From the Director
Pope Francis’ vision of the meaning of Lent has particular resonance for all our school communities this year. “Lent is the favourable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in His word, in the sacraments and in our neighbour,” he said. “May the Holy Spirit lead us on a true journey of conversion, so that we can rediscover the gift of God’s word, be purified of the sin that blinds us, and serve Christ present in our brothers and sisters in need.” The service of Christ is what underpins our mission and defines our thinking and action.
J P Morrison
Primary RE Coordinator Meetings
We are aware that RE Coordinators in some deaneries meet regularly and enjoy a strong practice of collaboration and sharing. Please could each deanery determine dates for the RE Co-ordinators to meet for the 2017/18 and send these directly to Amanda Crowley by the end of June so we can ensure a diocesan adviser is available to attend each meeting.
Contact:AmandaCrowley, , 020 7798 9182
Assessment Update
Trisha Hedley represented Westminster at the Assessment Working Party. The meeting was constructive. Various models of assessments offered by members of the working party were explored.
Next steps for Working Party:
•Produce a document at next meeting, 7th April, covering the age related SKILLS expectations from EYFS to KS5 mapped to 4 areas of study from the RECD.
•These will either be related to each year group or phase (this is still to be determined)
•The skills will be generic and are not specific to one scheme.
• Within the descriptors will be progressmeasures i.e. emerging, meeting, exceeding…
• Further updates will be communicated after the next meeting of the working party. / Applied Theology: Module 4: The Common Good June 15th and 30th June 2017
For those wishing to strengthen their understanding of teaching Religious Education in a Catholic School, Dr Margaret Carswell will be leading 2 days of inset with a teaching set task to be completed in between the two days.
Contact: Margaret Theissl, 020 8457 6531
A Practical approach to Judaism in the classroom
An afternoon CPD session has been organised for primary RE Coordinators and primary teachers of RE to extend their knowledge of Judaism. The course will offer ideas and practical suggestions for the delivery of Judaism within the classroom.This event will take place at Vaughan House on Wednesday 7 June 2017 from 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm and will be led by Ruth Jampel.
If you are interested in attending the course, please see the flyer attached, complete the booking form and email to Margaret Theissl at
Contact: Sinead Steed, , 020 77989195
Teaching the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 30th March
This may be of particular interest to those teachers of RE A Level using the OCR board as Bonhoeffer is a significant proportion of the Development of Christian Thought specification. This event will take place at Vaughan House on Thursday 30th March from 4-6 pm and will be led by Neill Hinnem, Head of RE at La Sainte Union Catholic School, who is a Bonhoeffer expert and enthusiast.
Contact: Trisha Hedley, 020 7798 9005

Diocese of Westminster

Education Service

C mmuniqué

For full details of the information summarised on this page, please see the latest edition of the Schools Bulletin published on the Education page of