This Union Notes:

  1. That over 6,000 Warwick students live off-campus, within established local communities.
  1. That in 2008-9 the Student Advice Centre received over 2,000 enquiries about housing matters.
  1. That many housing providers are releasing their properties increasingly early in the academic year, with some lists being released in the first half of Term 1 in the 2009/10 year.
  1. The Warwick District Council and Coventry City Council property accreditation schemes.[1]
  1. The legislation passed in the 2004 Housing Act, including Tenancy Deposit Schemes and mandatory licensing of certain Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs).[2]

This Union Believes:

  1. That finding a house, and living off campus, can be stressful and confusing.
  1. That by releasing properties increasingly early, housing providers are encouraging students to make early decisions about who they want to live with, which area they want to live in, and what sort of property they want, during the following year.
  1. That hasty decisions on accommodation can lead to students ending up with poor quality housing, unnecessary financial outlay, and difficult relationships with housemates, which can adversely affect their time at University.
  1. That students should be encouraged to make informed choices when deciding upon accommodation, and should be provided with advice and information that allows them to be discerning customers before they sign contracts and pay deposits.
  1. That Warwick District Council and Coventry City Council running two property accreditation schemes with different standards, and in different ways, can confuse students seeking accommodation.
  1. That the University has a responsibility for the welfare of its students, and should develop its property management in line with student needs and expectations.
  1. That the Students’ Union should be the key independent source of impartial advice and information regarding living off-campus.
  2. That the Students’ Union should never recommend any specific housing provider over any other, including Warwick Accommodation.

This Union Resolves:

  1. To offer free and impartial guide to house-hunting and living off-campus which will, at the very least, be accessible online. The guide should not omit:

a) Information on property accreditation schemes.

b)A list of student-friendly local housing providers with their contact details and basic information, which is as comprehensive as possible.

c)Information and advice on tenancy deposit schemes.

d)Information and advice on the mandatory licensing of HMOs.

  1. Never to recommend, or accept advertising or sponsorship from, a housing provider, with the exception of clubs and societies. The Sports and Societies Officers are mandated to make sure clubs and societies are aware of this policy, and to advise them that they should accept any sponsorship from housing providers responsibly.
  1. To provide guidance, where possible, to show what proportion of any agency’s or landlord’s housing is accredited, or is under application to be accredited.
  1. To lobby for further changes to local housing legislation, including both accreditation schemes and HMO licensing, in line with the best interests of students as tenants.
  1. To run an annual campaign encouraging students to make informed and reasoned choices when deciding upon accommodation.
  1. To run an annual advice and information event addressing issues regarding the experience of living off-campus.
  1. To work with the University as much as possible to ensure that Warwick Accommodation’s housing portfolio and service provision is developed according to Warwick students’ needs and expectations.

Action / Body / Date
Carried / Union Council / 2009/10, T1W10
Policy Review / Union Council / 2011/12, T1W10

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