth & wisdom)
. to encourage us when we face hard times
- Body
A. Read verse 1- The Greeting
James calls himself a bond servant which means he is a
servant by choice.
B. Read verse 2
1. Consider it Joy when you face trials - Wow! What does
this mean? 1st trials do not equal temptation to sin. A
trial is something we cannot avoid - like bad health,
disappointing friendships, parents’ divorce, death, etc. We will all have to face situations like this.
2. Consider (think forward, regard) all joy does not mean
be glad or happy when something bad happens. Joy
can be present regardless of circumstances, but
happiness is based on happenings. We can have joy in
the fact that God is with us in it and He has a plan (Jeremiah 29:11 & Romans 8:28)
C. Read verse 3
Why can we consider it Joy? Because the result is
perseverance, patience and endurance. God wants us to
be marathon runner rather than just a sprinter. Never a
quitter! (Isaiah 40:31)
D. Read verse 4
Also read in the Message version of the Bible. Full,
complete and ready for anything when we believe in God,
consider it joy we will grow up and mature in our faith -
not stuck in immaturity as babies). Sometimes we do feel
growing pains. God wants us to be ready for whatever we
might face. Look at Matthew 7:21-28. lsyourfoundation
ready for a storm?
- Conclusion
A. Are you going through a trial right now? What is it?
B. What are you going to “take home” with you frOm this
lesson? How can you apply it?
C. Pray for the person on your right.
Lesson 2 James 1:5-12
How to Find Wisdom
A. Read verse 5 (in several different versions of the
Bible). What an awesome verse to claim. God
wants to give you wisdom, guidance and direction.
He does not think any question or request is
stupid. God wants to give generously. We can all
gain knowledge (facts) but only God can give
wisdom. Wisdom is the right use of knowledge
(applied ~
~ ~ i~~i~iô~t primarily knowing the truth, although it
certainly includes that; it is skill in living. For what ~ ~
good is truth if we don’t know how to live it?” ~ 2~:. ~ ~
Whatdo you need wisdom aboutatthis time in
V your life? (stop and pray or wait and pray for ~ ~ V :
these at the end) Share examples about Goà~
givingyou wisdom (Ex .~Movie Apostle)
B Read verses 6-8
~pwshouJ4y~e ask~ Do we really want to know
God’s answer — the trüth7~ ~‘
~Ai~Wechámeleons sometimes (changing colors
accordingto who we are with)? Do we get tossed
~nd turned by the wind of the opinions of others?
~‘ Are we staying bent over so much listening to the
words of the creature (other people) or are we
I ~ standing up straight so we can hear our creator
I. Icebreaker - When you need answers or advice, who do you
go to and why?
II. Bridge - We~are going to talk about who to turn to whose
advice will never let you down today - but first let’s review.
~ ~ ~ What was the main point from James 1:1-4?
(it~~ Does anyone have something to share about what they
applied this past week?
III. James
C. Read verses 9-11
What do you think this is saying? Even if you do
not have wealth, status, or popularity in the
world’s eyes - you are not overlooked by God.
The outward things do not last. In Christ, we all
—~ ~ have a high position, we are royalty (sons and
~4.-~i~1 ~ daughters ofthe King). (Read Colossians 3:1-4
~ ~. ~t~and Matthew 6:19-20.) You caftb~?5t~ãfWur
D. Read verse 12
What does it mean to persevere under trial?
What do you think the ucrown of life” is? It means
now and later (forever). (John 10:10, John
16:33, Romans 8:28, Matthew 28:20)
IV. Conclusion
A. What one verse or thought are you going to
meditate on?
B. What can you apply this week?
C. PRAY (Pray for each other). V
Lesson 3 James 1:13-18
Facing Temptation
I. Icebreaker - When do you most often face temptation?
(Optional - Share what you are most tempted with.)
II. Bridge V
A. We will all be tempted in our lives - How can we handle
ese emp a ions.
~ B. Quick review from last week.
Ill. James
A. Read James 1:13-15,. What does this say to you? ____
1. We will all face temptation. Even Jesus was
tempted. Being tempted to do or say something is
not a sin. It’s what we do with the temptation that matters.
2. God does not tempt us. He doesn’t want to trip us
3. Temptation becomes a sin when we take the
temptation and dwell on the wrong thinking so much
that we allow it to become an action. ( ex. Of a V
snowbarl rolling down a hill) , a(q~22~~~
Other examples of this — A good one i’s David and
Bathsheeba in II Samuel - excellent explanation of
downward spiral in iJte~Aj~lication Bib~ Notes. V
- If we find ourselves in the down ward spiral - what
can we do?
V . Accept Responsibility
. Confess
S Ask Forgiveness I John 1:9
B. Read Verse 16
Don’t be deceived. Who deceives us? What voices do we
hear? Sin will always ~
it leads to death. ( Ex. ~ ride ~
will be fun until you hit the hard ground.)
C. Read Verses 17 -18-
Everything~~comes from God and lle~doesn’t change.
Isn’t that grOat? (share about C.S. Lewis’s book The Great
Divorce) ~ ~
IV. Conclusion ~ ~‘j1~ ~‘~°“~ ~ ~ cof~ If~~)
2~~v~:—’ , ~ Application - Here are some scriptures ( our sword) to help
~ 1~ us fight temptation. James 4:7, Ephesians 6:10 - 11,
j_Y~L:~ — 1 Pm~rbs 4: 14 - 15, V~salms 119:11
~-‘oJ~/’f_ ~ ( ~Sbare-one verse and or thought you will take home with you.
Lesson 4 James 1:19-27
Icebreaker — Can you share a time you felt someone really listened to you? Can you
think of a time when you spoke too quickly without listening?
II. Bridge
A. How can we be better listeners and not get into so much trouble with what we
say? Let’s find out in this part of James.
B. Quick review from last week — Any reports on fighting temptation?
III. BodyJames 1:19-27
A. Read verse I 9 — Wow! Remember you have 2 ears and only one mouth! Give
more attention to listening. Try to say back to the other person what they said to
you. Read Proverbs 1 5 : 1 , Proverbs 1 8 : 1 3 and Proverbs I 0:19.
B . Read verse 20 - Our anger (and harsh words) often get us into trouble. (Give an
— example what happened and what was accomplished).
~ C. Read verse 21 -- What are positive and negative commands given in this verse?
Get rid of Accept
What are some examples of moral filth that might touch you?
Who is the Word? John 1 :1 He is our salvation.
Humbly accepting means saying, “I need you, Lord, Help me.”
Jesus is the Living Word — God’s Word (the Bible) is the owner’s manual to our
t1~ lives and our road map to avoid the wrong turns and potholes in life.
111/ D. Don’t be an auditing Christian. If you audit a class, you just go to class and don’t
do the assignments. You are a spectator, not a participant.
E. Read verses 23 & 24
When you get up in the morning and look in the mirror and see that you need to
wash your hair/or brush you hair because it is sticking up everywhere (or wash
your face and brush your teeth and change out of your P.J.s), you take care of it
before going to school. It would be strange to walk away—from the mirror and
forget what you looked like and what you needed to do to get ready for the day.
This is like knowing what God says to do but not doing it.
F. Read verse 25 V
You will be blessed ifyou look, listen and then do. You will be free!
1,L~fL Read Deut. 32:46-47 and Deut 10:1243 5 ~ 5~&t~’
G. Read verse 26
What does this mean? How can the “tongue” (what we say) get you in trouble?
H. What do you think this means practically (our friend in Uganda helping the
orphans, the widow who lives next door, etc.)?
Iv. Conclusion
A. Everybody take a minute to write down any specific things these verses tell us to
do and not to do. Then share all you come up with.
B. What are you going to focus on and apply this week?
C. Pray
Commands I saw: 1 . Be quick to listen. )<oü ~i ô~ 5
I ~ p~
2. Be SlOW to speak. V ~V
3. Be slow to anger.
4. Get rid of moral filth.
5. Accept Him and His word.
6. Do what God tells you.
Lesson 5 James: 2:1-13
Icebreaker — Share about a time when you felt left our or rejected. Have
you ever experienced prejudice personally or toward someone else? It
could be because dfyour race, your age, your dress, your beliefs, etc.
