Adrian Peck

Year Called:2012 (Middle Temple)

Queen Mother Scholar and Baron Dr Ver Heyden

de Lancey Prize(for top BPTC student)

Degree:BA Hons, English and German, Oxford University (First); Graduate Diploma in Law, BPP Law School (Distinction); Bar Professional Training Course, BPP Law School (Outstanding; Top Student Award)


Common Law (Personal Injury)

Memberships: Personal Injuries Bar Association

Industrial Law Society

The Employment Law Bar Association

Free Representation Unit

Bar Pro Bono Unit

Languages:German (fluent)

French (advanced)

Adrian joined Chambers in 2014 following completion of his pupillage at Cloisters in London.

Adrian is a civil practitioner specialising in employment, discrimination and personal injury law. He regularly appears in the County Court and the Employment Tribunal (where he acts for both claimants and respondents).

He has experience of Preliminary, Final, and Remedies Hearings, as well as costs applications, fast and multi-track CMCs, small claims, Stage 3 hearings (including credit hire), infant approvals, possession hearings, injunctions, bankruptcy petitions and judicial mediations.

Those instructing Adrian can expect a forensic and tenacious advocate with a personable and responsive approach to his clients.

Adrian welcomes instructions across a range of advisory and drafting work, including pleadings, schedules of loss and settlement agreements. Lately, he has advised insurers and private clients on issues such as personal injury quantum, Highways Act claims, unfair dismissal merits and recruitment policies for charities and local authorities.

In the past year Adrian has acted in several multi-day Employment Tribunal claims. He was instructed in a nine-day case involving claims of disability discrimination, unfair dismissal (capability) and loss of pension entitlement under the Local Government Pension Scheme. The case settled at Tribunal after two days of negotiations.

Adrian also represented a local authority responding to claims of unfair dismissal, age discrimination and wrongful dismissal brought by a former housing officer. The discrimination claim was withdrawn during the multi-day hearing and the Tribunal ultimately held that the dismissal had been fair.

Adrian recently acted for multiple claimants in a five-day constructive dismissal and sex discrimination trial and has been advising on a number of disability discrimination claims, all against major employers in the South (one of which settled for nearly £60,000 in early 2015).

This year, Adrian has also been lecturing part-time in Employment Law at the University of Winchester.

In 2013 Adrian acted for several employees bringing claims against a restaurant owner, one of whom was awarded nearly £100,000 in compensation when her claims of unfair dismissal, sex discrimination, harassment and post-employment victimisation were upheld.

Adrian has appeared in the Employment Appeal Tribunal where he successfully resisted an employer’s appeal against a finding of indirect religious discrimination.

During pupillage, Adrian assisted his supervisors in several high value discrimination, clinical negligence, fatal accident and catastrophic injury claims, including a two-week quantum trial in the High Court, and was often called upon for his thorough research skills.

Prior to pupillage, Adrian enjoyed a freelance career as a business writer and training consultant. His work included devising and delivering global training programmes on diversity and unconscious bias (primarily for the financial services industry), running client meeting simulations for major law firms, and facilitating interactive training sessions on effective people management across both the public and private sectors. His output as a copywriter encompassed a range of online communications including a series of white papers on European data protection law.

Adrian speaks fluent German and good French.

VAT Number: 183 3484 91

12 College Place, FauvelleBuildings, Southampton SO15 2FE

Tel: (023) 8032 0320 Fax: (023) 8032 0321