Bolsa Grande High SchoolGarden Grove High SchoolHare High SchoolLa Quinta High SchoolLEC, Adult EdLos Amigos High SchoolPacifica High SchoolRancho Alamitos High SchoolSantiago High SchoolAlamitos IntermediateBell IntermediateDoig IntermediateFitz IntermediateIrvine IntermediateJordan SLCJordan IntermediateLake IntermediateMcGarvin IntermediateRalston IntermediateWalton IntermediateAnthony ElementaryGilbert Elementary 11-12
Preamble:This organization will have as its purpose (Article I, Purpose) as directly approved by the student council and
indirectly by the school principal and the governing board of the Garden GroveUnifiedSchool District.
Note(s):Please remember that GGUSD Policy will always supersede in the event of any discrepancies between GGUSD and
theFCMAT ASB Accounting Manual.
Article I: Name, Purpose and Activities
Name / The name of the
club/organizationshall be: / Advisor: / School colors: / Students shall beknown as the: / Mascot:
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) / Ms. Michelle Rose
Mrs. Mirsch / Blue and gold / N/A / N/A
Purpose and Activities / The purpose and activities of this club/organization shall beto (identify and list specific purpose of the club):
- to foster high standards of scholarship, service, and citizenship on the part of students of La Quinta High School
- to promote appropriate activities demonstrating the above stated qualities among its members
- to aid other La Quinta students by providing a free Afterschool Peer Tutoring Program
Article II: Student Council(also known as ASB Cabinet, Leadership, Student Body or Student Congress) – For ASB Use Only
Section 1. / It shall be the duty and power of the Student Councilto (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
- Oversee all of the student clubs in the school and to approve new clubs
- Be the supreme legislative body of the ASB
- Propose and pass legislation that is considered important to the Student Body
- Review financial reports and reconciliations from all student clubs
- Develop and adopt the annual ASB budget for the Student Body
- Oversee Master Calendar and to maintain communication with the public
- Ensure each student club completed a constitution before it can begin fund-raising activities or make expenditures of club funds.
- Enforce eligibility rules pertaining to those running for office and to confirm officer appointments
- Authorize fund raising events and approve expenses from student clubs
- Propose and pass amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws
Section 2. / The Student Council shall consist of:
- ASB Executive Board
- President, vice president, secretary, and treasurer of each of the classes (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior)
- Each member of the student council shall be able to cast one vote in each voting situation.
Article III: Student Clubs – For ASB Use Only
Section 1.
Article IV: Membership
Section 1. / All members are required to be students of Bolsa Grande High SchoolGarden Grove High SchoolHare High SchoolLa Quinta High SchoolLEC, Adult EdLos Amigos High SchoolPacifica High SchoolRancho Alamitos High SchoolSantiago High SchoolAlamitos IntermediateBell IntermediateDoig IntermediateFitz IntermediateIrvine IntermediateJordan SLCJordan IntermediateLake IntermediateMcGarvin IntermediateRalston IntermediateWalton IntermediateAnthony ElementaryGilbert Elementaryand in good standing.
Section 2. / •Students must apply each semester for membership during the first four weeks of the semester.
•Membership is held during the semester following the one in which the qualifying grades were earned (must be done four weeks after semester begins).
•Retroactive membership may not be granted.
•Students need to complete and return an application and have verification of grades (transcript or report cards).
•Students must qualify by taking appropriate course and by earning a total of 10 points. See the application form for course lists and points.
•Summer school may be used only if the student has not taken sufficient LIST 1 and 2 courses. The courses need to be from LIST 1 or 2 and the student must have taken the course for the first time.
•College courses must be taken as part of student’s “normal class load”, with the school’s approval to take the college courses. For a three semester unit class, an A grade would earn 3 points and a B would earn 2 points.
•Transfer students must apply immediately. A student may transfer semester memberships by written verification of those memberships from the CSF advisor at the former school. Students transferring from an unaffiliated school may have his/her record evaluated by the advisor, who will grant retroactive membership for the transfer semesters which qualify. A student must earn at least one semester membership at the current school to receive an award.
Section 3. / •Membership is held during the semester following the one in which the qualifying grades were earned. (must be done four weeks after semester begins).
•Membership is held during the semester following the one in which the qualifying grades were earned (must be done four weeks after semester begins).
•Retroactive membership may not be granted.
•Students need to complete and return an application and have verification of grades (transcript or report cards).
•Students must qualify by taking appropriate course and by earning a total of 10 points. See the application form for course lists and points.
•Summer school may be used only if the student has not taken sufficient LIST 1 and 2 courses. The courses need to be from LIST 1 or 2 and the student must have taken the course for the first time.
•College courses must be taken as part of student’s “normal class load”, with the school’s approval to take the college courses. For a three semester unit class, an A grade would earn 3 points and a B would earn 2 points.
•Transfer students must apply immediately. A student may transfer semester memberships by written verification of those memberships from the CSF advisor at the former school. Students transferring from an unaffiliated school may have his/her record evaluated by the advisor, who will grant retroactive membership for the transfer semesters which qualify. A student must earn at least one semester membership at the current school to receive an award.
Section 4. / List any additional requirements/qualifications for membership (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
See attached page.
Article V: Meetings
Section 1. / Meetings will be held: / MONTHLY / (monthly, bi-weekly, etc.)
on: / SECOND THURSDAY / (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
at: / RM 204 / 200 LYCEUM / (room number or other approved location)
immediately: / LUNCH TIME / (at lunch time, after school, etc.)
Section 2. / Special meetings may be called by the President with the approval of the club Advisor.
Article VI: Club Officers or ASB Executive Board (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
President / Name:
Kathy Dao / Vice-President / Name:
Sally Pham / Treasurer / Name:
Andy Luong
Secretary / Name:
Lilian Fung & Katie Khuu / Publicity Chair / Name: / Activities Chair / Name:
Athletics Chair / Name: / Academics Chair / Name: / ICC Rep. / Name:
Article VII: Duties of Club Officers or ASB Executive Board(You may attach additional pages if necessary):
President /
- To preside over all meetings of the club, officer or member
- To oversee all club activities
- To plan and prepare an agenda for the club meetings
- To work closely wit hteh adviser when dealing with the necessary paperwork for club projects, graduation honors, and annual events such as the college trip and Campus Beautification
- To represent the chapter at annual CSF Leadership Conferences
- NOTE: ALL Officers are responsible for overseeing CSF's Afterschool Peer Tutoring Program. A minimum of 1 officer is required to be present at each tutoring session. Starting in the 2010-2011 school year, each officer will be responsible for organizing and overseeing a quarterly service proejct. Every quarter, a particular class of members (9th-12th) will participate in a service project coordinated by a given officer.
(Election Committee Chair) /
- To serve in the absence of any officers, especially that of the President if he/she is unable to fulfill his/her duties either temporarily or pemanently
- To support the club officers with planning and organizing quarter projects
- To assist the President by overseeing membership activity and honors upon graduation
(Finance Committee Chair) /
- To maintain a complete and accurate record of all club receipts and donations/disbursements
- To oversee club-fundraising events
- To supervise the preparation of the club budget
- To work closely with the advisor during all CSF financial transactions, including the annual college trip and senior awards
Secretary /
- To maintain accurate minutes of each club meeting
- To carry out the correspondence between members and officers
- To publicize all projects and meetings through school announcements and the club website
- To assist the President in logging membership hours
(Activities Committee) Chair
Publicity Chair
(Athletics Committee) Chair
Academics Chair
ICC Rep.
Article VIII: Standing Committees(You may attach additional pages if necessary) - For ASB Use Only
Section 1. / The ASB President and the ASB Advisor shall appoint committee members and chairpersons to the 1) Election Committee 2) Finance Committee and 3) Activities Committees each year.
Finance Committee /
- The ASB Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee
- The Treasurers from each class, ASB Advisor, ASB Bookkeeper & one faculty member shall serve on this committee
- The purpose of the committee is to prepare & submit the final budget & approve all requests to spend ASB funds
Election Committee /
- The ASB Vice-President shall chair the Election Committee
- The ASB Advisor & the vice-presidents from each class shall serve on this committee
- The purpose of the committee is to plan, organize, and supervise all student body elections
Activities Committee /
- The Activities Chair shall also serve as the chair of this committee
- The purpose of the committee is to plan, organize, and supervise all student council activities and to facilitate the requests for school facilities from student clubs
Article IX: Succession
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3. / List any additional rules (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
Article X: Election of Officers
Section 1. / Elections of officers will be once a year, sometime in mid-May or early June.
Section 2. / Officers will be selected at the discretion of the adviser(s) and current board members.
Section 3. / Cabinet members will be chosen based on academic performance and work ethic as well contribution to the club.
Section 4. / List additional election procedures (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
- Officers are selected on the basis that they best represent CSF's motto of "Scholarship for Service."
Article XI: Removal of Officers
Section 1. / At the discretion of the adviser(s), the other board members, and/or a 2/3 vote by the club
Section 2. / Officers may only be removed for a substantial reason, including but not limited to, unlawful behavior
Section 3.
Section 4. / List additional removal procedures (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
Article XII: Advisor
Section 1. / The advisor(s) guide(s) the board in running the club effectively.
Section 2. / He/she must provide a place for monthly club meetings.
Section 3. / He/she must also serve as a chaperone during the annual college trip.
Section 4. / He/she is responsible for financial transactions with the federation (annual dues, awards, etc.)
Section 5. / List additional club Advisor’s duties (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
Article XIII: Finances
Section 1. / Fundraisers
Section 2. / Donations
Section 3.
Section 4.
Section 5. / List additional financial procedures (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
Article XIV: Amendments
Section 1. / A two-thirds majority vote of the members in attendence is required to amend this club constitution.
Section 2. / List additional financial procedures (You may attach additional pages if necessary):
Submitted by:
/ Approved by:Club President Signature / Date / ASB President Signature / Date
Club Advisor Signature / Date / I.C.C. Chair Signature / Date
Please fill out completely, acquire all signatures and return to:
Please email as attachment to:
FCMAT:ASB Accounting Manual