Acheron Mechanics’ Institute Inc.

Annual General Meeting 16th October 2016

Presidents Report

This year was the 102nd year of our Acheron Mechanics’ Institute Inc. or the “Acheron Hall” as we are known.

In my role of your President of the Hall’s Committee, I can report that in the year 2015 to 2016, the activities of the Hall have been well managed and that the hall is in a sound position, both structurally and financially, and that the Hall has continued to fulfil its’ role for the Acheron community.

We have achieved our objectives for the year, relative to the hall’s usage, maintenance, financial viability and ongoing improvements.

The Committee has been very productive and their high output has been achieved in a wonderfully co-operative and happy atmosphere.

During this past year the close relationship we have with the Acheron CFA and now the Acheron Tennis Club, has been maintained.

Finance & Treasury

Financially the Hall is in a sound position. At the end of 2015/2016financial year we had no outstanding debt and a healthy bank balance. Our cash reserves were $6120, held between our Cash Management Account and our Cheque Account.

This is lower thanin previous years as a consequence of capital expenditure.

Currently we have cash reserves of around $11300. The increase is a result of the profits of the Annual Dinner and Auction being added in.

The great majority of our income for this past year was generated from the auction of donated items at our annual August dinner. So we were largely financed by the generosity of our community through the donation of auction items and then the bidding for them.

We should be wary of our financial position becoming too heavily dependent and relying upon this single source of income.

At this time our cash reserves are sufficient to meet the normative costs to maintain the hall and to fund the normally smaller projects as needed. However we are coming closer to the time when we will be looking to repaint the Hall’s exterior on our cyclic maintenance schedule. This is a ten thousand dollar project and we need to plan accordingly.

The review of the Hall’s accounts has been made by accounting firm DMK. They find that the accounts have been properly and correctly kept.

Copies of the AMI Hall’s Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditurestatement forthe 2015/2016 period are available for viewing. Also available are copies of the current AMI’s bank statements.

We need to thank our Treasurer Sue Moran for the expert and professional way that she has carried out her role. Thank you Sue for your great work.


This past year the Hall was used by the Acheron community for a wide range of activities included hiring out for community events as well as usage for the Hall Committee’s and C.F.A.’s own activities. For a time the Hall served as a venue for Yoga classes. It is used for Book Club meetings and by a music group.

The re-establishment and future development of the Acheron Hall Tennis Club has commenced. A structural relationship between the Tennis club and the Acheron Mechanics Institute Inc. has been proposed and agreed.

This relationship will allow the Tennis Club to operate at arms’ length from the Hall, but within the Hall’s legal identity. The Tennis Club will be self-funding and not relying on financial support from the Hall to maintain viability.

A Tennis Club committee has been established. In my role as Hall Committee President, I am an ex-officio member of the Tennis Club Committee.

Discussion so far have indicated that the tennis court area might also be used for other activities. This may include basket-ball practice and petanque.

The details of the Tennis Clubs’ format and mission is still being determined. Later this morning, following this AGM, a quick Committee meeting will be held. At this time a short Tennis Club update will be presented by the Tennis Club President, Andy Lloyd.

The re-establishment of the Acheron Tennis Club will result in an expanded use of the Hall’s amenities.

The Hall continues to be used by members of the Acheron community, on an informalbasis, without particular reference or arrangement with the committee. Table tennis is popular.

Income from commercial hiring out has fallen. We are not getting the bookings from outside or commercial events, such as weddings and dinners;that we used to receive. This is most likely a result of other halls in our district being renovated and upgraded and now energetically and aggressively expanding their hiring out activities. There is now increased competition to attract commercial trade.

The Acheron Hall Committee’s position continues to be as a low key participant in the commercial business of hiring out, whilst focussing on the needs of our immediate community.

I would like to thank our Vice President Barbra Gamble who expertly managed bookings, cleaning and fees throughout the year. Barbara does a wonderful job. Thankyou Barbara.

