Monthly Meeting Minutes March 1, 2017
The March 1, 2017 monthly meeting of BLSD was called to order by Pres. Neish at 7:00 pm at the Chester Community Center, Present were, President Dick Neish, Board Member Tim Basler and Superintendent Dave Brown. Tim Basler took the minutes in the absence of Lori Basler. Public Comment: None
1. Declaration of Conflict: None
2. Approval of Agenda: Motion to approve made by Neish, second Basler, approved
3. Approval of Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes of February 1, 2017 made by Basler, second by Neish, approved.
4. Approval of the Treasurer report: Regular checking: Lori Basler 1657-$750.00, Brown Excavating 1658-$4875.00, Jerome Lammers 1659-$450.00, US Postal Service 1660-$136.00, Ground Game (BLSD Website)1661-$188.57, Madison Daily Leader 1662-$37.85, Lori Basler (Supplies) 1663-$130.51.Construction Account: No checks written. Motion to approve the Treasurers report was made by Basler and seconded by Neish, approved.
5. Superintendent’s Report: 46215 Pelican Cove, Brown switched out the pump and replaced the cord ends. 46211 West Bay Road had an issue, the pump went off and the stator needed to be replaced. Brown switched out the pump. Problem solved.
6. Review Insurance: EMC Insurance Company, table any further action
7. Other: Should we charge Royal Flush to dump into our lagoons, will review with Chester Sanitary District.
8. Motion was made by Basler with Neish second to go into Executive Session for the purpose of pending litigation at 7:30 pm. Motion to exit Executive session at 7:52 pm by Neish and second by Basler.
9. Next Meeting will be April 5, 2017 at 7:00 pm at the Community Center in Chester
10. Motion to adjourn at 7:53 pm made by Neish, second by Basler
Published one at the approximate cost of $______
Dick Neish, President Lori Basler, Clerk