Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School

Recruitment of Early Years/KS1 Teacher (for 1 year in the first instance), from Sept 2016.

Information for Candidates


  • Letter from the Headteacher
  • Application details.
  • Details about the post, Selection process and Timetable.
  • Job Description
  • Person Specification.
  • General School Information

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for showing an interest in the vacancy at our school at suchan exciting time. Wheatfields Infants and Nursery is an oversubscribed three form entry school on the north east edge of St Albans.

I have been the Headteacher at the school since September 2009. We have a strong and established Leadership team consisting of two Assistant Headteacher roles- one for Teaching and Learning and the other for Inclusion and Behaviour, a School Business Manager, two Key Stage Leader roles and an HLTA who represents the Support team. We have a vacancy in school because a member of the team has relocated.

The pupils at Wheatfields Infants and Nursery are absolutely delightful and are enthusiastic learners. Parental support is very strong, and the Governing Body is effective. There is a strong focus on working as a team across the school from Year Group teams to Key Stage teams. As a school we are passionate about children making excellent progress within an environment that is stimulating and exciting both inside and outside. All of our teaching team use Assessment for learning effectively to plan and support children’s progress on a daily basis. Joining our staff at this exciting and pivotal time will require hard work and enthusiasm as we continue to sustain our excellent outcomes for all children while not losing sight of educating the “whole child”

Please find enclosed a pack containing information about our school, including a person specification, job description and an application form.

The closing date for applicants is 9.00am on 15th March,2016 and short listing will take place on the following day. Successful applicants will be contacted by telephone and e-mail after short listing has been completed and will be invited to interview on 23rd March 2016. Part of the interview process will include a teaching observation and a short task.

Please read through the job description and person specification and if you feel you would enjoy the challenge and rewards of working with us, we would be pleased to receive an application from you. Visits are welcome and strongly encouraged; please telephone the school office to make an appointment. Finally, may I wish you good luck with your application. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.

I very much look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely

Jane Whitehurst

Application Details:

Applicants: Should be aware that there is an intention to observe all interview candidates teach a lesson and complete a short task as part of the interview process.

Application Procedure: Please complete and return the application form no later than 9.00am on Tuesday 15th March to:

Mrs Jane Whitehurst

Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School

Downes Road

St Albans



Alternatively, return an email copy to:

It is very important to refer to the Job Description and Person Specification when making your application.

Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School

Details about the post, Selection process and Timetable.

Class Teacher
Grade: / MPS
Type of post: / Full time Teacher : Temporary Fixed Term Contract for 1 year.
Safeguarding of pupils:
School statement: / This School is committed to safeguarding children and promoting the welfare of children and young people/vulnerable adults and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to DBS checks along with other relevant employment checks.
Context for the vacancy:
Reason for vacancy: / The vacancy has arisen because a member of the team has relocated.
Start date: / 1st September 2016
Terms and conditions:
School statement: / This post is offered subject to the terms and conditions laid down in School Teachers‟ Pay and Conditions document 2013.
Equal opportunities:
Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School is committed to equal opportunities for all pupils and staff, regardless of race, gender, age, physical disability, political or religious affiliations or marital status, and is fundamental to the ethos of the school.
To provide an environment in which all pupils feel equally valued and have equivalent opportunities as others, regardless of race, gender, age or physical disability, in all areas of the curriculum.
To ensure that there is an equal opportunity for employment development and promotion for all staff and that they are not discriminated against on grounds of race, gender, age, physical disability, marital status, religion or politics.
Recruitment, development and promotion of staff will be based solely on the criteria of merit and ability and suitability for the job no job application or employee will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, race, ethnic or national original, marital status, domestic circumstances, age, sexuality, disability, political or trade union activity or religious beliefs
Information about the recruitment and selection process:
Visits to the school warmly welcomed by appointment.
Closing date for applications: / 9.00am 15th March 2016
Short listing: / 16th April 2016
Interview date: / 23rd March 2016
Interview panel: / Headteacher: Mrs Jane Whitehurst
An Assistant Headteacher and a Governor.

Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School

The job description will be reviewed annually in the light of changing requirements and in consultation with the post holder and the Governing Body.

Responsible to Headteacher

Pay range:MPS

Purpose of Post
To deliver high quality learning and teaching to pupils who are assigned to the postholder.

All teachers work within the statutory conditions of employment set out in the current School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document. The duties listed below are not; therefore, an exhaustive list of what is required. They are based on the Teaching Standards 2012.

1 Set high expectations which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils

• establish a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect

• set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions

• demonstrate consistently the positive attitudes, values and behaviour which are expected of pupils.

2 Promote good progress and outcomes by pupils

• be accountable for pupils’ attainment, progress and outcomes

• be aware of pupils’ capabilities and their prior knowledge, and plan teaching to build on these

• guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how pupils learn and how this impacts on teaching

• encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study.

3 Demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

• have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject, and address misunderstandings

• demonstrate a critical understanding of developments in the subject and curriculum areas, and promote the value of scholarship

• demonstrate an understanding of and take responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use of standard English

• if teaching early reading, demonstrate a clear understanding of systematic synthetic phonics

• if teaching early mathematics, demonstrate a clear understanding of appropriate teaching strategies.

4 Plan and teach well structured lessons

• impart knowledge and develop understanding through effective use of lesson time

• promote a love of learning and children’s intellectual curiosity

• set home learning and plan other out-of-class activities to consolidate and extend the knowledge and understanding pupils have acquired

• reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching

• contribute to the design and provision of an engaging curriculum within the relevant subject area(s).

5 Adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils

• know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively

• have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn, and how best to overcome these

• demonstrate an awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of children, and know how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development

• have a clear understanding of the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs; those of high ability; those with English as an additional language; those with disabilities; and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them.