Committee Secretariat

Throughout the year, our Committee Secretary and Legal Officer, Jan Fallon, with assistance from Larraine Redshaw, has organised and steered us through our various activities and obligations.Jan has effectively been able to arrange our meetings, keeping us on the straight and narrow path of being legal, dealingwith correspondence, taking the minutes and distributing them. And much more.

There were seven committee meetings held during the year, usually at 7.30pm on a Friday evening. Agendas were forwarded by email prior to the meetings and minutes were distributed by email within twenty one working days of each meeting. Attendees and apologies were recorded.

Jan has done a great job - always with a positive attitude, good grace and good humour.Thankyou Jan.

And thank you Larraine for your continuing hard work and expertise.

Assets, Plant & Equipment

This year has seen the legal formalisation of the Hall’s acquisition of a small piece of privately owned land, adjacent to the road reserve opposite.We incurred some legal costs to effect the transfer of ownership, but the greater part of the costs were paid as a donation by David and Barbara Gamble.Our thanks to Barbara and David Gamble for their generosity.

The ownership of this piece of land makes certain for the Hall, that we retain permanent access to and usage of, the tennis court and theparking area,which is located on the roadside reserve.

This past year some major improvements to the Hall’s fixtures and fittings have been undertaken.

In my report for the 2014/2015 year I mentioned the need to install a commercial dishwasher into our kitchen, to replace the existing domestic one.

This project has now been completed at a cost of $3410, plus some extras.

The installation was done by our Committee members David Gamble, Peter Moran and John Turner. We thank them for theirskills, expertize and hard work.

The installation has been very successful and we have received positive reports back from the caterers who have made use of it.

To assist with food preparation and plating-up by caterers, the Committee is now considering further improvements regarding shelving and cupboards.

The project to purchase a defibrillator for the Hall, to complement the Acheron C.F.A.’s similar defibrillator, has been completed. The cost was $2550.

The defibrillator has been located in an accessible position. Initial training of the Hall’s Committee in its use has taken place.

During the year the Hall’s microwave oven failed and a replacement oven was purchased.

Also the pre-existing sound system failed and a replacement Hi Fi was donated by the Gamble family. Thankyou again Barbara & David.

The project toinstall a built-in a display cabinet for the Hall vestibule is on hold, owing to the lack of interest by the cabinet makers we have approached. The purchase of a free-standing second-hand display case is now being investigated as an alternative.

During the year, in-ceiling fire extinguishers were purchased. These will be installed in the coming year as part of another project.


There were two major fundraising events held this year. Over $6500 was raised, an amount which will cover our fixed expenses for the year and to meet the capital cost of the dishwasher.

The annual Acheron Hall dinner, held on the second Saturday in August, was a great success. A good crowd of 68 attended, which is a number well suited to the hall’s size. A profit on the evening of around $6000 was achieved.

The theme was “Celtic” and guests dressed for the occasion and participated in the activities. There was a Scots Piper. The reading of “Robbie Burns”poetry by guests, wearing Jimmy Tammy hats, was hilarious. The night was very successful, both as an enjoyable event and as a fundraiser.

Letters of and thanks have been sent to the commercial organisations that donated auction items.

The Committee, plus other helpers, did a superb job in organising, setting up, fencing off for car parking, running the evening and then clearing up on Sunday morning.

A market stall selling Dobson’s potatoes at the Alexandra Easter Fair raised $520. Committee members were on hand throughout the day to sell produce. An interesting and enjoyable occasion which helps promote the Hall’s image.

We thank Geoff, Bronwyn & Anne Dobson for their generous donation of potatoes and to all the Committee who helped on the day. And to the people who donated their crafts, preserves and plants to be sold as fund raising items.

This year the Committee purchased 30 dozen clean-skin bottles of wine to be sold at a profit. They were labelled with the Acheron Hall logo. Sales at this time have reached the breakeven point, with stocks 14 dozen bottles still held.

10 doz. Shiraz 4 doz. Rhine Riesling.

Profits from this activity will be realised in the coming year.

Adequate stocks of the reprint of the history book “Acheron – A History of the District” in soft cover version are on hand to supply anticipated demand in the medium term. Sales continue to be made -but now more slowly. They are available to purchase in Alexandra from the Alexandra Newsagency and from Rustic Simplicity. Purchases can also be made on line and from the Committee.

We also have a small quantity of the Acheron Hall Centenary wine glasses available for purchase.

Both of these items will generate income in the next financial year.

Christmas Party

The annual CHRISTMAS PARTY was held in December. It was well attended with Father Christmas arriving on the fire truck. This was primarily an out-door event with the tables and chairs deployed around the front of the Hall. A BYO meal was enjoyed with the BBQ available for those wishing to use it. There was carol singing.

With a warm and dry evening this format was considered to be exactly suited to the occasion. The event was well attended by the Acheron community and very positive feedback indicated that this event continues to be highly valued. It is an excellent opportunity for friends and neighbours to catch up and for new residents to meet their community.

This activity is not held as a fundraising opportunity.


In this past year the Acheron Hall has been well maintained. The Hall is in a good state of repair and there are no major issues.

Upgrades were made to the switchboard and wiringto provide a 15amp circuit for the commercial dishwasher. An exterior light was installed in the portico.

On-going projects include installing insulation into the ceiling, installing fire-extinguishers in the ceiling and providing access to the ceiling cavity.

Sadly, the Centennial Tree succumbed and a replacement is being organised.

During the year there were two working bees which helped maintain the garden and the surrounding grounds, car park and road reserve area.

During one of the working bees, the moving of the fence between the Hall and the C.F.A. was investigated. The foundations were found to be so extensive as to prevent re-location as a practical option.

Our thanks go to David Gamble, our Committee member tasked with this area of responsibility. And to John Turner for his valuable assistance.

And to all the Committee and community who helped with the working bees and on other projects.

During this year we reviewed our mowing and gardening arrangement. This was done to reduce costs and to achieve a better value for money and outcome. The new arrangement is still in the evaluation phase.


The Acheron Hall Committee communicates to residents at various levels. The Website has continued to be updated and managed. Emails are monitored. The Newsletter is sent out by email, or by post or by hand. The Acheron Hall’s mailing list continues to be maintained and updated. When required press releases to local media are issued with the aim of keeping the local community aware of the Hall’s activities.

The policy continues of only using our mailing list for communicating subject matter which involves the Acheron Hall or the Acheron C.F.A. and now, the Acheron Tennis Club.

We have a good working relationship with the Acheron C.F.A. and the Tennis Club regarding their content requirements for the Newsletter and Website.

Our thanks go to Committee member Beth Thorp who so expertly manages and provides these communications.

Our relationship with the Mechanics Institute of Victoria continues to be cordial. Their newsletters are now received by email.


Recently we had to accept the resignation of Committee member Gwen Dick. We did thank Gwen for her valuable contribution at her farewell, held here in our Hall. However I would also like to take this opportunity to formally put our appreciation and thanks on record.

Thankyou Gwen, and we wish you and Mary a happy re-location living in North Central N.S.W.

During this past year,for various reasons, members of our Committee were unavailable from time to time. At these times our large Committee allowed us to continue to function productively. I see this as a good reason to continue with a Committee of between 10 and 12 members.

I would like to state that it has been a pleasure to be a part of and to work with a very competent and willing Committee. “You have all done a great job.

Every Member has been able to contribute their expertise and their energy. As a result we have managed to achieve a lot, and I think I can say we have all enjoyed the experience.

For every project, every task, it has been a Committee Team effort, with all members getting involved and contributing. May I thank the Committee for making this year so successful.


Our Committee’s ongoing task is to maintain and improve upon the beautiful building that we have. Where other hall committees are trying to create, or renovate, or rebuild, we have the luxury of looking into the future to find new ways to improve our Hall so our community use is further enhanced.

Last year in my report I mentioned that local councils may cease paying for the Fire and Flood insurance policies of local community Halls. At this time nothing has changed but we should keep monitoring this situation.

In making an end of year report my aim is to provide an over view of our situation, policies and objectives for the incoming Committee and the Acheron community. I hope it will be of value.

Thank you

John Thorp

President Acheron Mechanics’ Institute Inc. Hall Committee