Projects of SC5/WG22 on Biodegradability
No. / Project(Stage) / Title / Remarks
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ISO 14851:1999
(90.93)2009-10-09 / Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium – Method by measuring the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer / ISO 14851 was published in 1999.
ISO 14851 was confirmed with technical corrigendum. Technical corrigendum 1 was published on May 1, 2005. ISO 14851 was subjected to systematic review in 2009. The ballot terminated on June 15, 2009. The results of voting were discussed at the WG meeting in Rome. ISO 14851 was confirmed with technical corrigendum. Another method of corrections was discussed in Bangkok meeting along the TMB policy. The comments from Japan and Germany were considered as editorial comments. ISO 14851 was confirmed without technical corrections in 2010, Bangkok.
ISO 14851 was subjected to systematic review in 2015.
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ISO 14852:2010
(90.93)2010-10-08 / Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials in an aqueous medium – Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide / ISO 14852 was published in 1999.
ISO 14852 was confirmed with technical corrigendum. Technical corrigendum 1 was published on May 1, 2005. ISO 14852 was subjected to systematic review in 2010. The ballot terminated on June 15, 2010. Comments were received from Germany and Japan. Due to the editorial nature of these comments, ISO 14852 was confirmed without technical corrections in 2010, Bangkok
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ISO/NP 14853
(10.99)2014-10-28 / Plastics - Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradability in an aqueous system – Method by measurement of biogas production / ISO 14853 was published on February 2, 2005. ISO 14853 was subject to systematic review. The ballot terminated on July 16, 2008. Results of voting were discussed in Orlando. ISO 14853 was confirmed with technical corrigendum. Technical corrigendum 1 was published on June 1, 2009. ISO 14853 was subjected to systematic review in 2013, and ISO 14853 was confirmed. Dr. Uematsu and Mr. De Wilde were asked to act as Project leaders at the USA meeting in 2014. Revised template for comments were prepared by both project leaders.
4 / ISO 14855
Part 1:2012
2012-11-26 / Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions – Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide / ISO 14855 was published in 1999.
ISO 14855 was confirmed in 2004. “Disintegration” was removed from the title. ISO 14855 and Amendment 1 were integrated into FDIS 14855 Part 1 General Method. FDIS was approved in Sept. 2005. New standard ISO 14855-1 was published on October 15, 2005. ISO 14855-1 was subject to systematic review. The ballot terminated on July 16, 2008.
Results of voting were discussed in Orlando. ISO 14855-1 was confirmed with technical corrigendum.
Technical corrigendum 1 was published on June 1, 2009. At the WG22 in Bangkok, the WG decided to publish a minor revision of this standard because the wording of a corrigendum published in 2009 was unsatisfactory. Comments were sent to Dr. Narayan and Mr. Dicker on Dec. 16, 2010 by the convener.
The convener agreed with Mr. Dicker on his proposal.
As the proposer of this technical corrigendum, Japan agreed to Mr. Dicker‘s proposal in WG22 in KL.
Dr. Sawada (convener) sent revised draft to DIN on October 12, 2011 and asked to cancel technical corrigendum. Subsequently DIN sent the revised document to the ISO Central Secretariat for final Yes/No vote within a period of 2 months.
FDIS voting began on July 12, 2012. Voting terminated on Oct. 12, 2012. As a result of CEN/ISO parallel vote, ISO 14855-1:2012 was published on Nov. 1, 2012.
5 / ISO 14855
Part 2:2010
2010-10-08 / Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions -Part 2 Gravimetric measurement of carbon dioxide evolved in a laboratory-scale test / FDIS ballot terminated on July 16, 2007. According to the results of voting received from ISO/CS on July 20. 2007, approval criteria are met. ISO 14855-2 was published on August 28, 2007. Technical corrigendum 1 was published on April 15, 2009.
ISO 14855-2 was subjected to systematic review in 2010. According to the systematic review, a simple majority of members propose confirmation. No comments either editorial or technical were received on this ISO. ISO 14855-2 was confirmed without any change in 2010, Bangkok.
6 / ISO 16929:2013
2013-04-05 / Plastics - Determination of the disintegration of plastic materials under defined composing conditions in a pilot-scale test / ISO 16929 was published on Nov. 1, 2002.
ISO 16929 was confirmed in 2007.
Mr. Mojo proposed making the following changes to ISO 16929: 1) reducing the minimum vessel size to 35 liters from 140 liters 2) tightening up the temperature profile. ISO 16929 will be subjected to systematic review in 2012. The deadline for voting will be June 16, 2012. The results of voting will be discussed at WG22 in Barcelona. In this connection, DRAFT Amendment ISO 16929:2002 /DAM1 is prepared. Mr. Mojo (USA) and Mr. De Wilde (Belgium) will be project leaders.
Dr. Sawada (convener) submitted revised draft for minor revision. Draft amendment will be prepared by Mr. Mojo (USA) and Mr. De Wilde (Belgium). The FDIS 16929:2013 was approved by 100% of the P-member bodies. ISO 16929:2013 was published on 2013-04-05.
Draft amendment will be prepared by Mr. Mojo and Mr. De Wilde.
Project leader: Mr. Mojo (USA) and Mr. De Wilde (Belgium).
7 / ISO 17556:2012
2012-08-08 / Plastics - Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability in soil by measuring the oxygen demand in a respirometer or the amount of carbon dioxide evolved / ISO 17556 was published on July 18, 2003.
ISO 17526 was subject to systematic review in 2008.
The ballot terminated on July 16, 2008. Results of voting were discussed in Orlando.
According to the discussion in Orlando, ISO 17556 was revised and ISO/CD 17556 was prepared.
CD including results of round robin tests was circulated on March 15, 2010. WG22 agreed to submit the revised draft including appropriate comments to SC5 to advance DIS. The convener sent DIS draft to DIN together with comments on CD on Nov. 22. 2010. The manuscripts were forwarded to ISO/CS on January 28, 2011. The deadline for DIS voting will be Sept. 14, 2011. The results of voting will be discussed at WG22 in Malaysia.
As a result of voting, P-Members voting: 19 in favor out of 19 = 100 % (requirement >= 66.66%), (P-Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.) 0 negative votes out of 22 = 0 % (requirement <= 25%)
Dr Tosin took the meeting through the comments he had received from 5 countries. A request for technical units relating to TOC should be added to the final document together with several editorial comments which were accepted.
The project leader sent FDIS and observation reports to Mr. Harrison on Oct. 30, 2011 for English correction. Dr. Tosin was asked to check the revised draft before submission to DIN. FDIS was registered for formal approval on Jan. 13, 2012.
FDIS voting began on April 19, 2012. Voting will terminate on July 19, 2012.
The FDIS 17556:2012 was approved by 100% of the P-member bodies. We received comments from
Malaysia and the UK. In accordance with the ISO Directive Part 1:2012, 2.7.1, these comments are to
be considered at the next revision. ISO 17556:2012 was published on 2012-08-08.
Project leader: Dr. Tosin(It)
8 / DIS 20200
2014-05-21 / Plastics - Determination of the degree of disintegration of plastic materials under simulated composting conditions in a laboratory-scale test. / ISO 20200 was published on May 3, 2004.
ISO 20200 was confirmed in 2007.
ISO 20200 will be subjected to systematic review in 2012. The deadline for voting will be June 16, 2012. The results of voting will be discussed at WG22 in Barcelona.
Total of P-Members voting: 18, Confirm with or without correct: 18, Revise/Amend: 0
Withdraw: 0 Japan and Germany confirmed ISO 20200 with corrections of errors. It was decided that ISO 20200 should be revised, including the agreed corrections. Dr. Innocenti (Italy) was asked to prepare the observations report and to revise the document as CD. As a result of DIS voting, DIS 20200 was approved for registration as FDIS at WG22 meeting in USA.
Project leader: Dr. Innocenti (It)
9 / ISO 15985:2014
2014-05-07 / Plastics - Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradability and disintegration under high-solids anaerobic-digestion conditions – Method by analysis of released biogas / ISO 15985 was published on December 1, 2004. ISO 15985 was confirmed with technical corrigendum. Technical corrigendum I was published on Nov. 15, 2007. ISO 15985 will be subjected to systematic review in 2012. The deadline for voting will be June 16, 2012. The results of voting will be discussed at WG22 in Barcelona. Total of P-Members voting: 19, Confirm with or without correct: 18, Revise/Amend: 1 Abstention: 0
Japan proposed to revise/amend ISO 15985. In addition, Technical corrigendum 1 should be cancelled. WG22 agree this review will proceed to DIS. The convener nominated Mr. Momochi (Japan) for PL.
DIS ballot began on 2013-02-28 and it terminated on 2013-05 -28. After discussion DIS, DIS will advance to FDIS including appropriate comments. FDIS was sent to SC5 for circulation of FDIS vote on 2013-10-24. FDIS approved for publication and revision of ISO 15985:2014 was published on 2014-05-07.
Project leader: Mr. Momochi (Jp)
10 / ISO 17088:2012
2012-05-25 / Specifications for compostable plastics / FDIS was registered for formal approval on April 18, 2007. FDIS ballot terminated on Jan. 29, 2008. According to the results of voting received from ISO/CS. FDIS was approved. ISO 17088 was published on March 1, 2008. Concerning correction of wording to ISO 17088, a technical corrigendum was prepared and circulated to WG22 members for comments. In response to the comments, another method was discussed at the WG22 meeting in Bangkok. According to ISO/CS, corrections should be included as a minor revision. Dr. Narayan will carry out this task. The convener sent his comments to Mr. Dicker and Dr. Narayan on Dec. 3, 2010. The convener agreed with Mr. Dicker on his proposal. Dr. Sawada (convener) sent revised draft on October 12, 2011. Subsequently DIN sent the revised document to the ISO Central Secretariat for final Yes/No vote within a period of 2 months. FDIS ballot began on March 16 and it terminated on May 16, 2012. ISO 17088:2012 was published on 2012-05-25.
11 / ISO 10210:2012
2012-08-07 / Plastics – Guidelines for the preparation of samples for biodegradation test of plastics materials / New work item proposal ballot completed on May 27, 2007. The NWIP met criteria to be accepted for the SC5 work program on June 28. 2007. The title has been modified by WG22. Revised draft was distributed to WG22 on Jan. 15, 2008. Since there were no comments from WG22 members, the revised draft was circulated as the first CD. CD ballot terminated on June 16, 2008. The ballot has been approved with 91% positive vote. The comments on CD 10210 were discussed in Orlando. WG22 members agreed to the circulation of the draft as a DIS. DIS ballot terminated on Sept. 3, 2009. The comments were from UK and ISO/CS. These comments were critical in moving this item forward.
The revised DIS draft including appropriate comments was sent to Mr. Harrison on Nov. 14, 2010. After correction of this draft by Mr. Harrison, the corrected draft will advance to FDIS. However, the text will need to be improved. The work item was scheduled to be cancelled at the beginning July, 2011 under TAB time frame rules. The new limit data for submission of the FDIS will be October 30, 2011.
After correction by Mr. Harrison, FDIS was sent to ISO on Nov. 11, 2011. FDIS 10210 was posted on the DIN Livelink server on Nov. 21. 2011. ISO Central Secretariat edited FDIS for FDIS ballot. FDIS ballot began on March 13 and it terminated on May 13, 2012. This ISO is under publication ISO 10210:2012 was published on 2012-08-07.
Project leader: Dr. Kunioka (Jp)
12 / ISO 13975:2012
2012-05-04 / Plastics - Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials under
controlled slurry phase systems – Method by measurement of biogas production. / It was agreed in Orlando that a WD be drafted for circulation and discussion at the next meeting.
NWIP was circulated for NWIP voting on March 18, 2009 NWIP met criteria to be accepted for the SC5 work program on July 28, 2009.
The comments were from Germany, Japan and Thailand. The results of voting were discussed at WG22 meeting in Rome.
The revised WD including appropriate comments was circulated as CD for DIS voting on March 25, 2010. The ballot terminated on June 25, 2010. According to the results of voting, CD was accepted without negative vote. Comments were received three countries such as France, Japan and UK. After discussion in WG22, Bangkok, WG22 agreed that CD should proceed for DIS ballot.
DIS draft was sent to SC5 on Nov. 30, 2010,
The deadline for DIS voting will be Sept. 4, 2011. The results of voting will be discussed at WG22 in Malaysia.
As a result of voting, P-Members voting: 20 in favor out of 20 = 100 % (requirement >= 66.66%) (P-Members having abstained are not counted in this vote.) Member bodies voting: 0 negative votes out of 22 = 0 % (requirement <= 25%) Therefore the criteria for approval were met. As a result of DIS voting, and with no comments and negative votes received, the DIS will proceed directly to publication without FDIS (ISO Directives Part 1, 2.6.4b). PRF 13975 was registered for formal approval on Feb. 7, 2012. Proofreading of the English text was carried out by Project leader. ISO 13975:2012 was published on 2012-05- 04.
Project leader: Dr. Uematsu (Jp)
13 / ISO/CD 18830
2014-02-02 / Plastics -- Test method for determining aerobic biodegradation of plastic materials sunk at the sea water/sandy sediment interface / In accordance with decision of SC5 at Barcelona, Dr. Innocenti submitted draft.
WD was circulated on 2013-01-25 and terminated on 2013-04-28.
Improved Title was proposed by Peter Slot.
All approval criteria are met and the project was registered. Eight experts (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Africa, Sweden and Thailand) were nominated.
The results of voting were discussed at WG22 in China. As a result of discussion, CD 18830 was distributed to review and comment. Comments should be submitted by 2014-01-31.
Round robin test started on Spring 2014 because of test duration (6 months). Then, we discussed the results of this RRT at 2014 WG22 meeting in USA,
CD 18830 was approved for registration as DIS.
Project leader: Dr. Innocenti (It)
14 / ISO/NP
2014-04-22 / Plastics -- Determination of aerobic biodegradation of non-floating plastic materials in a seawater/sediment interface -- Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide / Round robin test started on Spring 2014 because of test duration (6 months). Then, we can discuss WD draft of NWIP and the results of this RRT at 2014 WG22 meeting in USA.
As a result of NWIP voting, this item will proceed to CD.
At WG22 meeting in USA, this draft was approved for registration as DIS
Project leader: Dr. Innocenti (It)