6 Make accurate and productive use of assessment

• know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including statutory assessment requirements

• make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ progress

• use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons

• give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback.

7 Manage behaviour effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment

• have clear rules and routines for behaviour in classrooms, and take responsibility for promoting good and courteous behaviour both in classrooms and around the school, in accordance with the school’s behaviour policy

• have high expectations of behaviour, and establish a framework for discipline with a range of strategies, using praise, sanctions and rewards consistently and fairly

• manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate them

• maintain good relationships with pupils, exercise appropriate authority, and act decisively when necessary.

8 Fulfil wider professional responsibilities

• make a positive contribution to the wider life and ethos of the school

• develop effective professional relationships with colleagues, knowing how and when to draw on advice and specialist support

• deploy support staff effectively

• take responsibility for improving teaching through appropriate professional development, responding to advice and feedback from colleagues

• communicate effectively with parents with regard to pupils’ achievements and well-being.

9Provide leadership across the school in a designated subject or curriculum area, this to include:

i)monitoring quality and standards

ii)contributing to school planning and self-evaluation

iii)providing professional support to other teachers and support staff

iv)advising the Headteacher on appropriate resources and materials

v)leading appropriate professional development.

For newly qualified teachers, subject leadership will be taken by his/her line manager during the first year of employment at the school.
Teachers in the upper pay scale can be expected to make a particular contribution to building team commitment in line with the statutory requirement to meet threshold standards.
In particular, teachers at UP3 will:

  • provide a role model for professional practice in the school
  • make a distinctive contribution compared with other teachers
  • contribute effectively to the wider team.


A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct. The following statements define the behaviour and attitudes which set the required standard for conduct throughout a teacher’s career.

  • Teachers uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high standards of ethics and behaviour, within and outside school, by:

•treating pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher’s professional position

•having regard for the need to safeguard pupils’ well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions

•showing tolerance of and respect for the rights of others

•not undermining fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

•ensuring that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils’ vulnerability or might lead them to break the law.

  • Teachers must have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the school in which they teach, and maintain high standards in their own attendance and punctuality.
  • Teachers must have an understanding of, and always act within, the statutory frameworks which set out their professional duties and responsibilities.

Person Specification – Class Teacher Wheatfields Infants and Nursery School

Selection decisions will be based on the criteria outlined below. At each stage of the process, an assessment will be made by the appointment panel to determine the extent to which the criteria have been met.

When completing your application form and supporting statement, you should ensure that you address each of the selection criteria and provide supporting evidence of how you meet the criteria through reference to work or other relevant experience.

Method of assessment

Educational qualifications and training

Application form
Newly Qualified teacher status / DFES Qualified Teacher status.
Completion of DBS forms and a satisfactory clearance being received
Experience of working with children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
Experience of working with a range of adults in a team approach
Experience of participation in Inset and staff training
Experience of working with children with a wide variety of learning needs.
Knowledge, skills and abilities
Knowledge and understanding of the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 curriculum including the new Literacy and Numeracy Frameworks
Knowledge and awareness of the effective use of new technologies
Knowledge of Equal Opportunities, SEN Code
Has high expectations of all children and an understanding of how young children learn
Ability to instil a love of learning in the pupils.
Ability to plan effective lessons that are evaluated reflectively
Ability to plan learning for a wide range of children’s abilities
Recognise the value of assessment for learning and its impact on learning
A positive attitude to behaviour management
Ability to work effectively in a team approach – deploy support staff successfully
Ability to use a range of teaching skills
Recognise the value of involvement in school life
Able to manage time and resources successfully
Ability to communicate effectively with parents/carers

General School Information

Our Vision for the Children of Wheatfields Infants’ and Nursery School

On their learning journey within our school, our children will grow into confident, happy, independent individuals who can communicate effectively, achieve well and respect the diverse communities that make up our world. In an ever changing world we believe our children should develop a strong set of values that underpin their learning and enable them to become lifelong learners. Each child will learn a range of skills and knowledge that will enable them to recognise the contribution and responsibility they have to developing a sustainable world.

We will achieve this by:

  • Creating a safe sustainable learning environment
  • Providing an enjoyable, challenging and creative, skills based curriculum
  • Developing a high quality school team who have high expectations for all children and act as positive role models listening and taking account of their opinions
  • Teaching the children to respect each other and all adults, and to value the ideas, beliefs and diversity of our inclusive school community ensuring equality for all.
  • Developing positive partnerships with parents, the local and wider community.

Locality and Catchment

Wheatfields Infants’ & Nursery School opened in 1964 and is located in a residential area in the North East of St Albans. It is a Community School administered by Hertfordshire County Council. We share an open and attractive site with Wheatfields Junior School and Sandringham Secondary School, close to residential housing and amenities, approximately 1.5 miles NE of St Albans City centre in the Marshalswick ward. Our main entrance is in Downes Road, which is on the north side of the Ridgeway, leading from Marshalswick Lane. The school can also be accessed from an entrance in Sandringham Crescent.


Currently there are316 children on role made up as follows

Nursery / Year R / Year 1 / Year 2
49 / 90 / 87 / 90

The Curriculum

The learning is based on a theme and skills development approach. Each term there is an overarching theme recent ones have been Wild Weather and Explorers and Innovators. The children are encouraged to have ownership and be involved in planning learning. The teaching team then track the expectations from either the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum for Nursery and Reception or National Curriculum for year 1 and 2 to ensure the children have the appropriate coverage of all subjects.

Building Learning Power

To support the development of the children’s learning skills, we have our Learning Power Heroes. This is based on the work of Professor Guy Claxton: