SCHOOL OF Health professions

MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-registration)


Induction: 04-22 September 2017


Last update: 25/08/17

SCHOOL OF Health professions

Important Information

New students: upload a photograph
If you have not already done so, please upload a photograph of yourself using the e@pplicant page: following the online instructions. This photo will appear on your University Card, which is issued to you when you attend the University Card Collection session this week. Without this photo, your University Card cannot be produced.

NB: this is not required if you already have a University Card because you were previously a student on another course or at a Partner College.However, you will need to contact PAHC Reception for a new card which will entitle you to use the free bus service.

Online Enrolment

You must complete Online Enrolment as soon as possible and prior to collecting your University Card. Details of how to online enrol are here.

Part time students

Your timetable will be scheduled predominantly on Mondays and Tuesdays for the first year, apart from the placement which is full time. Whilst every effort has been made to restrict induction timetabling to your usual pattern of attendance, there are two sessions which fall outside of this, which are your uniform fitting and occupational health appointments. This is because these sessions have been timetabled to accommodate students across the whole school.

Please see the main timetable for any taught sessions

Monday 4 September

10.00 / All of the sessions today are at PAHC
10.00-10.30 / Welcome and Overview
An introduction to the programme
Rosi Raine / FF24
10.30-11.30 / Registration; Programme Administration
Please bring the following completed forms printed from the induction website:
·  Name badge form
·  Consent form
·  Self-declaration form
·  Marjon Library application form
Please also bring your passport and a photocopy of your passport.
We cannot issue your card if you do not bring your passport. Please note: your card is required to use the free bus scheme. / FF24
11.30-12.30 / Getting to know you; getting to know your campus
Rosi Raine / FF24
12.30-13.30 / LUNCH BREAK / Common Room, Marjon Refectory or Sports Centre
13.30-15.30 / Introduction to Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
Rosi Raine / FF24
15.30-17.00 / Introduction to Problem Based Learning
Rosi Raine / FF24

Tuesday 5 September

09.45 / Most of the sessions today are at PAHC, with the exception of a Library Tour at Drake Circus and meal at the Mission
09.45-10.00 / Welcome to the School of Health Professions
Bernhard Haas, Deputy Head of School / LT1
10.00-11.00 / Overview of Masters level provision and generic shared elements: Who’s Who including overview of Quality structure, Student reps, role of Personal Tutor, Exam Panels and Boards
Claire Hornsby, Programme Lead for Advanced Professional Practice / LT1
11.00-11.45 / Administration
Student Union/International Student Advice
Samantha Ainsworth, Programme Administrator / LT1
11.45-1300 / Introduction to Library and Literature Searching
Jo Triplett, Subject Specialist Librarian / LT1
13.00-1345 / Lunch
Optional Module information for APP students and MClinRes on posters
Pathway Leads, Module Leads, Personal Tutors / GF24
13.45-15.30 / Break-out sessions / FF24
15.30-16.30 / Introduction to Evidence Based Practice and Research
Professor Jon Marsden, Chair of Rehabilitation Research / LT1
16.30-17.00 / Questions and Answers
Pathway Leads: Jonathan Marsden, Rosi Raine/Miranda Cunningham, Melanie Moore, Penelope Welbourne, Diane Galpin, Susan May, Alison Warren, Peter Allum, Anne Payne. / LT1
17.00-18.00 / Travel to Drake Circus; Library Tour / Self-directed
18.00 / Induction meal / The Mission, City Centre tbc

Wednesday 6 September

09.00 / All of the sessions today are at PAHC
09.00-10.00 / Introduction to writing at Masters level
Joe Allison, Learning Development / LT1
10.00-11.00 / Critical analysis workshop
Joe Allison, Learning Development / LT1
11.00-11.30 / BREAK
11.30-12.30 / Time management
Susan May, Pathway Lead / LT1
12.30-13.30 / Lunch / GF24
13.30-14.00 / Research core modules ADV715 and ADV716 via webinar (returning and full time students only)
Professor Paul Artes/Dr Jenny Freeman / LT1
Also via webinar
14.00-15.00 / NIHR funding for research in health and social care
Andy Barton – Head of Research and Design Service, Plymouth / LT1
Also via webinar
15.00-15.45 / Research Ethics via webinar
(returning and full time students only)
Dr Jenny Freeman / LT1
Also via webinar Webinar
15.45-16.15 / Overview of Research in SHP via webinar
(returning and full time students only)
Professor Jon Marsden / LT1
Also via webinar Webinar

Wednesday 13 September

09.30-12.00 / Occupational Health - MANDATORY (i.e. you MUST attend)
Occupational Health appointments are mandatory so you will be temporarily excused from other sessions to attend your appointment. / PAHC Common Room

Wednesday 20 September

09.30 / All of the sessions today are at DRAKE CIRCUS
09.30-11.00 / Uniform Fittings – MANDATORY (i.e. you MUST attend)
Try the items on for size…..and get it right before the order is placed!
Alexandra Uniform Outfitters / PSQ C1, C2 and C4
All day / Sports & Societies Fair
An opportunity to find out about all the UPSU societies and sports clubs, and to sign up. Joining any one of the 180+ societies or sports clubs we have on offer is a great way to make the most of your University experience and have an incredible time! / Roland Levinsky Building and main campus marquees

Thursday 21 September

All day / Freshers Fair
Local and national businesses and University services come together to provide discounts, offers, local information and top tips. So come along and discover more about what’s on offer in Plymouth and across the University. / Roland Levinsky Building and main campus marquees


Last update: 25/08/17