II. Bridge V
A. There isno favoritism or prejudice in the way God sees people and He
wants us to be the same way.
B. Before we begin, review and report from last week.
III. Body
A. Read James 2:1-4
How do you see this at your school?
God wants us to view everyone equally. V
ReadCol. 3:11.
How do we treat our families?
B. Read verses 5-7
What do “rich in faith” and “heirs to the kingdom” mean? Read John
*Read notes from Life Application Bible on this verse.
C.ReadversesV8-il. V ~
1 . Verse 8 - How can we love our neighbor as ourselves?
2. Verses 1 0 & 1 1 - You cannot be saved by following all the
rules. It is impossible. That is why we need a savior.
D. Read verses 12 and 13.
1 . Verse 1 2 — Speak ~ act (actions often speaker ipuder than
words). God’s way brings true freedom (Give example.)
2. Verse 13 —Mejçy triumphs overjudgment. When have you ~
been shown mercy? (Ultimate example is Jesus dying on the ç~ :3~
cross to take our place.)
IV. Conclusion
A. What one thought or verse will you choose to meditate and apply this
week? What is one thing you plan to do as a result of today’s lesson?
B. Pray for each other (example — pray for the one on your right).
Lesson 6 James 2:14-25
Icebreaker — Share a time that you (or someone you know) saw someone
in need and did something about it and share a time when you saw a need
but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) meet that need. ~ cvi~/,~ ~‘oiv~.~ ~ V
II. Bridge
A We are going to talk about how real faith in seen in actions ~ :
B. Review and report from last lesson.
III ~ A Read James 2 14-1 8 ~ ~ ~ ( ‘~
I . Discuss the question “How are we saved? — i.e. how do we V~
enter GVXI’s family and become a follower ofJesus? Read
Ephesians 2:8-10 and Philippians 2:12-13
2. The result of this faith is that the Holy Spirit comes into our
lives and changes things: Galatians 5 : 1 9-26. Contrast old self
with spirit filled self. Fruits are in process of being produced
in our lives and our old nature is being pruned.
B. Read verse 19. Believing there is a God is not enoug~ Give
examples ofthe difference betweenjust believing and being really
C. Read verses 20-25. Explain these stories and how they illustrate these
verses. (Life application notes help here, too.)
True faith always results in deeds (not perfection) but we do not earn
our salvation by what we do. We demonstrate our salvation and faith
by what we do. ~ V
D. Read verse 26. This verse restates what was said in verse I 4. The
verses in between explain this main point’ Faith without works is
‘;L ~V~VVV~ dead. I see a lot of dead people walking around
(especially in the They have lost their way in their relationship
N with Christ, arid their lives are not reflecting what they believe. The
light and joy that were once there are gone and their eyes look dead.
God wants us to be alive with a faith that is alive2 not dead.
~ ~
A. Whatreallystrikesyouabout~hj~l~550~7 •VV~V V V
B. What do you think God is telling you to do?
Lesson 7 James 3:1-12
Icebreaker- Who is a teacher that you really loved or appreciated and why?
Or who is a teacher that you really learned from and why?
II. Bridge-Why is being a teacher so important? This part of James will address
Ill. Body
A. Read 3:1
It is a big responsibility to be a teacher- Your words and example
affects other’s lives (Back then teachers were extremely important since so
many could not read or depended on the teacher)
Do not get in a teacher or leader role for selfish reasons.
Read 2 Timothy 2: 15, Mathew 12:34-37, Luke 12:48
B. Read 3:2
No one is perfect We all stumble. A most difficult area to control is
what we say. (What we let come out of our mouth) V
VC Read 3:3-5
V 1 . Bits in the mouth of horses can turn the whole animal
2. Ships- steered by a very small rudder
3 . small spark can set a whole forest on fire
The tongue can determine the destiny of an individual.
D. Read 3:6
Read in life application. Read Proverbs 10:19
E. Read 3:7-8
No man can tame the tongue but God can. Mark 10:27, Phil 4:13
How can God (the Holy Spirit) tame our tongues? It is a conscious choice.
F. Read 3:9-12
Salt water and fresh water (from the same source- how can it be)
What are some different ways the tongue can hurt others? (Ex. Angry
words, lying, gossip, slander, complaining, putting others down, bragging,
What are some ways the tongue can help? (Ex. Encouraging, speaking the
truth in line, true compliments, giving hope)
Fruit of the Spirits- Galatians 5:22
IV. Conclusion
A. What do you want to take with you and apply this week?
Lesson 8 James 3: 13-18
Icebreaker & Review
A. Have your words this week been the salt water or fresh? Have they been more
of a blessing or a curse? How have the words of others affected you this
week? (My example: Daniel’s call-salt and then fresh)
B. Who is the first person who comes to mind when you think of ‘a wise person.”
How about “peacemaker.” (It can be someone you know, know of, or even
someone in history.)
II. Bridge- Today we are going to look at what true wisdom is. What is the
difference between wisdom and knowledge? Wisdom is applied knowledge
(wisdom knows the right thing to do and does it-puts it into practice.) Many
people know a lot and are smart but that does not make them wise. (Ex.
Everybody who is a drub addict knows drugs ruin your life.)
III. Body
A. Read verse 13
How do you see wisdom in someone’s life?
B. Read 14-16
How would you describe bitter envy and selfish ambition? (Any
examples-earliest one is of Cain and Abel. Any that you know of?) This
“wisdom is worldly=promoted in our world. “If it feels good, do it.”
“Look out for #1. “ “ Your goal is your own personal happiness.” What
happens when you live by these ____? (Example of extreme breakup on
I Corinthians 13:4-7, I Peter 5: 6-7
C. Read 17 &18
List what real wisdom (that comes from heaven) consists of Do we have
those characteristics?
Have you had a chance to be a peacemaker?
Read col. 4:5-6
What does this mean? What kind of opportunities do we have? (Use
Becky Manley Pippert as an example)
D. Where do you need prayer to show wisdom in your life?
Are we aware of selfish ambition or envy that we need to get rid of?
E. Application
1. How can we apply this?
2. Pray for the one on the right.
Lesson 9 James 4:1-7
Icebreaker- Think of a fright or disagreement you have been in lately. What was the main cause ofthe fight?
II. Bridge
James 4 talks about the source of much ofthe fights we are involved in and
what to do about this. We talked about the difference between the wisdom the
world offers and wisdom that comes from God. One ofthe characteristics of
wisdom that comes for God is peacemaking. Anyone have any thing to share
about applying and/or asking for God’s wisdom last week? (Share my
example about keeping quiet, praying rather than confronting after a sleepless
III. Body
A. Read James 4:1
Why do we fight with our friends or family?
What is the cause of quarrels? Desires that battle within you, and
wanting something that you don’t get.
What are some examples of this?
B. Read 2
We quarrel, fight, kill (hate) and covet.
Why don’t we receive what we want?
James says it is because we do not ask God.
What is it that we really want in life? Love, Joy, happiness,
meaning, satisfaction. These can only be found in God.
James 1 : 1 7- Every good gift comes from God.
I don’t want to ever be guilty of not receiving something because I
did not ask. So I ask for everything. (Example: healing for
Rachel’s knee, someone would go to camp, having enough money
for a special gift or bridesmaid dress.
God knows what is best. Ex. Garth Brooks- Unanswered prayer
C. Read 4:3
What is a reason we may not receive what we want in prayer?
Read life application
1 . not asking
2. asking for wrong things
3 . asking with wrong motives
What are some examples of asking for the wrong things with the
wrong motives?
D. Read4:4-5
Read life application for 3-4
There is nothing wrong with enjoying the good gifts God gives us-
but seeking pleasure at other’ s expense or~ at the expense of
V obeying god is where the problem is.
E. Read 4:6-7
What are the two action words? Submit and Resist. What do they
Submit to God=placing yourself under this control which is the
best place to be. Make Him Lord in every area. (School, family,
language, thoughts)
Resist the desire (temptation) HOW?
1. Don’t even go there. Ex. Ifyou are on a diet, don’t
spend the afternoon at Krispy Kreme.